'Yes Your Majesty'

By Angel Of Anime



Disclaimer: Ok if I owned DBZ, would I really be posting fanfics on ff.net, I mean come on! Gimme a Break!


"Vegeta! Wake up!! The council members are waiting!!"

"Shut. up. woman!"

"You asked for it." Bulma dumped the bucket of water she was carrying over the half conscious Saiya- jin Prince. He woke with a start and glared daggers at her.

"Chi Chi can't stall them forever!" Bulma set the bucket down and scurried over to the enormous closet to pick out an outfit for the prince. *This'll do,* She whipped out a set of dark blue and silver armor as Vegeta began to drag him self out of bed.

"You'll pay for that woman!"

"Just like you will if your father finds out you ditched another meeting!" Bulma rushed around and began to help the prince put on his spandex suit and armor.

"I can dress myself!"

"Suuure ya can," She went and got the can of hairspray she had invented and touched up the Prince's gravity defying hairstyle.

"There, that's the best I can do, now go!" Just as he started to protest she shoved him out of the bedroom and into the meeting room, where the council members were already seated.

".And there he is!" Said a very distraught Chi Chi. She had her hair tied back in a tight bun and she was in a formal Saiya- jin dress. Vegeta scoffed and took his seat at the head of the long marble table. The marble was an eerie shade of blue and seemed to glow; it had been a gift from Freiza, no doubt from a plundered planet.

"And the environment blah blah blah blah blah,"

"That's absurd, blah blah blah blah!" Vegeta just sighed, it was like this every morning. As soon as she knew he was seated, Chi Chi took off towards the kitchen; the prince would need a good meal after this meeting.

Chi Chi walked into the enormous kitchen and began to heat up the oven. Bulma had invented it and it took less then half the time to heat up than the normal ovens did. She pulled out some space ham and green eggs and started to fry them on the stove when she heard Bulma walk in.

"So what did it take today?"

"Bucket of water," Bulma sighed and sank into one of the chairs at the slave dinner table.

"He'll be angry after the meeting."

"Yeah, yeah," Bulma sighed again and turned the chair to face Chi Chi.

"He's changed so much, I remember when he first started wearing that hairstyle."

"Yes, he was five and he used the new hair spray you invented," The timer on the oven went off, signaling it had reached cooking temperature.

"Sometimes I miss things the way they used to be."

"We all do, but things change, you can't help it," Bulma leaned back in the chair, remembering when she had first come to the palace.


"DADDY! DADDY WHERE ARE YOU????" A scared little three-year-old Bulma ran through the labyrinth that was the Imperial Palace. That morning men had come and taken her away from her family, and brought her here, here to be a slave to some 'Prince'.

Bulma rushed along the winding hallway when she came to some great golden doors. Without hesitating she flung them open and ran in, looking all around her. There was a small boy, her age, maybe a year or so older in the middle of the room playing with some blocks. There were guards all around, standing like statues. Her eyes filled with tears Bulma ran smack into one of the guards, her head smacking into his kneecap. She looked up at the warrior, his face was covered in battle scars and his tail swished angrily behind him as he picked her up by the scruff of her neck.

"D- Do you know where my d- dad- daddy is?"

The guard only shook his head and growled, then proceeded to the door.

"Wait! Stop, let her down!" The little boy from the middle of the room had run up to the guard and was tugging on his tale.

"As you wish, you highness." The guard half dropped/ half let Bulma go, who was even more scared now. She sat on the floor and big tears began to roll down her cheeks.

"I miss, *SOB* my d- da- daddy!" The boy looked at her strangely, he had never seen a child his age before, let along a girl his age, *Is this how all girls act?*

"Wha- What's wrong?" Bluma stopped crying to look at the boy, still sniffling and the big wet tears still running down her face.

"Big mean men came to my house, and they took me away, and they made me wear these clothes, and they took me here, and I miss my daddy!"

