Alrighty guys, it's time for the moment you've all been waiting for, (Drum roll) the explanation to Peter's mysterious amnesia.

Ok, so this explanation doesn't really come out until close to the end of the third book and so as not to make you wait so long – since I don't know when that part of the story is coming out – I will tell you this now.

To make things clear the magical light surrounding Peter is, in fact, pixie dust that had once surrounded Peter in the beginning of the story that Wendy slowly started noticing that it was disappearing. If you haven't read that part or you didn't notice it before you can always go back to chapters 8 and 15, I think there's another chapter around there but I'm not sure….

Anyway, that pixie dust glow that surrounds Peter when he's falling is the cause of his amnesia so he really isn't hallucinating anything. That dust was sent be none other than Neverland itself, and you can read an excerpt from chapter 4 paragraph three that goes "Tinkerbelle later explained that the magic of Neverland was wearing off of me since it presumed that I was ready to grow up, but she was wrong…" so Neverland is the cause of Peter's growth, amnesia, and all the changes happening around London like his parents and his new life.

So when Wendy is kidnapped and Peter is slowly remembering stuff and that light – that he can only see himself – is trying to avoid him from remembering since he has already made a choice with staying in London.

So now you know the truth and it really isn't that much, since I left a lot out that would only spoil more of the story later on and I don't want that just yet. In addition I will be adding some of the things my lovely reviewers have inspired me with so if you guys have any more ideas you want to share please do so that way that nasty virus of writers block won't get me. You all are my cure.

In any case, this story has finished and I want to thank everyone who has read my story, followed, favorite, and reviewed such amazing praises that have gotten me to continue this project.

I'd like to thank kittyhawk09 for being my very first reviewer and story follower. To be honest if it hadn't been for your review I wouldn't have continued this story at all, so thanks.

I also thank everyone else who have been cheering me on and I'm hoping to be hearing from you in the next book that will be coming out soon, which is basically July 4 as a present for Independence day so look out for that. It's called Hook's return, and I would call it something else but let's just say I'm not that good with titles, so yeah.

If you're still confused don't be scared to ask any questions. I'll be glad to answer anything.

Well, until next time my lovelies.