I do not own Cars or its characters, it all belongs to Disney/Pixar. I only own my OCs.



Siddeley ran. He ran out of the auditorium not even bothering to look back. Wilbur Davis, his deceased father was projected on the screen in front of everyone in CHROME academy, he just couldn't take it.

At that moment, Siddeley remembered why he was at CHROME in the first place. He couldn't avoid the reality of it all. The remembrance of his own father lying on his death-bed hit Siddeley hard in the face.

He felt like crying again. Of all times, why now? And of all places, why here? Of all the people, why them? But... of all the spies, why did it have to be his father?

All these questions were hurting Siddeley's head, but he didn't stop running. His vision started to blur as tears began forming in his eyes. He didn't even know where he was or where he was going, but he just had to get out of there.

It was like déjà vu for him. The day when Siddeley saw his father lying bruised and broken on the bed, he didn't know how to respond. So he ran. Siddeley ran away because he couldn't face the reality of his father's death. And it was happening again. Siddeley didn't want to believe the reality of his father leaving him. He was running away from the truth. Because the truth of the matter was that his father was dead, and Siddeley was at the school to follow in his footsteps and become CHROME's new beloved pilot. But how could he?

It was only his second day at the academy and he already had a bunch of problems to deal with, not to mention the confusion of two people. He had so many questions, and figuring them out wasn't exactly a cup of tea.

But the most honest truth he feared was a fact, the fact he could never run away from his new life. This was his destiny... wasn't it? His new found destiny was to fulfill his father's last request, that was all...

But little did Siddeley know that there was so much more to his life than doing what his father wanted. He was going to make a change whether he liked it or not.

Siddeley's POV

I eventually stopped running, but I didn't stop the tears that fell from my eyes. I didn't even try to hold back anymore, what was the point? I didn't know where the hell I was, or how to get back to my dorm room. And I'm pretty sure I made it obvious that the man on the screen was my father. After all, I do look like him... at least, that's what the agents on that elevator said. Not to mention the huge coincidence; a new kid arrives, then the next day there's a school funeral held for a man who looks like the new kid but way older.

I blinked a couple of times, then wiped my face with the sleeve of my shirt. Sure, it made my sleeve all gross and soggy, but what else could I do? That's when I remembered something...

I nodded and was about leave when he stopped me.

"And Siddeley?"


"I'm so sorry." He said sadly.

Finn knew... But did he know that the school was planning the assembly? If he did... why didn't he tell me? I don't even know what to think anymore. Finn is all distant and mysterious, Chloe is tough and stubborn, Jason wants to kill me, and Aiden is just a roommate who pretends like nothing bad happens! What the hell is wrong with everybody at this school?!

Was it a normal thing that people died?! I get that this whole agency thing is meant for spies... but does that mean that people die all the time? It's just not fair. Why would people sign up to risk their lives at doing such dangerous things, it just doesn't make any sense to me.

"So, Siddeley Davis, huh?" I turned around to see Chloe standing behind me, leaning against the wall, "I like it, has a nice ring to it."

"What do you want?" I asked, trying to hide a sniffle.

Chloe looked at me with concern before turning to look at the wall opposite of hers.

"Your dad, he..." Chloe started off slowly, choosing her words carefully. She sighed, then looked at me again, "You probably don't know this but, he used to come to here every month."

"Yeah, so?"

"Siddeley, everyone loved him. He was the heart and soul of CHROME. Mr. Davis knew everybody's name by heart, he'd make everyone feel special..." Chloe paused, "Except me... I didn't pay much attention to him like everyone else did whenever he came to do some workshops, but I do remember him telling me something."

By now, Chloe was right in front of me, looking me in the eye. This wasn't the rude, sarcastic, tough girl I first met. This was another girl, a different side of her, like the one that I saw this morning while I was in the infirmary. This was the girl who offered me the chance to save myself from Jason's cruelty.

