[A\N] Hi guys. You are reading new chapter of my story! There is some sexual themes, so if you are under age 18, I don't care :D If you want to read it you may do it.

Disclaimer: Still own nothing but idea of story, chapters and other not important stuff.


Prepairin for Night with Marceline

"Hey Jake?"

"Sup, bro?"

"I am going to stay a night with Marceline at her house"

"Having fun, yes?" – asked Jake, smiling

"NO! NOTHING LIKE THAT! I am not ready for this neither she is."

"Chill bro, just joking"

"Whatever, don't talk with me about that, you making me blush"

"Okay bro. So, what do you need to go there?"

"I think my new guitar, some clothes , teethbrush and some red food for Marcy"

"Okay Finn, do what you need to do, I'm goin' on a date with Lady, so I will not be around for 2 days maybe. If some emergency happens, call me. Bye bro, I am late for it already" – said Jake and quickly ran out of house and went to Lady's.
Finn packed everything he need and thought "Hmm…It's too early to go there, it's only about 7:30 o'clock evening. Maybe I'll just play with BMO for half an hour and go to Marcy."

Half an Hour later

"Hey Marcy, are you home?"

"Yes, weenie. Come on in." – asked Marceline and let Finn come in.

"So Marcy, where will I sleep or changing my clothes or whatever?"

"You can do it in my room hero. I won't look on you while you doing this" – said Marceline, smirking.


"I won't I promise! Now get youself prepaired for night or something. You can use my shower if you need" – said Marceline and Finn began to blush, when he remembered that he had seen her naked there ([A\N] Episode "Marceline's Clother")

"What's wrong, weenie?" – asked Marceline

"No, no, everything okay. Just thinking"

"About what? Dreaming of having tier 15 with me in the shower?"

"NO! ACTUALLY NOT LIKE THAT! I'll tell you later, okay?"

"Haha, gotcha! Okay." – said Marceline, laughting. Finn prepaired himself for night. But he didn't wear his childish pajamas as he always do. That caused Marceline to ask something:

"Hey Finn, where is your pajamas?"

"I changed it. It looked childish so now I wear white T-shirt and white trousers." – said Finn and walked to bathroom, saing: "Marcy, I wanna take a shour. I probably smell like Ice King's beard was like."

"Okay, Finn" – said Marceline, thinking: "Maybe I can see him naked in the shower? It'll be funny to see him like that?" But door to shower locked, so Marceline thought "Okay, not that time, Finny, but once I'll catch you!"
After Finn took his shower he went to kitchen to cook himself and Marcy something tasty. He cooked red pancake for her and bacon pancake to himself.

"Hey Finn?"

"Sup, Marcy?"

"May I eat some piece of your bacon pancake? I always wondered what it taste like"

"Sure, Marcy" – said Finn and gave Marceline piece of bacon pancake. Marceline ate it and said in pleasure"

"MMhmm…Tastes delicious"

"Give a thank to Jake, it's his recipe."

"I'll give it, yes. – said Marceline. "Oh look, it's late evening. Let's jam or something?"

"Sure, Marcy. I brought my guitar with me so we can jam good" – said Finn and the two began to jam. They jammed about a hour, Finn helped Marceline to write 2 songs, but mostly they just played random chords. But soon they noticed something outside Marceline's house. They looked through the window and saw Jake, shaped like a stone. But his color showed himself.

"JAKE! I'M NOT GOIN' TO DO ANYTHING WITH MARCY LIKE TIER 15!GO AWAY!" – shouted Finn, but Marceline stopped him and whispered in his ear: "Easier Finn, I'll take care of that" After it, she turned herself into her werewolf form and walked to Jake. And soon Finn saw Jake running very fast away from Marceline's house. When she returned in house with her standart form she laughed:

"Haha, did you see his face? He was sooo scared. I swear he will not come here anytime nearby."

"Hahaha, that's was funny. So, let's go to sleep, I think?"

"Okay Finn." – said Marceline and walked with him into her bed.