"Really? That happened to me too! Except they took me away from my mommy!" The girl looked at the boy again.

"R- re- really?" She managed to choke out.

"Yeah!" The girl smiled at the little boy.

"My name's Vegeta, what's yours?"

"I- I'm Bulma!"

"Do you want to play with me??" She nodded and the two began to build a large block tower, then when they were done Vegeta insisted he knock it down and he stamped through it, like King Kong on a rampage. Bulma only laughed. That's when the King had come through the doors.


"Uh sorry sir, the little prince requested it,"

"Just, just take her away!" The King rubbed his temples as Bulma was scooped up and carried away. She waved at Vegeta who looked longingly after her.

"Bye bye!"

"Bye bye, Bulma!"


Bulma smiled at the memory, Vegeta was so cute when he was little, but that was before he had been brain washed! She sighed and got up to held Chi Chi as Kakarot waltzed in, drooling from the smell of the food.

It had been the three of them as long as Bulma could remember. They were all abducted when they were only three years old, all because they were prodigies of sorts.

Bulma was a scientist, just like her father, at age two she invented a type of light bulb that never ran out and used only ¼ the energy the old ones did. Chi Chi was the greatest chef ever to live, inventing liver and onions when she was 2 ½, which turned out to be the King's favorite. Kakarot was the fighter. He won the 'Universal Martial Arts Tournament' right after turning three years of age. They had been taken to become slaves of the 'Great Prince'.

Chi Chi was the youngest, she was 15 now, Bulma was 16 while Kakarot was almost 17.

"Goku! This food is for Vegeta!"

"Awwww Chi Chi, when do I get to eat?? I'm starving!" Bulma giggled at her friend's enormous appetite as they felt the ground shake from his grumbly stomach.

"I'll make your breakfast when the prince's is done!" Chi Chi continued to stir the blue pancake batter. Bulma watched Goku curl his tale around behind Chi Chi's back and snatch a purple sausage that was cooling on a plate next to her. He popped it in his mouth and began to gasp for hair. Chi Chi only turned her nose up.

"That's what you get for sneaking food behind my back!"

"S- So S- So- Sooooo hot!!!!" Goku managed to swallow down the sausage and dashed to the cooler for a drink.


"Gosh, why is he the only person who insists on calling me that?!?!" Goku put down his cup, licked the orange milk mustache off his lip and dashed to the gravity room.

"Looks like they'll be eating after training, guess I better make more."


"That's my cue, good luck Chi Chi." Bluma pulled her hair back and dashed off to the royal meeting room.


"Ya called Veggie??" "YOU WILL CALL ME PRINCE!"

"Yeah yeah, what do ya want?"

"What was said at the meeting today?" Bluma pulled a small computer from underneath the table and pushed a few buttons, it immediately spit out a long piece of paper with squiggly writing on it. She skimmed over it a second as Vegeta impatiently stamped his boot on the tile.

"Hurry it up woman!" He walked through the golden doors to his bedroom and Bulma followed, not taking her eyes off the paper.

"Ok. looks like there's an over harvesting of the Ohji Trees and they are worried about them becoming extinct-"

"Skip to the good part woman!" Bulma continued to skim along the paper.


"What the hell is it?" Vegeta rummaged around in his closet and grew frustrated.


"Under the bed, and it says here that you need to start looking for a mate, since your eighteenth birthday is only four months away. There will be balls every Sixth Day [Saturday, for us.] between now and your eighteenth birthday. blah blah blah," Bluma skimmed down the paper once more as Vegeta scowled and rached under the bed and grabbed his boots, then rooted around for his training suit.

"You will choose a worthy mate at these balls. blah blah blah, not optional, blah blah blah, ah here we are," Vegeta peeled off his spandex and tried to slip into his training suit.

