Hey guys thanks for the reviews. I decided to change last names to avoid the story getting deleted. I know a couple of the last names are a little ridiculous, but o well hahaha

Ms. Selena Russo squeezed her slender thighs together and bit her bottom lip in an attempt to ignore the way in which her thong rubbed her each time she moved. Her students were busy taking a mid-term, the room filled with sounds of chairs shifting and pencils scratching.

Selena tried to focus on correcting last week's essays as she brushed a strand of dark hair from her eyes and adjusted her wire rimmed glasses. The papers were not enough to distract her from the way her thong was rubbing her center. She was not used to these types of clothes and in reality only owned a couple of thongs all gifts from her boyfriend Justin. She wanted to surprise Justin, so she had gotten one of the famous Brazilian bikini waxes that he wouldn't shut up about and put on his favorite thong. Selena had done it for Justin, but after realizing how aroused every day activities were making her, she decided to make it a regular thing. She stared up when she realized that she was starring at the paper glassy eyed and found a student looking at her.

Demi Torres. Demi had finished her test, way ahead of the class as usual, and had caught Selena in her aroused trance. Selena's brown eyes met Demi's and they both looked away embarrassed. Demi was the only student in the class who actually deserved an A although Selena's curve helped others reach the A mark. Demi was an incredibly bright student. She always wrote brilliant papers and was a great person to talk to. Selena liked to think that if she weren't six years older than Demi, the two would be great friends.

With a personality like that, one would assume that Demi was some kind of nerd with bottle cap glasses and suspenders. However, this was not the case for Demi Torres, who was a complete knock out. Dark brown hair, brown eyes, gorgeous face with a cleft chin, a great smile and a fit body. Demi was the captain of the cheerleading squad, wore the latest fashions and was dating the quarterback of the high school football team. If Selena had not gotten to know her first, she would have hated her, but now she was forced to admit that Demi had brains and beauty, so she only slightly envied her.

Demi reached into her back pack for her latest Nora Roberts novel, but for some reason couldn't concentrate on the book. She could still feel her cheeks burning from when Ms. Russo had caught her starring. Demi loved this class and knew that it had a great deal to do with the teacher. Selena had a love for teaching that was contagious and Demi found herself looking forward to third period English Literature where she could discuss the classics like Hamlet or Catcher in the Rye with her favorite teacher. After her latest break up with Will, she found herself reading more. She decided to ask Ms. Russo to recommend a good book when she got done reading.

For some strange reason she found herself staring at the brunette teacher. Demi knew that she was beautiful, but she did her best not to let it affect her personality. Ms. Russo, on the other hand, seemed unaware of her own beauty. She had black, wavy hair with deep brown eyes. Normally she wore slacks and button down blouses with the occasional long skirt and heeled pumps. She wore very little make up and it always looked natural. All the boys were in love with her. Demi had often overheard them talking about the things they would like to do to her and about her boobs.

Ms. Russo kept shifting uncomfortably and her eyes would become cloudy. Demi would have to guess that either her teacher was sleepy or aroused. The brunette shook her head and tried to concentrate on her book instead of her teacher.

Selena had a break fifth period which coincided with Justin's break, so she decided to surprise him with her present. She locked her classroom and headed over to the science section, where he taught Senior Physics. They met when she began teaching at the school, three years prior. He was in his mid 30s, more than ten years her senior, but that didn't bother either of them and they had a happy relationship.

Selena had chosen a green knee high dress that buttoned all the way up, but she liked to leave the top two buttons undone. As she walked into Justin's classroom she unbuttoned a couple more buttons revealing more of her chest clad in the lacy black bra. She entered the classroom quietly and made her way to his office in the back. She could hear mumbling coming from the office and for some reason she didn't like the sound. As she moved closer she heard the voices of a man and a woman panting as if they were exercising or fucking. Peeking her head she found Justin the man she was thinking of marrying, ramming into the other Senior Physics teacher, Ms. Fast. Taylor Fast was the new teacher this year, beautiful, long, curly, blonde hair, blue eyes, confident and currently very naked.

