My Heart Stops When You Look At Me

Plot: Since Françis Bonnefoy, Antonio Fernandez Carriedo and Gilbert Beilschmidt (better known as the Bad-Touch-Trio) accidentally blew up their own room, the vice headmaster decided to change the rooms disposition; this is how Arthur Kirkland, the smart and apparently perfect President of the school council, found himself stuck with Bonnefoy as his room mate... and the beginning isn't one of the best!

N/A: Good evening! We started this story because Banana wished strongly to write something about Gakuen!Hetalia with a lot of Fruk -since Fruk is our most beloved otp. Other than France/England, there will probably be other pairings, such as Spain/Romano, Prussia/Hungary and lots of France/Spain/Prussia at the beginning :'D We are new to this fandom, but we hope that someone will read, like -review, perhaps?- our fic! Let's hope this won't get boring, at least XD

Disclaimer: Axis Powers Hetalia and its characters belong to Hidekaz Himaruya. We only own this story and its plot.


Arthur watched as his brother turned around the corner and disappeared with his bags; if it was a relief not having to take care of that grown-up child, on the other hand his inner peace was still disturbed by what expected him: he had never divided his own room, and generally his own things, with someone who wasn't from his own family.

He squared skeptically his new roommate: that person in front of him had long blonde hair to hs shoulders, splendid blue eyes and an unkempt beard. His smiles disturbed him: they were gentle and well-educated, but somehow distant. When they shook hands, the guy glanced at his two best friends –they were best known as "The Bad Touch trio" because they were always together and it was rare to see one of them alone, and also because they were really bad; after all, the reason why that room-change was made necessary was that they apparently blew off their own room. Really, really bad.

"See you later, guys" he said. His friends nodded, then went away. Only when they were both gone with their rucksacks and bags, the guy turned to Arthur.

"Good evening, I'm…" he started, but got interrupted straightaway.

"I know who you are, Françis Bonnefoy" Arthur snapped. He only wanted to go to sleep, but he was forced to stay awake to wait for his new roommate and welcome him.

"Oh my, aren't we famous?" Françis muttered, referring to himself, and grinned. "And supposedly you are Arthur Kirkland, Student Council's president, am I right?"

"That's right. Now move your ass and came inside, or else I'll make you sleep outside" Arthur replied with a snort, he was very tired and didn't want to waste time playing with that guy. According to his piece of information, Françis wasn't actually the one to have blown up his room –the headmaster had blamed it on Antonio Fernandéz Carriedo and Gilbert Beildschmidt, the other two members of the trio-, yet Arthur didn't feel comfortable with him.

He turned abruptly and went in. Françis looked surprised –pleasurably surprised? His expression looked quite entertained- and followed him dragging his trolley along with him. Arthur pointed at the big notice hanged up on the wall behind his desk and listed all the rules Françis had to follow if he wanted to remain in that room; the guy listened to the lesson with a rather smug expression, as if he was enjoying it. When Arthur finished, Françis raised an eyebrow and commented: "You are the perfectionist type, aren't you?"

"Of course I am. I'm English" Arthur answered, as though there was some secret yet obvious link between being a perfectionist and being English.

"Of course you are English" Françis chuckled. "I thought that might be the case. Your name is very English" he added, but his tone was rather sarcastic as his eyes wandered on the wall covered with English flags and photos of England national sport teams.

"I am French."

"I hate French."

Françis didn't comment on the last statement, nor he looked particularly offended; the smile on his face was still slightly amused, which made Arthur even more irritated, and didn't know why: Françis didn't do or say anything particularly unpleasant –which Alfred, on the contrary, did quite frequently- but, still, his only presence was enough to disturb him.

"Well, if all is clear, good night" he said abruptly. He only wished to put an end to that conversation in which they hardly presented each other and go to sleep, so that perhaps he would have awakened the next morning and discovered that this was all a bad dream. But really, that wasn't going to happen. He sighed bitterly, went to bed and turned off the light without caring at all about what his roommate was doing.


The next morning Arthur was awakened by a sweetish smell, which was weird because Alfred was literally incapable of cooking – in fact the two brothers used to have breakfast at the school bar every morning right because neither of them could cook decently; but that morning the smell of sweet crepes and jam made his mouth water. He woke up and got up, instinctively moving towards the kitchen.

Françis, who already wore his uniform, was standing in front of the cookers and with a smug, skilled movement made his crepes jump in the frying pan.

"What are you doing?" Arthur frowned.

Françis pretended to think about it. "Hmm, let me think, I'm in a kitchen with crepes and a frying pan… what could I be doing…?" he wondered, without really answering to what he was asked. The sarcasm in his voice immediately got on Arthur's nerves.

"Why? But, what's most important, what did you use? Where did you find ingredients?" he insisted.

"In your fridge, of course."