Suddenly I felt arms warm around me. It was Chloe. Her arms embraced me as she buried her face in my shoulder. She didn't wait for me to hug her back when she continued.

"He told me that he had a son... who was just like me. Different... but extraordinary, and destined for greatness. I didn't care at the time because I didn't even know you, I didn't even know him but... I told him something." Chloe whispered, "I told him a secret that he promised to keep until that day he..."

Chloe pulled away from the hug and that's when I realized that she was crying too.

"I told him... about my past..." Chloe said quietly.

That's when I remembered what Finn had told me. He said that her past was nothing to joke about, and that he wasn't even supposed to know. If Chloe's past was really that bad, I wouldn't expect her to tell anyone. But if she didn't even know my father that well, then why did she tell him?

"My past is the reason why I'm here, it's the reason why I get bullied, and it's the reason why I don't let anyone know my last name." Chloe explained. "You're not the only one that's hurting, Siddeley." Then she stopped and let out a weak laugh, "Funny... almost everyone I know says that... But when you work for CHROME, what else is there to say? They train you to be an emotionless robot, so that your feelings won't get in the way when you're on a real mission. It's the only thing I actually agree with."

"What do you mean?" I asked, "Why is it good to have no emotion?"

"So that it won't hurt." She answered simply.

I was about to say something when I was interrupted by Mr. Flynn who rounded the corner and found us. His eyes immediately lightened up when they fell on me.

"Siddeley, there you are!" He said walking over to me, completely ignoring Chloe's presence.

Chloe didn't seem too fazed by it, instead she just stared at me with no emotion on her face.

"I know I probably should have told you about the assembly before hand-" Yeah, go figure, "but I didn't have the time to, I apologize..."

Mr. Flynn kept rambling on and on, but I didn't listen to a word her said. All I could think about was Chloe's statement. It's better to have no emotion than to get hurt? But why would she say something like that? We need emotions, we're human beings! Why would CHROME even consider doing that?

Is it... because of the deaths? Do they train to us to be emotionless so that we don't take people's deaths in vain? When I think about it, it actually does make sense... But still, it's not right. We're humans, not robots! We need to feel happiness, we need to feel sadness. That's just how life works... right?

"...because of course, as the headmaster, I- Oh, hello Chloe, didn't see you there." Idiot.

Chloe just glared at him, but followed us back to the auditorium. Mr. Flynn stopped in front of me as Chloe walked up beside me. We both glanced at each other before Mr. Flynn turned about to look at us.

"Now Siddeley, you don't have to go in if you don't want to, but I suggest that if you want students to continue thinking that you're..." He paused glancing at Chloe, who rolled her eyes at him but remained quiet.

"It's okay, she knows." I said, so he continued.

"If you still want your identity to remain a secret, then I suggest you go in and pretend that nothing happened... But if it's too much for you, then you don't have to go. Unlike you, young lady." Mr. Flynn said, pointing at Chloe, "You are required to go."

Chloe rolled her eyes again, but I grabbed her hand and gave her a small, weak smile.

"I'll go if you go." I said bravely.

Chloe looked at me surprised and unsure, as if to ask, 'are you sure?', so I nodded.

"I have to stop..." I said,

"Stop what?" She asked me,

"Stop running away."

Chloe gave me the same weak smile I gave her, then said, "Okay, let's do it."


Siddeley and Chloe walked back in, but nobody seemed to notice this time because their eyes were fixed on the young boy at the podium who was giving his little speech about the death of Wilbur Davis. After he was done, everyone applauded him, then Mr. Flynn walked up from the back of the auditorium to the front, where the podium was.

"Thank you, Alfie. Anyone else willing to give a little speech about ?" He asked.

A handful of students raised up their hands, but the rest of them just watched with sad looks on their faces. Siddeley shuffled uncomfortably to a seat in the back followed by Chloe.

"Sir, I'd like to give a speech." A familiar voice said, which caused both Siddeley and Chloe to gasp when they realized who it was.