Selena couldn't move as she witnessed this horrible act. She had never been this close to another naked woman and she found her eyes roaming the other's body. Her breasts were slightly smaller than Selena's, her skin paler and her pussy was shaven bald. Selena felt tears roll down her face as she quietly exited the classroom as she realized why Justin had suddenly become obsessed with Brazilian Waxes.

Demi was slowly walking to the bathroom when Ms. Russo rushed past her without saying a word. Demi felt a little hurt, but realized that her teacher was crying. Her gaze followed Ms. Russo until she turned the corner and she fought the urge to follow her and wrap her arms around her.

Selena spent the rest of the period in her room trying to figure out what went wrong. Justin was always so thoughtful, so generous. He was intelligent, attractive and a cheater. A part of her wanted to forget what she saw and pretend it never happened, but before she could forgive him the bell rang and it was time for the last class. Facing her students and trying to act normal was the hardest thing she ever had to do, luckily they were busy with their tests. When her classes were done she went into her office to wait for either Justin to call or show up in person. Finally she heard a knock on the door.

Demi walked into Ms. Russo's empty classroom and headed to the office. She found her young teacher looking stunned. She lightly tapped on the door causing Ms. Russo to look up. The teacher visibly relaxed when she saw Demi standing in the doorway, but Demi could see that her eyes were red and now knew that she must have been crying.

"Demi, how can I help you?" asked Ms. Russo as if nothing were wrong.

"I-I can come back later," said Demi apologetically.

"No it's fine. Come on in," said Ms. Russo as she straightened her dress. Demi couldn't help notice that there were a few more buttons undone since her third period class. "I was looking through last weeks papers and you did a great job like always, Demi," praised Ms. Russo. Demi entered slowly and sat across from her teacher. "I was actually getting ready to leave. How can I help you?" questioned her teacher.

Demi looked at Ms. Russo's empty bag and realized she was lying. "Is something wrong, Ms. Russo? Do you want to talk about it?"

The brunette waved her hand as if attempting to wave her problems away. "Oh, you know, the usual," she said right before she burst out crying. She hung her head trying to control her sobs and the tears running down her face.

The teenager was unsure of what to do and awkwardly reached across the desk to cover her teacher's hand with her own in an attempt to comfort her. The older woman's hand was soft, silky smooth and burning to the touch.

Somehow the touch seemed to comfort Ms. Russo and she wiped her eyes as she looked at her student. She turned her hand to grasp Demi's and said," I caught my boyfriend cheating on me."

Demi knew that Ms. Russo had been seeing Mr. Raccoon, the physics teacher, so the revelation was shocking.

"Mr. Raccoon?" she questioned.

"Yes. I caught him with Taylor Fast.

Demi covered her mouth in shock just as the phone rang. Demi pulled her hand back as if she had been caught doing something wrong. She noticed that her teacher did not want to answer the phone. "It might be Justin," she explained. On the fourth ring Demi reached over and picked it up. "Hello," she said in a sweet voice. She looked over at Ms. Russo who was biting her lower lip. The person on the line was in fact Mr. Raccoon and he asked to speak to Ms. Russo. "I'm sorry. She's not here right now. I came in to grab something and heard the phone ringing. If I see her I will tell her you called," said Demi winking at the older brunette. Mr. Raccoon said that he was going out with some friends and to tell her that he would see her tomorrow. She explained the situation to the older woman, adding her feelings about Justin and what he had done in not so gentle terms and an odd thing occurred to her. She was currently with a teacher that she looked up to and admired, but she felt like the teacher and felt a need to protect the older woman.

When Demi suggested that they get out of there and get something to eat. It didn't sound strange. She was simply trying to help a friend through a tough time. For the first time that afternoon Selena looked up and smiled.