Moon Hawk

Chapter 4

Panting, Usagi leant against the wall. Why had Haruka/Saturn attacked her like that? Something wasn't right- that much was obvious.

~ My daughter... ~

Startled by the voice, Usagi's head shot up as she looked around frantically "Who's there?" she choked out.

~ It is not safe for you to walk the streets as you are. Your name is feared ~

"Feared..." she repeated, half-recognizing the voice

~ You must change, and Learn. Much has changed, and not for the better ~

"What do you mean?" Usagi called

~ Two names you must learn as enemies. IceWing and MoonHawk ~

"IceWing and MoonHawk..." It was then she realised who it was- Queen Selenity!

~ Remember them. Use your training and follow your instincts- do as you must. Never forget the Crystal- it will help you ~

Usagi nodded, throat dry "I won't fail you Mother."


Usagi spent the night dozing against an alley wall, clutching the crystal to her chest. Perhaps not the wisest place to be, but the city had changed so much.

When Usagi woke, she thought through her options. Either get up and disregard the Queen's advice, or disguise herself and mingle with the crowd, trying to figure it all out.

With a grimace she stood, taking out the Luna Pen. Using it, she transformed from a blue-eyed long blonde to a brown-eyed short blonde, and from her old school uniform to a navy dress.

Satisfied, she stepped into the street, narrowly dodging someone walking into her. Shame the other person didn't have such reflexes.

"Sorry!" Liten offered a hand to the fallen figure.

"It was my fauly, don't worry!" they assured her, standing up. Usagi nearly hugged the pink-haired teen. Checking herself, she smiled and introduced herself. "I'm Us- Rena."

Rini smiled as well "I'm Rini, nice to meet you." she rubbed her arm "Even if it was abrupt." Usagi laughed. Seizing the opportunity, Usagi gave a sheepish grin. "Can you help me? I'm lost. It's a long story, but I haven't a clue where I am..."

Rini nodded "That's all right. It's easy to lose yourself here. Where were you headed to?"

"Uh... The Crown Arcade."

A shadow flitted across Rini's face "It closed. Years ago."

Usagi looked confused "Well... Does anyone live there anymore?"

Rini paused "Why don't you meet my friends and we'll have lunch?" she suggested, ignoring the question

Usagi nodded "I'd like that."

"Then let's go." the pair set down the street together. One confused, the other cheerful.

End of Chapter 4

*grins* here's chapter 4, FINALLY... sorry it took so long- I've been restricted to using Word Pad instead of Micro. Word. *kicks computer* stupid machine. Ah well...

Leave a review if you so desire, but I won't hate ye if ye don't, I too can relate to that lazy-ass feeling that attacks without warning