"On your eighteenth birthday-" THUD

"HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO GET THESE THINGS ON??" Bluma sighed and put down the paper. Vegeta was on the floor, still gripping the hem of the spandex shorts, that had only made it up to his knees. She pulled him upright and helped him wiggle into the tights [I am sure you wondered how he got into those too!]. She went to get his top from the closet as she continued to ramble on.

"On your eighteenth birthday there will be a ceremony where you announce your future mate, she must pass a rigorous physical and mental test, if she passes, she will become your mate and you will be allowed to take over the kingdom. If not, you will be given another year to find a suitable mate." She pulled the shirt over the Prince's head and sat down on the bed.

"Essentially, ya got four months to finda mate, ya gotta go to weekly balls, if you meet someone, they gotta pass the test, then you get to be King, got that?"

"Yeah whatever," Vegeta stalked off towards the gravity room Bluma following at his heels. She almost had to run to keep up with his pace as he walked along the corridor towards his private training room.

"Siiiigh, my little Veggie is all grown up,"


"Ah you like it," He glared at her and she stuck her tongue out playfully.

"Guess that means I'll be outta a job in a few months, ne?" She punched him playfully and he stopped walking suddenly and scowled at her. She could see the wheels in his head turning.


"When I find a mate, she will NOT be a low class slave!"

"You forget Veggie, I was born a first class Saiya- jin."

"It doesn't matter anymore!"

"Was that some pitiful attempt at saying you still want me around?" The two reached the door of the training room and he scowled at her as he swung the door open and slammed it in her face.




"NO! I HATE YOU!! GO AWAY!!" The small wooden doors that led to Bulma's bedroom flew off their hinges and there stood an enraged, and very blond fifteen-year-old Vegeta in the doorway. Bulma grabbed her only pillow and hurled it at him with as much strength as she could muster, but he caught it before it hit his face.

"LEAVE ME ALONE! I'M NEVER SPEAKING TO YOU AGAIN!!!" Bulma turned to scowl at the wall, not wanting to let Vegeta see her crying.

"YOU ARE MY SLAVE, YOU HAVE TO DO WHAT I TELL YOU!!!" Bulma turned away from the wall to face the enraged Prince. He watched as a large wet tear rolled down her very red and puffy face.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU LET ME LEAVE??? YOU'RE BREAKING THE LAW!!" Bulma had just turned thirteen, and due to a contract with her father she was supposed to be release from slavery as of her thirteenth birthday.




"NO IT DOESN'T!!" Bluma grabbed the small lamp that was beside her bed ad yanked it out of its socket and hurled it at Vegeta who caught it.

"THAT'S IT!" Vegeta jumped on the bed and grabbed Bulma, who tried to squirm away, but got caught up in the bed sheets and caused them to both fall off the bed, Vegeta landing on top of her. He pinned down her arms and legs and scowled at her. She turned her head away, the tears still falling.

"I don't want you to leave!!"

". I hate you." Vegeta was shocked at the coldness in her voice, she had said that plenty of times before, but it was always when she was just angry, she never meant it. It scared him and he quickly got off of her and stormed out of the room. She watched him go, then crawled onto the bed and began to sob again. She had looked so forward to leaving, of course she would have come back and visited her friends, but she hadn't been outside of the palace since she was brought there. She hadn't seen her dad or her mom in ten years. She stayed in her room, crying for three days, refusing to eat or sleep or talk to anyone. Goku had chosen to stay, since he had no family to go back to, and Chi Chi had already decided she wasn't going to leave, Vegeta never had figured out why Bulma had wanted to. Eventually Bulma had come to her senses and came out of her room, but she didn't talk to Vegeta for three months, he hated to admit it, but. he missed talking to her.


Bulma smiled at the memory, it had taken her a while, but she had realized that Vegeta not letting her go was his way of telling her he liked having her around. After she started talking to him again he had actually let her and Chi Chi go shopping in the market place, it had been the best day of Bulma's life. Of course he had ordered Nappa and Raditz to go with them, so the two adolescent girls had dressed them up. Bulma laughed again at the sight of big bald Nappa in farmer's clothes.

