
Have you ever wished your life was a romantic comedy? That like Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blonde or Sandra Bullock in The Proposal you could meet the man of your dreams, and find a way to make him fall madly in love with you. I've been wishing that same thing for the past year. Only no matter how hard I wish, and how many ways I think of to catch my dream man, nothing ever seems to work out in the end. My name Stephanie Plum and I am desperately in love with a man that had no need for romantic relationships. That man is Ricardo Carlos Manoso, or as he's known on the streets, Ranger.

He is second generation Cuban American and the most handsome man I've ever seen. He is six feet of dark mocha colored skin, and muscles that looked like they were etched in stone. His eyes are deep brown and they give away very little about his thoughts, and feelings. Ranger owns a security company called Rangeman. I am currently employed there, full time as a researcher and customer service specialist. The company also holds a few contracts with the government. (I'd like to tell you about those but I'd have to kill you. I've always wanted to say that to someone.) The company is very successful, and employees a small army of former military men in three offices; Trenton, Boston, and Miami. Ranger also has a very secret side he is a former Army Ranger, and is currently a special operative for the U.S. government. I don't know for sure what he does for our country, but whatever it is I am sure we are all safer and happier because of it.

Ranger's Porsche Turbo pulled into the parking lot of my new condo and I was hanging on by a string. My nerves were shot from the constant battle between my mind and heart. My heart feels a strong pull toward this dark, dangerous, handsome man in the seat next to me. My mind says to be diligent of his every word and action. Tonight we'd had dinner with a client who owns a chain of jewelry stores across the northeast. Because it was a dinner meeting GQ Ranger had shown up at my door wearing dark gray slacks and a black cashmere sweater with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows showing off his beautiful forearms and his Rolex watch. Since the moment I saw him standing in the doorway tonight I've been reminding myself to be strong and stand vigilant. Now that we are back at my place, I can finally breathe. It's over, I survived.

"Thanks for everything Ranger. Dinner was delicious and I'll work on getting the notes typed up and emailed to you first thing in the morning," I said reaching for the door handle, plotting my escape from the force field that was Ranger. "Thanks again, goodnight."

"I'll walk you to the door," Ranger said.

"That's not necessary. Really, since I've come to work for you full time there's not been a stalker or a crazy person in my life. I have a state of the art alarm and a security camera on my door. Not to mention Lester lives next door. I'm perfectly safe."

"I'll walk you to the door," Ranger said.

I got out of the car and Ranger rested his hand on the small of my back guiding me up the sidewalk. I gave him the key to the door and he pulled his gun to do a security sweep. I stand in the foyer until he's cleared the kitchen. Once he's gone into the bedroom to check for killer dust bunnies under the bed, I walk into the kitchen for a drink.

Just let him look for the boogie man and he'll be on his way. You can do this. Just keep a safe distance and don't make eye contact. Five minutes and it'll be over for the night. I real need to get professional help, it can't be normal to talk to yourself this much.

Ranger walked into the kitchen where I was currently leaning against the counter drinking a bottle of water, giving myself another pep talk in hopes of making it through the night with both my dignity and my underwear intact.



"Thanks for going with me tonight. It's easier to meet with clients when you're with me. Small talk has never been my best skill," Ranger said.

"Sure, I'm glad I could help," I smiled and nodded hoping that I was reassuring and that he didn't catch that crack in my voice. The kitchen was getting smaller and I was starting to sweat. Stay strong I reminded myself. Ranger reached his hand out to touch my face and I ducked out of his reach, scurrying into the safety of the living room. Breathe. In. Out. In. Out. Keep breathing don't let him touch you. Stay back, guard your heart.



"Is there something wrong?"

"No. Why do you ask?"

"Steph, fear is written all over your face, and you just ran out of the kitchen."

"Did I?"

"Babe," he says giving me his almost smile, that doesn't quite reach his eyes.

"I guess I'm just a lot sleepier than I realized."

"Are you sure?"

"Y-yes, I'm sure. I wouldn't lie to you Ranger, you know that. We are always honest with each other, remember? Besides you know I'm a terrible liar," I rambled.

Please, please just let him leave. Please. Please. Ranger tucked a finger under my chin lifting my face towards his and studied my eyes looking for something. What he's looking for I'm not sure. To keep from breaking into tears or throwing myself at his body I studied his eyebrows. I'm sure he noticed I wasn't making eye contact. Ranger notices everything. But I had to do something to hold it together. I was so close to making it to the end of this night. All I had to do was make it through these last couple minutes and I could fall apart, take a shower, and go to bed.

