Chapter One

New York City

Present time

Hello my name is Samantha Collins , Sam for short. I am 25 year old narcotics detective in New York I just love it here. The lights the noise the buildings, everything. But I hate the evil I see day in and day out. I can't help but think I could have been one of the people I catch every day. I know I would have been in trouble with the law if I wouldn't have seen what I did, and met the people that I have . They changed me for the better.

I think of Boston everyday. How can I not? That city holds the best and the worst of me. I wouldn't be a detective if it wasn't for Homicide Detective Jane Rizzoli and Medical examiner Dr. Maura Isles.

Boston 9 years earlier

I hear my feet slapping against concrete. I could hear the footfalls of the three cops chasing me. I couldn't help but laugh. They really thought they could catch me? Everyone on the street calls me Trace because I'm so smart and exceedingly fast. I don't leave a 'trace' behind for them to find.

I'll have a little fun with these little donut eaters I thought to myself. As I run past shops and food stands, I spot an apple stand about half a block away. So I started to slow down so they would think they were going to catch me. But think again you loser donut eaters! I could tell that the stand that is supporting the apples is only supported by a loose piece of wood. A kick with just enough force will send those apples tumbling right when the overweight cops come huffing through. Thats when I kicked the loose leg and kept running. I could hear the echo as the apples bounced on the sidewalk, soon accompanied by bigger plops. I looked back and I could see the tubby cops fall. I wanted to just fall to the ground in laughter. I was laughing so hard tears were running down my cheeks.

I finally took off again. Oh how I hate cops, those nasty things. I kept running until I was almost to my home. It was a luxurious abandoned building. Nice right? Ha I'm 15 and homeless, but I'm not alone. I have a family. My family is made up of kids that also had nowhere to go. In our little family when you're old enough, you have to contribute to the 'house' . The oldest in our unconventional family is Jacob. He is 18 and protects us all. He brings in money fixing up houses and other odd jobs like that. Jessica is 17 and she is a waitress at Sally's Cafe'. Jace and jack are twins and they are 16. They both help Jacob with building and fixing houses but Jace also fixes cars. Jace is amazing , he also loves to draw and he has a Bieber hair cut but he is still hot. Okay if you haven't guessed, I have a tiny crush on him. The rest of us don't really have a job, because who wants to give job to grubby street kids? So all the kids over 10 contribute by begging and stealing. Thats how I got those grubby cops on my Tail. I stole some cookies for Taylor at a local mini mart. It's me, then it's Kimberly. She's 13 and is basically your dumb blond but the lovable kind. Lucas is 10 and he loves to help and he is very protective of 8 year old Jennifer (JenJen) those two are adorable. The youngest is Taylor and she is 6. She is the most adorable thing. She calls me her Angel, because she sees me as her guardian angel. She is my little buddy. I will do anything to protect her.

I am just a block away from 'my house ' When I heard two people screaming . I knew those screams, it was Jessica and Taylor. I had to help them. I had to do something; I needed to get to them. I started running towards the screams. I ran down an alley and I saw a man stabbing Jessica over and over again. Taylor was huddled in the corner bawling and screaming my name . The man was advancing towards Taylor . I couldn't let him hurt her too. I went barreling towards the man. I jumped on his back and started to choke him. He flipped me over his back and I hit the ground hard, and he was advanced towards me. I could hear Taylor bawling in the corner as he started coming at me. I did the only thing I could, and kicked him where it hurts. I started to hear sirens so I got up ran to Taylor. I picked her up and started to run

I could faintly hear the man shout "I will get her and you , just wait!."

I just kept running with a distraught Taylor wriggling in my arms. I keep running and I asked her where the others were.

"They are with Jacob" she sobbed.

I ran all the way across town to where I knew he was working. When I got there and I tried to tell him what happened, but the words wouldn't come out. I just collapsed on the ground in tears. "He killed Jess and they are coming for Taylor too I will do anything to protect her. Anything." I sobbed.