Chapter 1

"Yeah, I know right!"


"She was acting like a total bitch! Someone had to give her a taste of her own medicine."

"Totally," said a 17-year-old girl, lying on her master sized queen bed. She was sprawled on her stomach, a 'Vogue' magazine whose pages had red marker circles on one of the most prestigious dresses. A strand of her blonde hair wrapped around her forefinger as she flipped it over and over. Her room was bright pink with a bit of red and lilac (which her sister nagged her about coloring). Her bright teal blue eyes were wide with mirth as she grinned widely. She had an iPhone in the other free hand, that was not toying with her hair.

Obviously the person on the other line of the call was giving the new ins and outs of her senior's goof ups. Who got together with who, and who broke up with who to trail after a long time crush. 'It was all the trends' that is what she would say when her sister came barging in, which would happen in tee minus five seconds.


"STARLET CLAIRE MANSON! YOU SHUT THE HELL UP," said a very aggravated girl, who just became 20 a few weeks ago.

Samantha Elizabeth Manson, who was better called Sam by her fellow companions (If not! she would claw their eyes out with her bare hands) entered her sister's room. Her silky raven haired locks flowing as she entered into the pathetic excuse of a decorated room. She was seething with anger, and she was in her yoga clothes, which meant that the whole house had to be like a church while she did yoga.

Her unusual amethyst eyes were narrowed on her sister who was ignoring her by turning around and lying on her back as her hair flowed past the bed post and touched the tiled floor.

"Sammy! I'm talking on the phone. Can you leave. Okay, thanks!" It was more of an order than a request. If her tone didn't piss the raven haired beauty, then the stupid pet name most certainly did. But she had to keep her united front, so that she could prove to her family that she was a grown and mature person.

She took a deep breath and exhaled all her anger with one blow and said to her sister in a dangerously low voice, "Star, I am doing my yoga practice. And I want you to SHUT. THE. HELL. UP!" at the last note her voice raised higher that it made her sister cringe and tell the person, to whom she was talking (more like gossiping) that she'll call her in a bit. She flipped and sat upright in her bed which was filled with cute pink ribbons and white cuddly teddy bears. At which Sam choked always.

"Sam! I was talking on the phone, so if you would just leave so that I could resume my conversation. Oh! and close the door on your way out," she said as she dismissed her sister again. This was becoming a routine, she would come to her room at exactly 9 in the morning and interrupt her conversation and after blowing some steam on Star, she would go stomping back to her room, and made sure that everyone found out that she was angry. But that didn't stop Star from doing what she did best, Annoy the living day light (or in Sam's case, the deadly darkness) out of her beloved elder sister.

Sam would brood in the dark confines of the room and leave the house before lunch without so much of a 'goodbye' and come home in the wee hours of night. Then it was off to bed with her.

And dear God, did she hate the weekends, when she had no excuse of work or something and had to face her entire family for a whole day, by spending quality 'Family Fun Time', as her overly preppy mother said.

She needed her own joint so that she didn't have to bear with her preppy parents and overbearing sister, but her parents wouldn't let her. They would start acting dejected and say things like, 'You're right, Sammykins, now you're all grown up, why would you need your old parents'. And if there is one thing that makes a 20 year old feel guilty, it's the fact that you failed your parents in some way, so she had to postpone her house hunting.

The only member of her family that she enjoyed talking to, was her grandmother. The old but witty Ida Manson, who was the only member of the family that understood her. Maybe it was because that both of them were alike, Sam did share her grandmothers 'Wild Streak'. And she got her looks from her grandmother, the same black hair and amethyst eyes. The same love for plants and being a firm feminist. Protecting the rights of animals that no body gave a second thought to.

On the other hand, Star Manson. Who got her looks from her father and mother, her father's blonde hair and her mother's teal blue eyes, and the cheeky preppy-ness that came as a side deal package from both her parents.

Well coming towards the matter at hand. Sam turned around and started stomping, again. And slammed the door shut behind her.

Even in broad daylight she liked to shut her bedroom covers, so that no sunlight could penetrate inside her room, whose temperature was always cold, and it was the start of the summer. Her scented cadelights were lit, that put the entire room in a faint glow with the aroma of lilacs. This was her safe haven and she wanted her life to be the same, calm and serene. She could focus, stay calm and focus. She closed her eyes as she lay down on her bed and just breathed.

