AN. Okay, I'm going to be straight with you guys, I'm not continuing "I'll Always Have Hope" because I have no idea what to do with it. But with this, I do know. So please don't hate me, and read this!


Life ends. Life is not for an eternity. And since life ends, it makes it precious. It means that you need to make every second matter. Make every second mean something, and try to change the world to make others seconds matter. For some, life may end even more quickly. And if they're lives may end that quickly, one of them needs to tell the other the truth. If they hadn't, then the gift of life would be pointless to them, because the person already surrounded they're life around them. Truth. Truth is also precious and it needs to be told. Lies can destroy, when truth can save. Truth is a big part of life. It brings happiness. It makes life more precious for others. But it is also precious to you. If you never tell the truth, you aren't living a full life. You are living a half life, when the truth is nagging you in the back of your head. It can haunt you. Keep you awake at night. If you never let it out, it can sometimes eat you alive. And when you don't tell the truth when death is near, it would be even worse. Death will take the truth with it. When you never tell the truth before you die, then you are also hurting the universe. Lies can build up. It may seem like nothing, but it means so much. Lies make the earth a place of pain. People can feel it. And you can feel it. Regret would rule you before you died. Regret would take you over, and it would hurt the universe. Truth is important. In some ways, truth is just as precious as life. It can determine if you are happy or sad. If you are sad, you aren't living a full life, you're living a half one. Life is meant to be precious. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Life ends. Would you want to end it badly, in pain and full of lies? No. People were meant to live, and if you don't tell the truth, you aren't really living. People usually deny the power and importance of the truth, but no one should. Everyone, at the end of the day, does know that the truth is something so pure and true that it can over power you. It needs to be told. The truth needs to be told. It is as important as life. For some, you need to tell someone if you're sick or dying, for others it's about they're parents adopting them, and there are plenty of small ones, but one that is very important is telling someone that you love them. If the person is in love with somebody else, you still need to tell them. You can't be miserable for the rest of your life. You don't want to die in sadness. If you tell the person, you can let it go. Even if it's hard, the truth can save you. It isn't wrong for bad or anything like that to tell the truth. The truth can yes, bring sadness, but in the long run, it will bring you and the other peace. But if you die when you keep the truth bottled up inside of you, then life isn't precious anymore, because you have made something that is so wonderful and special into something horrible and painful. No one should deny the power of truth. No one should deny the importance of it. Ever. But there is always someone who is denying it, and I'm just glad that isn't me. My name is Hazel, and I am in love with Leo Valdez, and I'm probably about to die.

AN. SO if I have MORE then FIVE reviews, then I'll continue. If I get any less, I won't. Sorry to be so picky, but I actually want to know if I should just give up now, or if I should try to finish it. So please review, if you want to see the next chapter.