"Stephanie, we need to talk."

"I'm tired, Ranger. It's been a long day. Lester made me get up at dawn to run with him. Then I helped Lula catch a skip for Vinnie, worked at Rangeman. Then the dinner tonight. Really I just need sleep."

"Sure Babe, we'll talk tomorrow."

"Goodnight," I said, walking him towards the door.

"Lock the deadbolt and turn on the alarm," he instructed.

"Yes, sir I will. Thanks again for dinner," I said before closing the door.

I flipped the locks as soon as I closed the door knowing he would stand there until he heard them click into place. Let out a ragged breath looked though the peephole to make sure he was leaving. When I saw him turn to walk away I slid down the door onto the tile floor. I rested my head against the door and let out the tears and sobs. I wasn't sure how much longer I could go on pretending everything was fine.

Stephanie, Stephanie, Stephanie. I scolded myself. Tonight was close; you're going to have to be more guarded if you're ever going to work him out of your system. That man doesn't love you and never will. Friendship that's what he's offering. He's told you that he is an opportunist, and that he wants in your bed but not in your heart. He doesn't want marriage, or even a serious relationship. You're nothing more than a good friend and entertainment for his men. Do not fall down that rabbit hole again.

Once I finished crying and chastising myself for being foolish, I got up off the floor, turned off the lights in the living room and kitchen, and went to the bathroom to take a long hot shower.

Standing under the stream of hot water I let my mind go back in time thinking about how I'd ended up in this position. Three months ago I assisted Rangeman in a capture at a local bar in Trenton. My part of the capture was pretty easy, the guys and Ranger call it a distraction, I get dressed up in a sexy dress and trick the man is that has skipped out on bail into following me outside. Once they are out the door a couple of the Merry Men (that's what I call Ranger's employees) tackle him and take them back to jail. I've done this same act so many times it's a little crazy. Every time I think this will be the one where the guy won't fall for it, but so far it's always worked. If you really think about it, men are dumb. A short skirt and high heels just seems to strike them incapable of coherent thought. Even a smart man like Ranger can't resist.

That Friday night while a couple of the Merry Men took the bad guy back to jail; Ranger drove me home to my apartment. He walked me inside, and in a moment of weakness my I listened to my heart and gave into my love for Ranger. In that one incredible night I lost another part of myself. In the dawn of morning as he walked away from my bed I remembered why I should listen to that little voice in my head. I waited all weekend for a call that didn't come. Once again I'd been a victim of the wizard.

The following Monday I called Tank and told him I wouldn't be coming into work at Rangeman. I was working there part time doing background checks for customers and skips (a skip is a person that the court system had ruled Failure to Appear and currently there was a bounty for their return to jail. Rangeman handled apprehensions for bonds of $500,000 and up for a 10% return on the bond) I didn't explain why I wasn't coming in and he didn't ask. I'm sure that Rangeman ESP (they are all wizards on some level) works over cell phone satellites.

After I disconnected from Tank I decided to call Connie and tell her I would be coming by in the afternoon to drop off my receipts, pick up any checks, and look through the files for any lower bonds. Connie was the office manager at Vincent Plum Bail Bonds where I also worked part time as a Bond Apprehension Agent (aka bounty hunter) I know that Ranger always goes to the bonds office in the mornings to handle Rangeman business. I needed a couple days to get my act together. I couldn't face Ranger again so soon. I wasn't sure if I could keep from embarrassing myself by crying or begging him to come back to my bed. It was best to keep my distance.

I'd fallen asleep again and was startled awake when the phone rang. After a few seconds of searching without opening my eyes my hand located it and I answered without looking at the caller ID. This was mistake number one. Mistake number two was cursing under my breath when I heard Ranger's voice on the other end of the line.

"Problem, Babe?" Ranger's voice was controlled. He's always in control. If you knew him well enough you could hear that he was forcing the control this time. I guess swearing at the sound of his voice wasn't a good idea.

"No, I'm fine. Why?"

"You called Tank to say you weren't coming to work this afternoon, and you sound stressed."

I didn't really know what to say. How do you tell someone that has made it clear that all that can be between you is friendship and sex; that you are avoiding them, because they broke your heart? Again.

"I'm sure I'll feel better tomorrow."

"Babe, are you sick? Do you need to go to a doctor?"

"No I'm not sick."


Now here's the thing about Ranger "Babe" can mean a thousand things or just one thing at the same time. When he first started calling me Babe I thought it was a cute pet name, I loved to hear it. Now I wish he'd grow a vocabulary already. Today in this moment Babe means explain why you don't feel good.

