A/N and UPDATES: I know I'm a horrible person QwQ I'm so sorry for not updating in a long time…heh…I've been stuck for a while plus school and work were getting in the way. I'm really sorry! Also thank you for the ones that haven't given up on me or my story/stories yet! I will update them…I just need time. I haven't abandoned this story or 'A Different Body'! I will definitely update that soon! So please bear with me! I wrote more than usual on this chapter to make up for my loss of updates…Again I'm really sorry and I hope you enjoy.


The next few days were hell. I spent most of my time holed up in Jack's spare room, crying my eyes out.

'I can never be in the same room as Nightray-Sensei ever again…'

I could hear Jack's voice from the other side of the door, "Oz, you really need to go to school! Everyone is worried about you, even the teachers! They've been calling non-stop this whole week asking if you were sick."

"…Isn't Glen supposed to be covering?" I asked, wrapping myself up like a burrito in a fluffy blanket.

I heard Jack sigh, "He's doing the best he can, Oz, but if you miss any more days of school, you'll fail your classes! You're going tomorrow, even if I have to drag you there! You hear me?"


"Oz, answer me!"

I could hear mumbling and walking around….


The door to the room I was staying in swung open.

"Answer me when I talk to you, damn it!"

I scream, falling off the bed. Still wrapped up like a burrito, I start scooting towards the bathroom (the closest escape route).

I was halfway there until a solid object was on top of me, squishing my tiny body.

"J-Jack, I-can't…breathe!" I gasped, wiggling under him.

"Sorry," He got off, and instead leaned against me, "So…why don't you want to go to school?"

"It's stupid…"

Jack unrolled me from my blankets and sat me up, "What's the real reason?"

"…You know the reason…" I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand.

"You're pathetic, you know that?" Jack joked, ruffling my hair. "I like the color by the way; it looks really nice on you."

"…No wonder you and Glen get along so well, you're both mean people!" I pouted, shoving him away.

He rolled his eyes, "No wonder Gilbert doesn't like you, you always act like a brat!"

I covered my face with my hands, hiding the tears that were starting to fall down my cheeks.

"Too far…I'm sorry O-"

I stood up, "Just forget it, Jack…I-I'll go to school tomorrow…" I got my clothes and went to the bathroom, locking myself in. I sat on the toilet seat and reached over to turn on the shower. I sat there, starring off into space…

'Why did I kiss him? I knew he was going to push me away! Damn it…I'm so stupid!'


"Oz, how long have you liked Gilbert?" Glen asked out of the blue.

It was after dinner and I was forced to help Glen put away and wash the dishes. "Um, a while I guess. Why…?"

"Did you like him before you were put in the same dorm as him?" He glanced down at me, watching my every move.

"…Y-yes…" I avoided his eyes, and continued to dry off the plates and put them in the drying rack.

"Has he…" Glen thought for a moment, "done anything to yo-"

"No! How could you think that?! Nightray-Sensei would never hurt me!" As soon as I said it, I knew it was a lie. Nightray-Sensei had hurt me! He stomped on my heart and threw it in the trash without a care in the world!

Glen sighed, "If you want a class and dorm change, don't be afraid to ask me."

'Glen was being…nice?'


"Yea," He smiled, "You're a student and more importantly, my boyfriend's cousin. I want you to be happy. I really do, Oz."

I smiled for the first time in a week. "You're the best Glen!" I surprised him with a hug.

"W-well thanks, I guess." Glen patted my hair and let me go off to finish my homework that I hadn't done yet.

After I did my homework, I messaged Sharon asking how everything was going in math. She responded 10 minutes later saying that it was pretty normal, and that Sensei hasn't really talked for the past couple of days.

I sighed, 'That doesn't tell me anything...Fuck, what am I going to do? I have to go back…Just suck it up Oz! You can find someone else, it doesn't…have…to be…Nightray-Sensei…with his beautiful golden eyes…wavy black hair, and his gorgeous smile-wait…WHAT AM I THINKING ABOUT?! UGH!'

I groaned and went to Jack's room, thinking he'd still be up, since it was only 11 p.m. I opened the door but quickly closed it when I saw my cousin hovering over Glen; both with no clothes on, and sheets around their waist.