That was another thing, or rather two things, Nappa and Raditz. Raditz was Goku's older brother, and Nappa was Vegeta's right hand man. They were in sorts his henchmen, they were his personal body guards, not that Vegeta needed any, he had been the youngest Super Saiya- jin ever, well of course that is after Goku, but as far as Vegeta knew Goku turned SSJ a year after him, but Nappa and Raditz had been with Vegeta since he was seven years old. They were big and mean and smelly, but inside they were really just softies. They treated Bulma and Chi Chi like little sisters, and were a little overprotective at times, but they kept the would be suitors away. Especially for Chi Chi, she was beautiful, strong, and she was very possibly the best cook ever to grace Vegeta- sei. The suitors had started calling at age twelve, but of course she was too young to take a mate.

Bulma liked to hide herself in her laboratory, so she wasn't as famous as Chi Chi, but of course her inventions were famous. No doubt everyone thought some old fat balding man was sitting eating space doughnuts [The ones with pink frosting of course!] in some laboratory thinking up all the wonderful things she had invented. *Figures, damn all stereotypes!* She walked into the kitchen where Chi Chi was still cooking up as storm.

"Hey Chi, need any help?"

"Uh. no I think I'm ok."


"Here Bulma- chan, you can make the soup with me!"

"OK!" The two little girls stood on a stool and stirred the gigantic spoon in the even more gigantic pot, which was easily big enough for the two of them to swim in.

"Prince Vegeta will love this! I just made up the recipe today!" Bulma looked over the recipe that Chi Chi had written up, her handwriting wasn't very good; of course, she was only six years old. *A. box of. yeast? Wow, I wonder what needs to rise that much, well, Chi Chi's the cook.* Little Bulma paddled over to the cupboard and found a cereal box with the word 'YEAST' printed across the face of it. *This must be the stuff.*

Little Bulma waddled back to the caldron and began to pour the powder stuff into the big pot while Chi Chi still had her back turned. Chi Chi turned around to continue stirring the pot when she noticed what Bulma was doing.


"I know, you wrote 'one box of yeast'!"


"Uh oh." The gigantic pot boiled over and unfortunately Chi Chi had just dumped in the dumplings. The dough dumplings swelled and took over the entire kitchen, the two ran out of the room and down the hall way and burst into Vegeta's chambers, slamming the doors behind them and leaning against them.

"What are you two up to now?" Raditz lifted an eyebrow and stared at the two youngsters as they tried to gasp out what was happening. Before you could say 'weinershintzel' the dough burst though the doors and filled the entire room. It had taken the entire palace's cleaning staff almost a weak to clean up the whole mess. Chi Chi would never forget the look on the King's face as he waltzed into the Prince's chamber along with the council members and they were buried in dough.

The two had gotten three lashings each, but the King decided not to kill them, because apparently he found the sight of the council members covered in dough greatly amusing. Of course, Chi Chi had never asked for Bulma's help in the kitchen again, even though her handwriting had drastically improved. [NOT! Hehehe sorry, keep reading.]


"Ok if you're sure Chi Chi, you are the chef after all, I'll be in my lab."

"Ok Bulma!" Chi Chi smirked at the memory and continued with her heaping portions of Green Eggs and Space Ham. [Would you eat them in a box, with a fox, wearing socks, .No I will not Sam I am!]


Bulma walked out of the decontamination chamber that led to her lab. It was originally a weapons storeroom and was in the basement so it was always cold. She plopped herself down in her chair in front of the main computer. She sighed and spun the chair around a few times. She didn't really have anything she was working on, a whole bunch of unfinished projects and some half-baked ideas, [STORY O MY LIFE!] but nothing major. She had just finished the upgrade for the gravity room and an improved vaporizer gun. She stared blankly at the enormous keyboard. [There are a lot more Saiya- jin characters than English letters].