"You're welcome to my bed. No tier 15, I promise" – said Marceline with a smirk

"Okay, but I feel not comfortable. Like sleep with a 1000 years old woman ,which looks like 18 years old by my side." – said Finn and began to laugh. Marceline gently slapped him and said:

"Hey, keep your tongue!" – she said, but it was not a "You're in big trouble with me,man" look, but funny look. So Marceline and Finn felt asleep and sleeped long. But in the middle of the night Finn was awoken by Marceline:

"Hey Marcy, it's just midn- AAAAAA! WHA-T THE HECK, MARCY?! I'm not ready for tier 15!" – shouted Finn, seeing Marceline only in her underwear and bra.
She leaned closer to Finn and whispered in his ear: " I had no tier 15 all my life. Let's do this, Finn, I already know you'll like it"

"NO! I'm not ready!" – shouted Finn, starting to blush so deep crimson.

"Haha, don't blush so hard, or I'll will drink your blush, it can feed me for days" – laughed Marceline and sat on Finn's lap.

"I think if you won't tell me your secret now, I'll have tier 15 with you, want you it or not" – whispered Marceline.

"Oookay, I'll tell you! But don't do this, I'm only 14 years old boy!"

"Say it quicklier Finn, or I'll have this with you."

"Okay, Okay! Errr… I saw… you… err I can't!"

"So prepair for tier 15!"

"No no no! Okay, I saw you naked when I and Jake hid in your closet! When you began to taking your shower Jake sent me to scope the scene, so I went to your bath when I saw you last, saw a sock falling in front of me and I looked up and saw you like that…" – said Finn, blushing very deep crimson.

"Wanna see me like that again?" – asked Marceline with a smirk and began to slowly unhook her bra, while Finn closed his eyes.

"Marcy, please, don't do that! I'm not ready to anything like that yet!"

"Finn , open your eyes or I'll have tier 15 with you even if you keep your eyes closed" – said Marceline, giggling.
Finn opened his eyes and saw vampire queen complete naked. He blushed even harder, if this possible. But he couldn't close his eyes. He kept looking at Marceline, admiring of her body. And, giving up, he said:

"Okay Marceline, you may do what you want"

"Okay, goldilocks, you approved it. But when it'll be morning don't deny it." – said Marceline and began to have sex with Finn. ([A\N] I don't want do describe it, I'm not so pervy) When they finished, Finn and Marceline felt asleep. Marceline felt asleep on his chest and Finn wrapped his hands around Marceline's waist.

In the morning

Finn woke up and thought "What have I done? What has she done? What have WE done?! Oh, If Jake will know about it he probably kill me and Marcy! But I must tell him, because I have no secrets with my bro!" And he began to stroking Marceline's hair, while she smiled in her dream. Finn was doing it almost for half an hour, when Marceline woke up.

"Good morning, sleepyhead" – said Finn, smiling.

"You too. So, did you enjoyed our night?" – asked Marceline with a smirk on her face

"Errr… Yeah, I enjoyed. I was not prepaired for this, but I enjoyed. And, maybe it is bad, but I want to do it again, but not now"

"Haha, I said you'll like it!"

"Yeah. And, by the way, I must go to Jake, 'cause he maybe worried sick about me. So I better get goin'."

"Okay Finn, have a good day!" – said Marceline and Finn packed all of his stuff and walked to the Tree Fort. When he came in, Jake ran to him and asking, smiling:

"So, you two had some fun?"

"Errr… Yes, Jake, we had"


" I knew Jake, but Marceline… She thought in another way so I gave up and let her do everything he want. And Jake?"


"She had no tier 15 all her 1000 years live!" – said Finn, laughting.

"Hahaha, that's funny. And Finn, if you done tier 15, I approve it. You became a man in this meaning. So, congratulations bro! Now, wanna bacon pancakes or some spaghetti?"

"Sure, bro!"

[A\N] Yeah, Finn and Marcy had tier 15. What did you expect, huh, after changing rate to M?

So, anyway, did you enjoyed the chapter? I'm sorry for not describing sex itself, but It'll be so pervy so I didn't do it. Leave a review guys, if you want, and wait for next chapter.