A/N: This is the final chapter of Need You Now. The sequel Need You Now: Part Two will be up soon. It'll pick up a few months down the road and will allow us to see where Christian, Ana, and the rest of their friends and family are in their lives. Thank you so much for all who followed, favorite, and reviewed the story. It truly means a lot.


"Ros, I've found who I believe is going to be the perfect person for the head of PR position." I hand her the resume in my hand and stand back while she glances over it. Her expression is unreadable at first, with only a nod here and a nod there. She places the paper back in my hands and goes back to her the paperwork she was working on. "Well, aren't you going to say something? What are your thoughts?"

"I think you did well. This is a résumé I placed in with yours after I read it. I was hoping you would see it and feel the same as me.", she replies with a grin. In her hands is the resume of Samuel Corrigan, a man who spent the last ten years in the PR department of the Seattle Times.

"You set this up?"

"I wouldn't call it a set up. I found who I believe is the perfect person for the job and just happened to drop his résumé in with yours. If we don't hire him, we'll hate ourselves."

"It says here that he left the Times because he was passed over for a promotion."

"From what I've read, he was up for the head of PR spot at the newspaper, but it was given to the publisher's son who has very little experience. I can't say I don't blame Samuel for being upset. This is good though. He's worked in media and knows how they operate which will come in handy."

"Let's call him and set up an interview, preferably as soon as possible.", I tell her. "Here we were worried about the empty position, and things are falling in place."

"I knew they'd work out. Things always work out." Ros sits down and smiles. "I've noticed a lightness about you since you returned from your trip. I take it things went with Charles Murphy went well." While in New York, I called Ros and told her the results of the DNA but didn't go into detail, nor did I tell her about my stop in Detroit.

"Things with Charles went well. He's going to fly out the weekend after next. Before we returned home, we made a detour in Detroit. That part of the trip was very emotional and also eye opening."

"How so?", Ros asks. "I'm sorry if I'm being too nosy."

"You're fine. Ros, you've been by my side through so much over the years. It's only right that I talk to you about this. I met Susan Murphy, Charles's mother. It was an intense meeting with a woman who has no morals. She knew my birth mother had gotten pregnant, but she kept her mouth shut. The kicker is she was aware of my mother's problems and chose to do nothing to help her or me. She turned her back."

"Christian, I'm sorry."

"I went to the cemetery and saw where my mother's buried. Standing in front of her grave after learning about all she endured changed me and my views on her. I can't ever forget what happened as a result of her addiction and prostitution, but I forgive her. I know she was lost. I only wish she had found her way back on course."

"You think this Samuel Corrigan might be good for person for the PR spot?", Ana asks while we're sitting outside on the patio. Following an early dinner, we came out here to watch the sunset. Jamison is sitting in my lap and has his eyes on a butterfly on the side of the house.

"I believe he'll do an outstanding job in the position. Ros and I are meeting with him tomorrow. I've got my fingers crossed the postion will be filled by the end of the day tomorrow."

"I'm glad to hear that.", Ana says, looking over at the same butterfly that's holding Jamison's attention. "That's a beautiful butterfly, isn't baby boy." His eyes move to Ana while she continues talking. "Butterflies are wonderful creatures. Your Aunt Natalie loved them. When we were younger, she and I would spend hours at a time trying to catch them. I asked her one day why she loved them so much. She said, "Because they can fly and look so free." She and your Grandma Carla are kind of like butterflies. They're around but are free." I noticed earlier Ana has a somberness about her tonight, and now I'm wondering if the reason is because of her mom and sister.

"Ana, do you want to talk?"

"As you know, my dad came over today.", she sighs. "When he called and asked if he could drop by, I thought it was to just spend some time with us. He got here and played with Jamison until it was time for Jamison's nap. After laying Jamison down, my dad kept lingering and acting like he needed to talk. I flat out asked what was wrong. He's planning to propose to Mary."

"Proposing? That's great.", I smile even though Ana simply shrugs. "Ana, you've been supportive of Ray and Mary's relationship from the beginning, including their moving in together. What's changed your attitude?"

"I'm still supportive. When he does ask her, I'll be happy for them. I'm just a little emotional knowing that there's going to be another Mr. Ray Steele."

"I get where you're coming from. Having your father married to someone else is going to be an adjustment, but it's also going to be a good thing. When is he planning on doing it?"

"He's hasn't decided. He only said he wanted my blessing which I gave him."

"Was he sweating while asking for your blessing? I remember I felt like passing out when I asked for your hand in marriage.", I laugh.

"There wasn't any sweating.", she giggles.


"Last night Bryce and I were going to a movie, but I couldn't find anything to wear. I finally found this pair of black capri pants that I bought a few months ago. I remember they were a too loose at first, but last night, they fit perfectly.", April says while Jamison and I are joining her for lunch in the break room at GEH. Christian's still in his meeting with Ros and Samuel Corrigan. They've been holed up in Christian's office for the past hour, a sign that things might be going well. Still, the lunch gives April a chance to see Bryce who's giving her a sympathetic look. "We went for burgers before the movie. I was in the process of sitting down when I heard a rip. It sounded small but was followed by an even louder one. The girl at the table next to us couldn't hold in her laughter. It was beyond embarrassing."

"April, I'm sorry. I had a few near mishaps while pregnant."

"Near mishaps. You didn't have the full experience."

"The girl at the other table was rude.", Bryce says. He scoots his chair closer to April's and wraps his arms around her shoulders.

"My knight in shining armour took off his jacket so I could wrap it around my waist. It's almost time for me to get back to work. I'm going to man the office while Andrea takes her lunch." I stand and start getting Jamison ready to leave. "Christian's meeting should be ending soon. Aren't you going to wait?"

"I'm not sure. He's probably got a lot of work. Besides, you're the one who I came to have lunch with.", I laugh.

"I'm wounded.", Christian pouts from the hallway before he and Taylor walk into the break room. Jamison starts crying from his carrier but stops the moment Christian takes him out. "This is what you wanted, huh? You wanted Daddy to hold you. I'm sorry my meeting ran over."

"It's fine. If you don't mind my asking, how did it go?"

"We had a lengthy and detailed discussion about what we want from whoever gets the jobs, and he basically laid on the table what he can bring to the position. Both Ros and I were impressed with his confidence and the way he carries himself which will come in handy during interviews."

"Well...did you offer him the job?", Bryce asks.

"I did, and he accepted. He starts first thing in the morning. I told him he could wait until the first of next week, but he assured me he wants to get things going as soon as possible."

"It appears everyone's getting to a happy place in their lives.", April smiles. She turns to Bryce and grabs his belt loop, pulling him towards her. "How about you walk me to my desk?"

"Ana, would it be ok? I won't be long."

"Go.", I shoo them away before watching Christian as he talks to Jamison.

"You're the cutest baby in the world. Yes you are. Daddy and Mommy love you so much. I would show you, but my arms can't stretch to infinity." He kisses the top of Jamison's head and then places a kiss on my cheek. "April was right about everyone getting to a happy place. I'm so glad I stopped in the diner that night for coffee. Of course my waitress wasn't very friendly, but she came around."

"She also ended up with the best tip ever in the history of waitressing."