"Computer, access photo album." *Nothin better to do*

"Accessing Photo Album." The screen changed to say 'Bulma's Pic's' she punched a few keys and the screen changed to page one. It was a picture of her family, that is. her real family. She did consider Chi Chi and Goku as well as Vegeta, Nappa and Raditz to be her family, but this was a picture of her mom, and her dad. She didn't really remember them. She could vaguely remembered her dad, but she had no recollection of her mom, she didn't even remember what she looked like, she only knew this picture. She did remember her dad though; she knew he was a scientist, a damn good scientist. He had worked his way up in ranks to become a class one inventor, he reported directly to the king. She sighed, her mind wandering as she slipped into yet another flashback.


"NO PLEASE! YOU CANT TAKE MY DAUGHTER! SHE'S MY ONLY CHILD!!" "Shut up old man!" The warrior punched Dr. Briefs in the stomach who crippled over in pain as he untangled the little blue haired girl from her father's arms.

"No please! I beg you!"

"Orders are orders old man!" The warrior swung the child over his shoulder and took off flying.


"Good bye, my sweet Bulma." The girl screamed and kicked as she saw the man wave, tears rolling down his cheeks. She screamed and ranted yelled and cried. She kicked and struggled, but the grip on her stomach was like iron. She watched the man waving as he got smaller and smaller, soon she couldn't see him, just their enormous house, then soon not even that. It was a long trip, but she didn't stop yelling or kicking the whole way.


A large tear rolled down Bulma's pale cheek. She whipped at it, after all those years it still hurt to think about it. She could barely remember it anymore, it was thirteen years ago, a lifetime ago, but she hadn't forgotten. Memories were some of the few things she had left. Tough this one was hazy, like a nightmare you can't wake up from. She sighed again and pushed a few buttons, causing the screen to change again. What was she complaining about? She had great friends; she was well fed and clothed, well protected. She got to live in the palace for Kami's sake! She got her own lab, her own room, but. something was missing. She had know that the whole time, all those long years, but she still didn't know what.

She looked back up at the screen. It was a picture of Chi Chi, Goku, Vegeta and her, all about five to seven years old. She laughed. Chi Chi was smiling ear to ear, Vegeta was scowling, arms crossed, Goku had a big toothy grin, his infamous one and she was smiling sweetly, they all looked. happy. It was back when they were all really close. They had grown apart since then. Vegeta had been brain washed into thinking he was simply Kami's gift to the Saiya- jin race. Chi Chi had lost her sweet and happy go lucky nature, and was much more tough and gruff now, Raditz had really taken her under his wing in a sense. Goku was the only one who hadn't changed; he was still the same carefree six year old he was all those years ago. She had changed too. She was often stressed, easily angered and cocky. Sometimes she wondered herself how Vegeta put up with her.

"WOMAN!!" She sighed and shut off the computer *Back to work.*


Ok ppls, that's the first chapter. I am not sure of a title yet. I'll think of one, hopefully by the time you're reading this. This is my first DBZ fanfic, it's gonna be a B/V C/G if ya didn't see that coming, hehe, I'm a big fan of the Bulma/ Vegeta pairing. Well I had fun with the dough scene, not to mention the 'Angry Teenager' scene. Oh and didn't you love when Vegeta fell over trying to put on his spandex! Hehe, sorry, I just have always wondered how the heck he got that stuff on, well I made up a way!!! I am so anxious to get to the Vegeta/ Bulma lovin, but don't think it'll come early. I ABSOLUTLY HATE it when in fics the couple gets together too early. Ruins the rest of the fic. So, it'll be slow coming, but that makes it better when it does happen right? Well review, if you have suggestions post em! I got ideas, but it's not all mapped out yet, so I could fit in suggestions easily. Well talk to ya in the next chapter! Toodles!

P.S. Damn was that a long author's note or what?