So I adopted one more prompt from the Glee Angst Meme, though this is much angstier and involves some non-con. Triggers for attempted non-con and sexual harassment.

Disclaimer: I do not own Glee or any of its characters.


Even though Blaine asked her to stop, Tina keeps touching him, inviting herself in his house or even following him in the lockers room. He feels weird about it but doesn't know what to do. Tina is a girl, girls don't sexually harass boys, right? And who would listen to him and believe him anyway?

Sam notices something weird going on with Tina and Blaine and immediately tells Kurt. Kurt is on a break and decides to visit Lima. He's been skyping with Blaine a lot recently and he noticed something was off too.

Sam and Kurt plan to talk to Blaine about Tina and drive to Blaine's. The Andersons are at home and tell them that Blaine is with their friend Tina in his room.

What they see when they open the door is an obviously drugged Blaine trying to push a half-naked Tina off of him.

The truth finally comes out.


"For the record, Blaine has an awesome body and a perky and delicious behind that looks like it got baked to perfection by a master chef."

As Blaine walked down the halls of McKinley, the bittersweet memories followed him of how he and Kurt used to walk down the hallways together. Even though they couldn't kiss, Kurt's senior year was somehow a bit more bully-free and they could hold hands between walking from one of the lockers to the other or when they were walking to Glee Club together. Now, however, all that remained was a ghost of a hand, a shadow of a memory, a touch that was unwanted that led to his forever being destroyed. He wondered if going to New York cleared the path to get him and Kurt together or just made Kurt move on from him that much faster. They were still texting each other, but there was a slight formality in it, one that hadn't existed during his sophomore year when they had just met. Even then, there was a bit of flirting, a bit of coy evasion, courting, if you could call it that. But now it was more like they were acquaintances in school who had just gotten each other's numbers and were texting because they had to.

At times like this, he liked holding onto Tina's hands. He now realized why Kurt loved sitting next to Mercedes and painting her nails or holding Brittany comfortably in his lap and listening to all her undecipherable one-liners. It gave a sense of comfort, like a best friend you didn't have to be guarded with because they would take it the wrong way. Everyone knew he was gay and Tina was totally fine with the fact that they could discuss the latest episode of Jersey Shore or America's Next Top Model. His parents loved him, but his mom had lost interest in the modelling shows once she realized Cooper only kept her company to see the breasts of the models.


Blaine certainly didn't mind posing for the calendar if it meant they had money to go to Regionals. He wasn't sure if it was the best way to do it, but what did he know? The Warblers had enough alumni pouring money in for not only free dry cleaning of the uniforms they wore during the competitions but also for the bus trip back and forth. Maybe this was how it worked in public schools and he clearly was unaware. He asked Cooper, who told him to not have any hairs peeking out from awkward places and his pointing at the camera would be a very good pose. He wished him a happy new year and kept the phone down after that. What he was confused about was Tina's obvious praising of him. He understood that she wanted him to go to Prom with her as Mike wasn't there and they were very close, but he didn't know they were close enough for her to objectify him. He didn't like to be objectified in general, as it made him uncomfortable. At least when Kurt did it, he knew Kurt did it out of love.

He let it go, because there were more important issues at hand, like telling Sam that he wasn't meant for a livelihood which just showed off his body for money. He knew that he had time enough, late nights remembering Kurt meant he had loads of time to complete his homework and assignments as such. He immediately sent off emails to Mercedes and Santana to video themselves saying something good about Sam and decided to call Brittany over. He could use some of her sweetness and his Mom loved discussing vague theories about the universe with her. He could then take the video of her saying something about Sam, seeing how they were dating and she went all happy at the thought of him. He ended up being one of the four people who bared their top while Sam kept his on to support Artie. He wished he had known about it so he could also do the same. He wasn't exactly comfortable with the whole world seeing his tiny nipples.