Stay calm and focus, Stay calm and focus, Stay calm and...

"STAR!" she screamed.

"What!?" was her sister's reply from the other room.


The voices of her sister's obnoxious giggling stopped.

...and focus.

"It's not my fault that she's bitter!" said Star to her friend on the phone. "She's been like this forever," she said again. "And I can't stop it, I almost feel pity for the guy who dated her in freshman, he had the guts to stand her, but I don't."

"Yeah! I know."

"Yup, your right Tiff, she does need a man."

"I'm pitying him already."


"DANIEL JAMES FENTON! GET YOUR LAZY BUT OFF OF BED" said a ginger haired girl after hundreds of times knocking on her brother's door. She told their butler to wake him, then his own dog who just lolled his head one side and looked at her as if it expected to be fed. As if she would touch that monstrosity her brother had the gall to call a 'dog'. Now it was time she settled a score with her little brother on her own. She banged the door again.

A ruffling of sheets and a bone cracking sounds later, the door opened to a tousled raven haired man in the same clothes he wore yesterday. Honestly, he doesn't even change before bed.

His tired sapphire eyes looked at his sister with sheer and utter boredom, hoping she could get the message that he had duty calls last night, and he needed his beauty sleep, not that he needed it, all the girls swooned at just the mere sight of him, bedhead or not.

He yawned and cracked his knuckles as his eyes closed again so as to sleep in the doorway. That was until his sister smacked him on the head that he opened one eye. He groaned, "What?"

"Danny, get dressed, breakfast is ready," she said as she turned around. He slammed the door on her face and walked towards his bed, or what he thought was his bed.

His sister stood outside his room with her arms crossed and a smirk dangling from her lips.


Now he is fully awake.

Her job there was done so she walked elegantly towards the dining room.

Meanwhile, Danny rubbed his nose as he made, yet another appointment with his wall and went in his bathroom after picking out a pair of jeans and shirt from his wardrobe, he always wondered how his clothes went in there in the first place, and went in the bathroom, still slumped.

He got changed and awaited the wrath of his family's wackiness as he descended downstairs towards the dining room. His sisters were already there, with Danielle fighting her food with her teeth and Jazz silently using a fork and knife. Her mother doing the same.

"Morning," he said in a raspy tone, sleep still tumbling its aftereffects on his body.

They all greeted him as he sat down, his breakfast was put in front of him by his sister who insisted upon just eggs and bacon. Man how was he going to survive till lunch with this. But he dared not voice one complain, because looks could tell that Jazz is in a very bad mood. The family ate in silence as Danny asked, "Where's Dad?"

"He went out to golf with his friends, since you, obviously, weren't going to wake up," his mother Madelyn Fenton said. He threw his head back and groaned loudly. His Dad went without him, which meant that he had to spend the entire day watching soap operas with his sister and mother. Can life get any better.

"No! No! why me?" he started wailing to the heavens for his bad luck, as Danielle laughed and muttered 'Big Baby'.

"Oh, c'mon sweetie. Because you were sleeping, you missed a happy family morning," his mother said in her ever present gleeful tone.

"Happy family morning Mom?" Danny said in an incredulous tone, "You call watching Looney Tunes with this brat first thing in the morning, 'Happy Family Morning?!" he pointed towards Danielle. She just stuck her tongue out him and said, "Hey! I let you watch WWE at night and you couldn't even sit through even one of my 'Rise and Shine' episodes?"

He just put his elbows on the table and placed his head on the table.

"Elbows Off!" ordered Jazz and he yelled something unintelligible and pulled his chair back and went towards his room.

That meant that he was going to catch a burger or two at the Nasty Burger with Tucker and come home at night. This wasn't how Maddie expected a Family Weekend to go, but it had been happening for forever.

"Honestly! he doesn't have any manners, he left his breakfast and didn't pull the chair back in, how is he going to find a girl with this attitude?" said Jazz as Danielle turned her azure gaze at her 22-year-old sister and smirked.

"I'm pitying her already."

Okay another story of mine. Don't worry I'm going to upload the chapters of the other stories. So this idea just popped in on my head yesterday night and I thought why not. Hope you like it, I didn't think this story till the end but still I tried. If you want anything added just PM me, PLEASE.
Oh and thanks for the positive feed back on THE PERKS OF BEING A WALLFLOWER, don't forget the POLLS.