"Ranger you're a smart man, you have 3 sisters and an ex-wife, give it a little thought."

"Babe." This time Babe means he understands. See what I mean; forget an English/ Spanish dictionary I need an English/ Ranger dictionary.

"Ranger," I sighed. Mostly the sigh was guilt because I'd just lied to my best friend. A friend that had never lied to me, ever.

"I have to go to Miami for the rest of the week. I'll be on my cell if you need me. If you need something here call Tank."

"Don't get shot."

"Don't go crazy." Click. Just like that he was gone.

I'd just been given a reprieve from seeing Ranger. This gave me a few days to pull my act together. And figure out how I'm going to handle the situation. The last time he'd walked out of my bed at dawn, I'd confronted him, and he'd told me to repair my relationship with Morelli. This time that wasn't a possibility. Joe was seeing someone else, and we hadn't spoken to each other in over six months. Not that going back to Joe was an option regardless of those two factors; Joe and I were just not meant to be.

After a day of vegging out watching Friends reruns and Ghostbusters, I decided that I'd stick with what had always worked for me in the past. Denial. That's right good old denial. Friday night never happened. Yeah right, I was sure that I would be able to forget it, maybe. If I can just stop thinking about how magical it felt to have Ranger on top of me, inside me, touching me. The feel of his back slick with sweat, the way his lips kissed me, everywhere. How he whispered in my ear, while he drove me crazy with his slow thrusts. The way his eyes darkened as he pushed me into orgasm after orgasm. Should be easy to deny, no problem, if he could forget so could I. After all this is what Ranger offered. Nothing more.

Tuesday afternoon I went to work at Rangeman and found a very frustrated Tank sitting at his desk rubbing his big, bald head and muttering under his breath. Tank (trust me when I tell you the name fits) is a huge black man who served in the Army with Ranger. He runs the Trenton office when Ranger is out of town or away on a Special Ops mission.

"Tank are you okay? You looked a little overwhelmed."


Great another guy with the one word sentence complex.

"Tank you've got to help me out here; yeah you're okay or yeah you're overwhelmed. I don't have Rangeman ESP so you have to use more than one word," I said rolling my eyes in true Jersey girl style.

"It's this paperwork, I can't get it done for the damn phone calls," he says looking at me, still rubbing his head.

I nod back at him rolling my hand around as a signal he should keep talking.

"Customers, they've been calling all morning. Lester and I have been taking the calls trying to answer questions about new accounts and questions about existing contracts. Plus we don't have anyone to do background checks full time so we get behind and clients get panicked. Then we find ourselves trying to catch up between field calls. It's pretty much FUBAR all the time lately."

I stood there shocked. My eyes wide not sure what to say, I didn't know Tank could talk this much.

"How can I help?"

"Come to work here full time," Tank said.


"Come to work at Rangeman full time. We need someone to do the background checks full time. You're the best we've ever had. Everyone would love to have you work here full time, and you'd be a great part of the team. Plus the benefit and salary package would be great."

"I don't know, Ranger has never said anything about me working here full time."

"We've talked about it. We've talked about it a lot. If you want the job it's yours. You'll need to sign a new contract, not much will change except for your salary, you'll have a couple new benefits added, and there will be more expected of you regarding physical training, and fire arms."

Great they'd want me to carry a gun all the time. I hate guns. I didn't mind carrying at first, but after I killed Jimmy Alpha, I hated it. I still have nightmares about his body sliding down the wall of my apartment. The way it looked when he died, his body lying there on the floor. Then there was the time that Ranger was shot by that crazy stalker Scrog. The nightmares of him bleeding in my living room kept me up for weeks after. Sometimes the events get mixed up in my dreams and I see myself killing Ranger. When I have that nightmare I can't sleep for days. Thank goodness I'm from Jersey makeup can do wonders for hiding dark circles.

"Earth to Steph. Hello. Are you still with me?" Tank was waving his hand in front of my face trying to pull me out of my dazed state.

"Sorry," I said shaking my head to clear my mind. "I guess I am a little shocked. I don't know, Tank. If Ranger wanted me to work here full time he would have said something. We don't keep things like this from each other. You know he's always been honest with me."

Tank took a breath and sighed. I wasn't sure how much more could take. First Tank started stringing together words, now he's sighing. Maybe Rangeman has been taken over by aliens.

"Look Little Girl, I know you and Ranger are close. Hell, I think besides Lester, Bobby and me you're the only other person he trusts completely. I know he's wanted you to come here full time for a while, but he's concerned you'd hate being behind a desk and quit completely. If you don't believe me, go ask Lester he should be in his cubical."