I shivered, "That…would've been awkward if they saw me." I creeped back to my room and got ready for bed. After I brushed my teeth, I messaged Alice-

Me: I decided to go to school tomorrow .-.

Alice: *w*/ Good, I was wondering when my little bunny was going to come back~

Me: Pft, whatever. You missed me!

Alice: Yea, 'cuz ur my entertainment!

Me: O~O so mean

Alice: I'm glad you'll be back, Oz! I can't wait to hug you!

I smiled, hooking my phone up to my charger. I'm glad I have a friend like Alice, it seems like she's always on my side, and I can count on her for anything…well…somethings.


"What? You are going to school today?"

"Yes, Jack, for the millionth time, I'm going to school." I had gotten ready at my normal time, and was about to head out the door with my backpack, when Jack stopped me and started asking questions.

"A-alright, have a good day then." Jack squeezed me in a tight hug, "Will you be staying in your dorm, or are you going to come back here?"

"I think I'll stay in the dorm. I need to fix this….this thing between me and Nightray-Sensei."

"If you need me just call, okay? I'll come get you."

I smiled up at Jack, "Thanks, that means a lot, Jack."

"Awww, Oz, you're blushing~" Jack hugged me to his chest, rubbing his cheek on the top of my head.

"I-I'm not blushing! Damn it Jack, let me go!" I pushed against his stomach, trying to get out of his grip.


When I got to school I went straight to my dorm to drop off my bags. When I unlocked the door I peeked inside, slowly opening the door. I heard music coming from the bathroom and the faint sound of the shower running.

'Sensei must be taking a shower. Good, I'll have time to set my stuff down and leave before he sees me!'



I turned around facing Nightray-Sensei, who decided to come out only in a towel, and turned away instantly. "S-sensei, hi! Long time no see…"

"Yea…Um, are you okay? Glen told me you were really sick." He moved to where his clothes were laid out on his bed. He sat down and motioned for me to sit across from him on my own bed.

"O-oh! Yea, I'm great! Just had a really bad fever? Anyway, Sensei, I just wanted to apologize for what happened! I know that we only have a strictly student-teacher relationship…I'm sorry I pushed it too far."

I looked down at my lap and started playing with a string that was sticking out of my sweater. The last thing I need to do right now is look at Sensei! If I look at him I'll want to kiss him again, and he's not making this any easier being only in a towel! We sat quietly for what seemed like forever until he finally spoke up.

"I forgive you. Just…please don't let it happen again." I looked up to see him trying to cover the blush on his face.

"Hehe, I'll try Nightray-Sensei, but you're just too cute~" I jumped off my bed and landed on his lap, practically straddling him. "When you stop being cute, I'll stop trying to get you to notice me!" I kissed his cheek, making him blush even more.

"O-oz! This…g-get off-" Sensei started pushing my hips to get me off, "WHY ARE YOU HEAVY?!"

"Well, well, well…Look what we have here~" Break smirked, flipping his phone open. "I came in at the right time, huh Emily?"

Emily giggled, "Kukuku, I'll say~"

Nightray-Sensei and I both stopped struggling. 'Oh no...I forgot to lock the door!'

"B-break, this isn't what it looks like!" Gilbert stuttered, face still red with embarrassment.

"Oz, I'm very disappointed in you. What will your Uncle and cousin think?"

"What are you talking about-"


"DID YOU JUST TAKE A FUCKING PICTURE?!" Nightray-sensei pushed me off and ran to Break, trying to get the Clown's phone.

"Ow..." I got up and rubbed my backside. "You don't have to be so forceful Sensei~" Smirking when Gilbert's eyes widened at me and turned into a glare.

"You both…" He sighed, got his clothes, and went to the bathroom, "I'm done with you two."

When Nightray-Sensei shut the door Break turned to me, smirk still on his face. "Do you want me to send you the picture~?"

"Yes please!"

Things were going back to normal, this is great!


After school I came home to an empty room which wasn't surprising from what happened this morning. Alice was behind me complaining about the weather and not having enough meat at lunch.

"Are you listening to me, Oz?"

"I always listen to you, Alice."

"Okay, then what did I just say?"


"Um…you were talking about eating soon, right?"