"What! Didn't I tell you not to touch my things?" Arthur screamed while he pointed irritated at his rules. It took almost two years for him to inculcate them into Alfred's head, and the thought of having to repeat that terrible experience with someone else was enervating.

"Then don't eat" Françis shrugged. He chuckled when Arthur's stomach anticipated a probably insulting verbal answer coming from the English.

"C'mon" Françis said, pushing the plate towards Arthur, who blushed and murmured something against the fucking crepes while he accepted them. The crepes were beautifully made, so delicious that Arthur couldn't find even a single flaw in Françis' cooking, which made him even more annoyed; he finished the most satisficing breakfast he had ever had in years with a feeling of frustration and bitterness, in the kitchen there was only the noise of the fork hitting the plate. When Arthur raised his eyes from the table, he noticed that Françis already left the room to occupy the bathroom –that French bastard, luring him with food and then taking control of the bathroom.

Arthur walked to his wardrobe, took out the uniform together with a neat shirt, then he waited for Françis to leave the bathroom. After about fifty minutes, the French guy went out and Arthur pushed him with his shoulder to get into the bathroom; Françis gave him a little smile he didn't like one bit, and Arthur had a feeling that even his delay was programmed to annoy him. He heavily cursed in his mother language: he hadn't ever been late, not even one day in his school life, and now he risked of doing it because of that guy. Stupid French.

He took a quick shower and, when he finally got out to dress himself, Françis had already left the room. Arthur sighed heavily, he never thought he would have missed Alfred so much. He dressed as fast as he could, then grabbed his bag and ran out of the room. He passed through the courtyard which separated the dorms from the school and he managed to reach his lesson right before the bell rang. He sat in his own desk and glared at his classmates, who were all looking at him in disbelief since he was almost late for the first time since they knew him.

"What are you looking at?" he hissed, so that people stopped staring to him and pretended to retirn to their own business. Arthur sighed again and looked on his side, noticing that the guy sitting near him –his best friend since high school, the Japanese Kiku Honda, and also the one he was currently in love with- seemed to be even more distraught than him.

"Kiku? Are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

"Oh… I'm sorry, Arthur, I didn't see you come" The Japanese jumped slightly and gave him a tiny smile. Arthur observed his pale face: Kiku looked very tired, with shadows under his brown eyes and ruffled bed hair, as though he didn't have much sleep. Arthur reflected on it for about two minutes before realizing what this could mean.

"Wait… Oh, god. What did Alfred do to you?" He exclaimed, in fact he had remembered that because of the room-changing Alfred was transferred into Kiku's room. The Japanese shook his head and a very gloomy expression appeared on his face while thinking about Alfred.

"He played my horror videogames. For. All. The. Night." He muttered.

Arthur snorted, he knew just how irritating his step-brother could get. And he also knew that the whole room-changing thing was going to physically and mentally destroy both him and Kiku; he swore against the headmaster, who had instead on shift Françis on him while he explicitly requested to be in a room with Kiku. That damn headmaster. Perhaps he found all of that very funny.

"I'm so sorry. Alfred is an idiot, isn't he." He said hurriedly. "I'll talk him into stopping annoying you, I promise." Hearing those words from him made the Japanese smile in relief.

Kiku squared at him, then chuckled. "You look horrible today, just like me. You have bed hair and your shirt is wrecked from sweating. Did you run? It's rare of you to be late, usually you're up early and you arrive always ten minutes before the lesson starts." Kiku stated.

"Oh yes, I have some French bitch as a roommate and he already seems to enjoy making my life difficult" Arthur said, pessimistic.

"We were a little unlucky." Kiku looked at him sympathetically and lifted his hand to reach for Arthur's hair; Arthur's heart did a little somersault as Kiku's fingers ran gently into his hair to comb them and he felt immediately relaxed. Ever since he met him, Kiku seemed to have a really positive effect on him, and that was one of the reason Arthur loved his company.

When Kiku suddenly withdrew his hand, Arthur turned to the door and noticed that the teacher had arrived: it was the vice-headmaster, Magnus G., famous for his German features -blonde long hair and blue deep eyes- and his discipline which controlled even the headmaster. Arthur admired him because -even students who disliked him had to admit that- he constantly prevented the school from becoming a zoo.

"Guys, return to your seats and open your books. We're starting the lesson!" The vice-headmaster thundered, and students obeyed him instantly.


Arthur had never felt so unhappy once lessons were finished: the idea of having to return in his room to study in company of that guy made his nerves break even before starting. He turned to Kiku, who was walking beside him. "Want to go to the library?" he asked hopeful.

Kiku jumped, from the way he was looking around himself it was clear that he lived in terror of meeting with Alfred any moment. "S-sounds good" he answered, smiling weakly. Arthur felt really bad for Kiku and his pitiful situation, not very different from his own.