Once when Tina had come over for help in Math, Cooper had given him an urgent Skype call as he was nervous about some audition. Tina had leaned over to see Cooper better and had told him a quick hi. Later that night, Cooper told Blaine, "If I wasn't a 100% sure you were gay, I would have been sure Tina was your girlfriend. Did you even realize how close to you she was sitting, Squirt?" As Blaine made a face at the nickname, Cooper laughed and said, "Never mind, it's the Anderson gene. Everyone falls in love with you, straight or gay." A passing thought went through his mind that maybe Tina liked him, but he decided not to pursue that line of thought, as that would just be insulting to her. Little did he know, he could have avoided so many problems had he listened to his subconscious.


Why had he said he would do this? Yes, because he actually wanted to be a mentor and not a clueless guy who told a hopeful boy to do what he had thought up in his fantasy and ended up being forcibly kissed for it. Once Jake had said that Diva week meant no work for the guys, he knew he had to take the bull by the horns and show them that Diva did not mean girls who showed the middle fingers and didn't play by the rules. To Blaine, being a DIVA meant having confidence in themselves, no matter how much the world tried to tear them down, they wouldn't let anyone bully them into doing what they didn't want to do. He thought "For Your Entertainment" would be a viable choice, but let go of it so that he didn't come off as too sleazy. He then came to the obvious option, Freddie Mercury.

With his cold, Tina's cold curing set was like a blessing to him. He loved the chicken soup, though his Mom did berate him that she could also make soup and he didn't need to rely on friends making it for him. She obviously didn't do it in front of Tina, who had entered in as they were going out for an anniversary trip. They had not wanted to go, knowing how sad his heart had been for the past few months, but he had coaxed them to have fun for him as well and booked them tickets. Tina had then stayed for some time, leaving when he had gone to sleep. He felt really bad and knew she was pissed because he remembered her starting to talk about something and the meds had kicked in, knocking him unconscious. He knew how much she hated being the person nobody actually listened to, and asked her to be his date for the wedding as an apology. He knew that Mike was coming, and he had planned a kickass plan where he would twirl her into Mike's arms and they would be happy together again. Mike couldn't stop thanking him for taking care of his girl and making sure she didn't date any douche. Blaine in reply, told him that he was just doing it as a friend and he was sure Mike would have done the same if Kurt and Mike had become close friends.

But the next day felt like mixed signals to him. While he reached up to put something in his locker, Tina's hand was still on his waist, so when he reached up to get a book, her hand fell down slowly, brushing his butt as it did. He decided not to bring it up, seeing how it was obviously done by mistake and he wasn't sure cracking a joke like "my butt is so awesome, you can't help but touch it" would go over so well. Artie called her and she walked away, giving him a smile that he couldn't interpret. He said, "Bye" and turned around to find Sam standing there.

He knew it wasn't a crush on Sam that he had. He was a really close friend and he knew he couldn't misuse Sam like that. Not to mention, Sam was straight and really close friends with Kurt as well. Sam saw Blaine's locker covered with pictures of Kurt and him and Kurt together and gave Blaine a sad smile, closing the locker door. Sam then said, "Hey dude, have you noticed that Tina's slightly different this year?" Blaine was happy someone apart from him recognized the awesomeness that was the new and improved Tina and said, "Yeah, she's finally getting a chance to shine. It's good for her and for when she goes to university." Sam looked deep in thought and said, "Yeah, that too. But I was talking about regarding her with boys."

At Blaine's look, he backtracked, "Wait, I didn't mean in a bad way. But come on, man. I mean, during Britney week, even though Joe and I told her singing a song like that was maybe not the best choice, she told me, who cares what they think, it's just between the three of us. And that is why we never went to anyone's place to practice. I didn't want Stacie and Stevie to hear such stuff." Sam could feel Blaine wanting to argue and said, "See, see, SEE! I know you guys are like best friends, though not as close as you and me, and I'm saying this only once, you my bro, are HOT. Women like you. So is it possible that she likes you but didn't tell you because you are gay?" Blaine just laughed deprecatingly and put his hand on Sam's shoulder. "There's no way that's true. Don't flatter me to make me feel better. I always did ask Kurt what he saw in me except my cluelessness to actually fall in love with me." Sam realized, with a sinking feeling, that Blaine did think that badly about himself and a few words or even a video wouldn't help. He did the only thing he knew would hopefully work, he called Kurt up.