SMACK "Wrong!" She hit me with her backpack, knocking me over and making me land on a shoe.

"Alice! That hurt!" I rubbed the back of my head, pouting. I slowly got up and went to the bed to sit by her.

She laughed, "Then you should pay attention more~ so, will you show me the picture now?" Alice bounced in place, excited to get to the juicy stuff.

"okay, okay! Calm down!" I pulled out my phone and scrolled to the picture Break had sent me from this morning.

Alice squealed and took the phone from me, zooming in on the picture.

"Nightray-Sensei looks like he's f-"

I covered her mouth, "You're too noisy! I know what it looks like," I blushed, "You don't have to say it out loud."

She giggled, "Oz, I'm glad you're back. Hopefully everything will be okay with you and Sensei."

"I'm sure it will be. Things will slowly get back to normal, don't worry~"

"Oh! You're hair…the black is fading."

I took my phone from her and opened the camera, "Ah, you're right, but that's okay! I like my blonde hair."

"I like it too. You look hot with any hair color~" She snickered, falling back onto my bed. "I'm staying here tonight."

I frowned, "Are you sure that's a good idea? It's not even the weekend, Alice…"

"Pfft, like that's stopped you before~" I blushed, she had a point.

I sighed, "Fine, but if Nightray-Sensei kicks you out, that's not my fault."

"Yea, yea~"


To get to the point, as soon as Nightray-Sensei got home, he kicked Alice out. They fought for a while, threw things at each other, and finally he bribed her with meat to get her to go back to her own dorm.

"What do you see in that girl?" Sensei flopped on his bed looking more worn out than usual.

"A great friend who is always there for me." I replied honestly.

It was true though; Alice has always been with me through thick and thin. She's helped me so much to try and get Nightray-Sensei to notice me. She's the greatest friend I've ever wished for.

"Hm. I guess I expected that answer." He rolled onto his stomach and smooshed his face into his pillow.

"Sensei…are you okay? You seem really tired today."

"It's because I have to deal with children every day…and I don't mean just you. My coworkers are a bunch of assholes."

I laughed, "Break- I mean Xerxes-Sensei can be an asshole at times. Do you want me to give you a massage?"

Nightray-Sensei moved his head, narrowing his eyes at me, "Oz…" he warned.

"I-it's nothing like that." I blushed, looking away, "I promise! I want to help you relax, that's all."

"Fine…Don't try anything though."

I nodded and climbed off my bed. "Okay…" I made my way to Nightray-Sensei's bed, "Can I sit on your legs?"

"…I guess."

I sat down on his legs making sure not to squish him and pushed my hands on his back, rubbing them in a circle. Honestly I had no clue what I was doing but it was worth a try!

"You can push down harder. You won't hurt me."

"Oh." I pushed down a little more, "Is this good?"

He sighed, "Perfect."

I smiled, 'Finally! This is great; we're not fighting, being awkward, or yelling at each other. Don't fuck this up Oz!'

"Sensei, you looked really good without a shirt on this morning!"


"I-I mean…"

"I'll ignore that comment. Please don't talk anymore."

"Sorry…" I went back to rubbing my hands up and down his back. "Sensei, can I ask you something?"

"Hah, you just did."

I poked his armpit making him jump, "Don't be an ass, Nightray-Sensei."

"Sorry…Go ahead."

"…Would you ever give me a chance?"


"Am I not good enough?" Tears were starting to block my vision.

Nightray-Sensei got up and sat beside me, crossing his legs. "I never said you weren't good enough! You're an amazing person, Oz! I just…We're student and teacher! I could get into big trouble! What if parents find out because of your classmates? I could lose my job."

"Who cares what people think! We could keep it a secret!" The tears were running down my face now. There was no use in stopping them since Sensei has already seen me cry.

"Oz, please don't cry." He wiped his thumb over my cheek.

"I just want a chance! Please…"

He bit his lip, thinking. "Fine…I'll think about it, but you can't bug me until then."

"Thank you so much!" I threw myself at him, rubbing my face on his shirt. "You have no idea how much this means to me!"

"Yea, yea…stop it will you? You're getting my shirt all wet!"


A/N: Don't worry, it's not over yet! Sorry if there were any mistakes! See you next time!