They walked up to the third floor of the school, luckily the library was a desert place most of the times as the major part of the students totally ignored its existence; they found an empty table and Kiku sat down, while Arthur set down his bag on a chair and took a book from it.

"I have to return this" he explained. Kiku nodded.

Arthur turned around and searched for the right section with his eyes, when he saw it he walked towards the high shelves with the book in his hand. Apart from them, there were only two other people in the library, a weird guy hidden behind a heap of books –he looked like he was actually hiding from someone or something- and a girl with a honey-colored braid. She observed him cautiously while he put the book in his place, then she returned to her business: she was trying to reach for some book in a very high place, so high that she couldn't seem to reach it even standing on tiptoes. She looked very cute and determined, so Arthur didn't think twice about helping her by taking the book she needed in her place. "Thanks" she said and smiled, she was very composed. She turned and went back to her table, where she was sitting alone.

Arthur observed her for a while because she looked somehow familiar, but he gave up since he couldn't think of anything he saw. He returned to his table, only to find out that Kiku had fallen asleep, with his forehead pressed on the table. Arthur didn't wake him up because he knew Kiku had had a serious lack of sleep that night; he silently sat down and stared at him, he couldn't help but smile in front of that adorableness. With his fingers he pulled away some strained locks from his forehead. Kiku moved slightly in his sleep and grabbed his hand, holding tight on it.

Arthur's heart jumped. Suddenly, he felt very light and happy, and all the bad feelings Françis gave him were replaced by the love he had for Kiku. He was sure he had blushed a little too much, but he couldn't help it. When Kiku was this cute, he couldn't get a grip on himself.

"Uhm, excuse me…" A voice behind him made his heart jump in his throat. He turned abruptly and find the girl from before standing right beside their table.

"Is your friend okay? He looks like he fainted" She frowned, adjusting the glasses on her nose. Arthur nodded mechanically and tried to sound as neuter as he could in answering: "Er, he's okay. It's just that he didn't get any sleep last night, so he's kinda recovering."

"I see… I thought he had had a breakdown. He must be really tired." The girl sighed, visibly relieved, then she fumbled into her sack and took out a small packet of strawberry candies. She put some on the table. "When he wakes up, give those to him. They are for fill up on sugar."

"Thank you, you're nice." Arthur replied smiling.

"It's nothing, really. But the library isn't for sleeping, you know." The girl glanced rapidly at his wristwatch and bit on her lip before leaving the library in hurry. Arthur watched as her long braid disappear behind the corner. Kiku started moving a little and Arthur quickly removed his hand from his grip; then the Japanese stood up suddenly and looked around himself, dismayed.

"Where am I?" he asked. Arthur covered his flushed face with a hand and controlled his voice while replying that they were in the library and that Kiku had fallen asleep.

"Were you having a dream, perhaps…?" Arthur guessed thoughtfully.

"Hmm. I don't feel like talking about it" Kiku avoided his eyes. His mood visibly worsened –whatever appeared in his dreams didn't satisfy him, and Arthur just wished he hadn't had any nightmares regarding Alfred.

"Want me to escort you in your room?" he offered, but Kiku gently declined the offer and thanked him with a smile, even though Arthur could easily notice how much he looked sad and discomforted. Probably Kiku just wanted to be alone, so he nodded and said good-bye to him, before realizing he had to return to his own room. Just the thought of having to see Françis again made him shudder with disgust… but then, he didn't have much choice. That year was going to be awful. He sighed and left the school building to walk towards the dorms.


When he finally reached his room, he stopped in his tracks listening to the voices coming from the inside.

What the fuck…?!

He abruptly opened the door and found Françis, Antonio and Gilbert playing some complicated card game Arthur didn't recognize at once: only after a more cautious glance he noticed the pieces of uniforms scattered on the floor. He shuddered. They were playing strip-poker.

"Stop, stop, if we continue like this I'll be losing my boxer too in the next turn!" Gilbert whined, he was the only one completely naked as he was probably the worst one at that game. Antonio, who as sitting beside him, gave him a slap on his shoulder and laughed.

"That's a good reason to carry on playing" Françis noted. He smiled maliciously, to which Gilbert responded with a very vexed look.

"I stop here." He declared in an almost inaudible voice, as though surrendering was terribly embarrassing and shameful for him; he had just turned to took his shirt when his red eyes noticed Arthur, who was still petrified at the door.

"Uh, Fran" Gilbert murmured and pointed at the English man. Françis and Antonio followed Gilbert's indication and saw Arthur too. Antonio smiled and exclaimed: "Good evening!"

He hadn't his shirt on, but at least he was still wearing his pants. Trembling in anger, Arthur tightened his fists to prevent himself from punching someone.