"Ah yes, go ahead Jason." Mr. Flynn smiled warmly at him.

Although Jason was still in trouble from the incident the day before, Mr. Flynn still allowed him to give his speech. Siddeley noticed something different about him though... His eyes were red and puffy, and his hair was disheveled. Jason slowly trudged up the steps that led up to the stage. He got up to mic and looked at the crowd. He didn't seem nervous, but he did look like he just had a breakdown. Jason sniffled a bit before speaking into the microphone.

" was a good man who didn't deserve this fate." Jason began, "He was kind, and cool, and awesome... I just can't believe he's gone."

The crowd of CHROME students just listened sadly as Jason went on while Siddeley just gawked at him. Chloe was surprised too, but not as much as Siddeley.

"I still remember when I first met him," Jason smiled sadly, "He was like a father to me..."

Chloe looked at Siddeley with wide eyes, but Siddeley just gave Jason the most dirtiest, deadliest glare. He clenched his fists so hard that they turned white. Chloe could have sworn that she heard him growl. None of them really paid much attention to the rest of Jason's speech after he had said those seven words that made Siddeley's blood boil.

"He will be dearly missed." Jason concluded, then walked off the stage.

A few more students went up to give their speeches about the deceased pilot, but Siddeley didn't listen. He didn't want to hear the other side of his father that he never saw. It wouldn't matter anyway, he was dead. Siddeley laughed bitterly to himself. His father was dead, oh well, you can't change the past...

After the last student gave her speech, went up to the microphone to close the assembly... at least that's what everyone thought. While he was speaking, Siddeley noticed a shadow approach them. The shadow grabbed Chloe's arm then quietly left the auditorium. Siddeley bolted up as fast as he could, trying not to make a sound as he went after the two. When he got outside he could hear people shouting at each other, that's when he realized that it was Chloe and Finn.

"What the hell Finn! What was that for?" Chloe shouted at him.

"What's going on?" Siddeley asked, walking up beside her.

"He just came out of nowhere and-"

"Yeah, I saw." Siddeley said, then turned to look at Finn, "Why?"

Finn looked at Siddeley with no expression before narrowing his eyes at Chloe before he responded, "You really don't want to be in there."

"Why not?" Chloe ask angrily, but Finn shook his head.

"Chloe, just trust me, please." Finn said, his eyes softened, "I think it's better if you stay out here until the end of the assem-"

"Shut up, Finn!" Chloe shouted at him, "Don't tell me what to do!"

With that, she walked back into the auditorium, slamming the doors behind her. Once she was gone, Siddeley turned to glare at Finn.

"Alright, what's going on?"

But Finn didn't respond, instead he quickly ran back into the auditorium just like Chloe had.

"Hey wait!"

Siddeley followed, but bumped into Finn. When he looked up, all he could see were Finn and Chloe glaring at each other.

"Chloe, let's go!" He urged her quietly, but she flipped her hair in his face.


"Chloe, please."


"You really shouldn't be in here."

While the two kept bickering quietly, Siddeley looked at the stage where was still speaking. He tuned out Finn and Chloe's bickering just enough to hear the last parts of 's speech.

"... So without further ado,"

Finn looked at the stage frantically, then turned to Chloe once again.



"I present..." Mr. Flynn said with a smile.

"If you would just-" Finn was now desperate and frustrated to get Chloe out of the auditorium, but she still refused.

"Not listening!" Chloe interrupted him once again.

"The head of CHROME..."

"MISS EDWARDS, PLEASE YOU HAVE TO LEAVE!" Finn shouted at Chloe, causing her to stare at him with wide eyes.

"...Trevor Edwards." Mr. Flynn introduced as the familiar man Siddeley had met a week ago walked onto the stage.

That's when something clicked in Siddeley's mind.

Wait a minute... Chloe Edwards?

Hope you liked it!

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