Kurt was happy that he was in touch with Blaine again. He knew they had a touchy-feely relationship before they even started dating, and the distance helped them stay friends. Though he knew deep down inside that the burning feeling that popped up whenever he mentioned Tina or Brittany or even that new girl was definitely jealousy. He tried to convince himself but knew he was fighting a losing battle. They had just promoted their conversations from texts to calls. He didn't wanna pick up the topic of Skype yet, didn't want to see those puppy dog eyes that made him cave every single time.

Which is why Sam's call was like a bucket of cold water over his head. He knew something like this had to happen. When Mercedes had that tiny crush on him, he wasn't out to her and she was lonely. Blaine was openly gay in front of her and it was that blasted heteronormativity that those two hated that had made Tina apparently think she could get away with apparently converting Blaine. The worst part was that he couldn't tell Blaine much about it, since he didn't want him to know that he was keeping tabs on him. At the same time, he couldn't let it go. So he decided to keep a watch for the time being and told Sam to do the same. For all he knew, it was one of Sam's inane theories again.


Mr. Schue's wedding came and went, and Kurt and Blaine had a long conversation where Kurt did not mention anything about Tina nor did Tina mention anything about her certain crush. Though there was a time where Kurt could equate her burning look with the one Kurt himself had given to that idiotic guy from the Gap, whose name he "refused to remember". They had slow danced to a song sung by Finn and Rachel, and Kurt refused to get into the mess that was them over and over again. Blaine seemed happy to be resting his head on Kurt's shoulder, imagining this to be their wedding day, where everyone would clink their glasses so many times, that they couldn't eat their food but had to kiss. But not like in How I Met Your Mother, where Lily and Marshall went crazy after a chocolate fountain. Though the thought was appealing.

Once the night was done, Kurt went home and hugged his Dad hard. Since he had come back to Lima on a Tuesday, he was planning to leave again on Sunday and spend some precious time with his Dad as opposed to going back to New York where he would face that naked Brody again. Kurt didn't like him, even though Rachel ended up not doing the scene, his promotion of naked ladies for awards somehow made him creepier than when he came to breakfast in nothing at all. He smirked as he thought about how he and Blaine surpassed the creepy, naked boy.


At the same time, Blaine had gone home, all tired and sated by the evening's beauty. Dancing with Kurt reassured him that despite all that he had done this past year, there was a chance of him and Kurt getting back together. As he removed his shirt, he looked at his laptop screen to see that there was a Skype call from Tina. He pressed Accept with Video Chat as he continued stripping down and into his jammies.

He turned his back to remove his pants and spoke loudly so the microphone could pick it up, "I'm sorry I couldn't dance with you today, TeeTee. But then again, I did dance with you for the whole time during Sadie Hawkins." What he didn't notice was Tina's lustful and slightly creepy look as he bent over to remove his trousers and step into comfy sweatpants. "Did you see me and Kurt dancing? I finally have my soul mate reading the book I want. Hopefully we'll be on the same page soon enough." He wore a shirt that had been borrowed by Kurt many a time when he had been here and tried to smell Kurt on it even though it had almost been nine months since he last wore it and it had gone through way too many washes by then.

He looked up at the screen due to Tina's silence and saw her give him a disapproving look. "You're not allowed to do this to yourself, Blaine. I won't allow you." At his confused look, she elaborated, "You are literally begging Kurt for the little scraps of attention he's bestowing on you. All this happiness is because he has come here, to Lima. What happens when he leaves tomorrow, huh? Then he won't talk to you again and then who'll be here to take care of you? You deserve a person who matches your needs and is already in the same area, if not on the same page." Blaine hadn't told Tina about him and Kurt talking on the phone, because according to her, Kurt would never forgive him. However, he did know that he and Kurt always had a close relationship whether it was as friends, best friends, lovers, boyfriends or soul mates. Kurt got him in a way no one else did. He realized that he could show Tina their messages of the distant future and even she would realize what he did, that Kurt might trust him again. He fake yawned and said, "I'm tired, but why don't you come over tomorrow night? We'll sit and talk, and I promise I won't fall asleep like last time." He really yawned this time and closed his eyes as Tina got a look in her eyes, a look that he would definitely not approve of.


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