"Good evening my ass! Get. Out. Now." He hissed, furious. The three guy stared at him without batting an eyelid for some minutes, then Antonio started recollecting the cars while Gilbert dressed himself again and finally they left the room. The door closed and a cold silence fell down in the room. Arthur mentally counted up to ten for five times to try calming himself before speaking –he had an increasing impulse of smashing Françis' face in the attempt of cancel that idiotic smile from his lips. "I'm not willing to forgive any other performances like this, not now, not ever. So cut it out and stop being a goddamn jerk all the times. You're annoying. I hate you." He stated, coldly.

Françis, who was still sitting on the ground, stood up and placed a hand on Arthur's shoulder.

"Do you already hate me? After only a day of cohabitation?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. Arthur slapped his hand and hissed: "I told you I hate French. Now I hate especially you."

Françis didn't reply, so Arthur decided he wouldn't waste any more time on him; he pushed him around with his shoulder, let the bag fall on the ground and reached for his bed to sit down.

The next instant, Françis grabbed his arm and with a quick movement pushed him onto the bed. Arthur didn't even have time to realize before he found himself straddled by his roommate; Françis' face was only a few meters from his, a naughty smile formed on his lips.

"What the fuck are you doing?! Go away!" the English barked, blushing all up to his ears. He tried to free his hands to punch him, but Françis' hold on his wrists was strong as iron.

"You shouldn't be so bad to me… this way, you make me feel like being even worse…" The French's voice was low and husky, almost a whisper. "I have such arms you can't even imagine."

"What the—" Arthur didn't manage to end his protest as Françis freed one of his wrist to take his cellphone from his jeans and show him the display of the cellphone. The French then waited for the English's reaction, which came a bit later because of the shock –on Françis' display there was a photo of him, naked and turned on his back, showing the tattoo he had on his coccyx.

Arthur choked as Françis covered his mouth to prevent him from screaming.

"What—when... when did you take that photograph?!" He hissed when he finally succeeded in removing Françis' hand from his face.

"You mean, those photographs. It's not just one, I have a lot. And I took them this morning while you were showering, actually I hid the camera in the bathroom while I was there… speaking of which, spending an hour in the bathroom is a little too much for anybody, isn't it?"

Arthur gulped as realization came onto him. That's why Françis took so long in there that morning… it wasn't just him being paranoid, his roommate had planned to trick him, after all.

"You… bastard! Bitch! Go fucking die!" He snapped in humiliation and anger and tried to take the cellphone, but Françis was faster than him and got up from the bed.

"Well, well, listen to me now…" The French said, amused. "If you are up against me, I'll spread these photographs using any available means… I bet you don't wanna the whole world to see that adorable tattoo… Speaking of which, I thought that only members of some gangs had that kind of tattoo… Do you have a past as a hooligan or something like that, Mister Kirkland?"

Just the expression on Arthur's face was enough of an answer. Françis smiled triumphantly and continued, with a softer voice, almost tender.

"Now, if you understood what I mean, you'll treat me better from now on… you'll do anything I want. We'll be enjoying ourselves a lot, from now on, you'll see!" he cheerfully announced.

"This is blackmailing, you damn frog."

"Exactly. I'm glad you are so smart." Françis chuckled and sit on the bed again. Arthur sat down and quickly pulled back, as though just the physical contact with the French had the power to burn him down. Shock and anger displayed in his glaring green eyes.

"Okay, let's see if you really understood. I'll be giving your first order now." Françis said slowly, as he got a bit nearer to him. Arthur instinctively withdrew again.

"I'm not your damn pet." He muttered, frowning.

"Yeah, yeah." Françis grinned. "Stay still."

Arthur was about to reply, but something in the deep of Françis' blue eyes paralyzed him, making him subconsciously obey to the command. Françis came closer to him and gripped his chin in his fingers. "Good boy" he whispered, then kissed him.

Arthur didn't quite remember how many years passed since he had last kissed someone. The contact was humid, but not utterly unpleasant, which pissed him off even more –he should have feel only disgusted by that damn blackmailer, then how came he liked that stupid kiss?! That made no sense!

Françis let him go after one or two minutes, then stood up.

"I'll cook dinner tonight. Actually, I'll cook everything from now on. I have heard that you're not so good at cooking and I don't feel like dying yet, since I'm so young and sexy" He stated, perfectly calm. "Also, I don't want to die before I succeed in having sex with you…"

Arthur blushed even more and took a pillow from the bed to launch it towards him. "Wait and hope! You're not getting any, you fuckin' frog!" He cursed, but Françis just grinned and went into the kitchen with nonchalance. Arthur let himself fall onto his bed, exhausted. He might have to correct his precedent statement: that year wasn't going to be awful.
It was going to be an authentic hell.

Thank you very much for reading! Please let us know if you find any mistakes, we're doing our best but English is not our native language XD

See you next time!