"No, Tank I believe you. Can I think about it for a day or two? I don't think being behind a desk would be a problem, but I have some reservations about other things."

"Sure, Steph take your time. I didn't expect you to take the job right away. To be honest I didn't even expect you to say you'd consider it," Tank said.

"Well, I'm going to get started on my inbox, I'll let you know in a couple days what I decide."

After work I went back to my apartment, and ordered a pizza. Lester was coming over to hang out, and he was bringing the beer. Pizza and beer, now that's food a girl can use to power her decisions. Not that making this decision should really be that hard. I'd really grown tired of being a bounty hunter. I hated chasing skips through garbage. Plus they kept blowing up my cars. That's how I ended up with that stupid nickname The Bombshell Bounty Hunter. Some of the guys at Rangeman call me Bomber or Bombshell. I know they mean it as a term of endearment so I never complain, but lately I've been sick of hearing it. I'd been thinking about making a few changes and working at Rangeman full time would be a good start.

The knock on the door made me jump and shook me from my thoughts. I walked over to the door looked through the peep hole and found Lester holding a pizza box and a six pack. Lester is hot. His body is just a toned as Ranger's only he not as broad. He has black hair, and warm caramel colored skin. With bright green eyes that dance when he's playful or flirting. Both of which he does a lot. He's also Ranger's cousin.


"Beautiful, open the door."

"What's the password?"

"Password? The pizza is getting cold and beer is getting warm," Lester called from the other side of the door.

I swung the door open and smiled my best cover girl smile. "That's the right password for today. But the management reserves the right to change the password tomorrow," I said taking the pizza box from his hands, while he gave me a big wet kiss on the cheek.

We sat down on the couch and started eating, while watching the Knicks and Bulls game. I was half way through my second piece when Lester turned to me and said, "You're going to take the job, right?"

"Tank told you I'm guessing."

"Come on Beautiful having you around all the time will be great. Since I'm a part of the core team I've been in on the discussions about hiring you full time. The salary would be more than you make now, and the benefits are good. You already have Rangeman health insurance, but you'd get dental, and a nice salary, with a company car."

"It's a tempting offer. Really it is, and I'm thinking about it. I just want to talk to Ranger first."

"Let's call him. He'll tell you the same thing Tank and I have, but if it makes you feel better, then let's call him right now," Lester was so excited he sounded like a kid at Christmas.

"NO! We can't call him," I screamed.

"What? Why not?"

"He's out of town, in Miami. I never bother him when he's out of town. Besides he might be on a date or something." I said looking down at my lap. It'd never really occurred to me until just that moment that he might be on a date. Maybe that's the reason he didn't call the next day. It could be that he's seeing someone and he didn't want me to think we were going to start dating.

"Beautiful, are you serious? You think he's on a date? Ranger? Don't be ridiculous. He's in love with you."

"Yeah, right. Trust me Les, Ranger is not in love with me. He loves me, I know that, but it's not a romantic kind of love."

Les squinted his eyes and looked at me like I was nuts. Then he pulled out his cell phone and called Ranger.

"Shit," I said reaching across Lester trying to grab the phone out of his hand before it was too late.

"Yo." I heard Ranger voice through the speaker on the phone.

"Ranger will you please tell Stephanie that she should come to work at Rangeman full time."

There was a long pause. Then I heard Ranger say something to Lester in Spanish. Then Lester handed me the phone and I heard Ranger tell someone to give him five minutes. Was that the woman he's dating? I wonder what she looks like I bet she's tall, and thin with straight hair. She's probably never had a car explode. I can't blame Ranger for wanting to spend time with someone who's perfect like he is.


"I'm here."

"Babe if you want the job it's yours. I don't want to take away your freedom. That's why I've not asked you. Why don't you take a few days, think about what you want. If there's anything we can do to make the job more appealing then we'll do it. If not and you want to stay part time, that's fine too."


"Take your time. Let me talk to Lester."

"Thanks, Batman."

"Babe." This time Babe meant you're welcome, and goodbye.

I handed the phone back to Lester, I wanted to eavesdrop on their conversation but it was in Spanish so I just ate another slice of pizza, and thought about my options. I already knew I was taking the job, I just needed to decide how to handle being around Ranger all day.

Things will change for Stephanie. She's going to have some growing pains. But she's going to end up in a much better place, with more stability, and a hot guy that loves her. If you have any suggestions let me know. Thanks for reading.