Sorry this was so late. I finally have a job and it keeps me busy. Anyways this is the last chapter of this story and I got my inspirations from Bryan Adams song I will always return (from the movie Spirit). Enjoy!

This mission was going longer than expected. First of all I couldn't find the target for the longest time, then when I did find him I learned he had about 10 thugs watching his body. They went everywhere with him. After two weeks of watching him and not getting a single opening I realized that I would just have to go for it. I sighed to myself. It was always such a pain when I had to fight my way through but I missed my Babe and didn't have the time to sit and wait.

Today was the day. I parked my car out front because there was no way to make this a sneak attack and then I stormed my way into the compound. The thugs quickly converged on me and I set to work. I quickly knocked out the first four guys but the next six were learning from their comrade's mistakes. They took the time to take out their knives and guns. Now normally I would have just shot them all, easy as that but the government wanted these men alive. Apparently they knew about a terrorist group so I had to do things the hard way. I disarmed the man racing at me and used his momentum to throw him into a wall before moving onto the next. It took me ten minutes to deal with all the guards and I saw the main target bolt out the door while I was busy with guard number 9.

I raced out the door hoping he hadn't gone far, only to see him climbing into my car! It took a lot of balls to climb into my car and man he wouldn't have them for long. I strode towards the car and was just reaching the frantic target as the car exploded in a ball of fire. The blast sent me flying backwards and there was a sickening thud as I hit the wall. The world went black.

I jerked awake to a freezing bucket of water being tossed over my head. Shit I had a pounding headache and it took all my control to focus. My brain started sorting the information it was receiving before my eyes even opened. My hands were cuffed behind my back to a chair and my legs were tied to the chair legs. There were 5 men in the room, 3 holding guns and one holding a knife. I was in what appeared to be a basement and my weapons were laid out on a table on the other side of the room. So pretty much I was in a tight spot but I've been in worse.

I quickly set to work on the cuffs as the men started punching me. They wanted to know what the government knew about them. As if I would ever give them anything, they punched like girls. I tuned them out as I continued trying to slip my hands through the cuffs. That's when they did something stupid. They brought up my babe.

I knew it was a mistake to carry her picture in my wallet but I needed to have something of hers with me. That picture was the only thing keeping me sane when I was on these missions. Missions which required me to shut down the human in me and to become a robot with no feelings. I used to be able to complete these missions no problem and then Babe came into my life. She broke through my walls and showed me there was so much more to life. I was scared that when I went on these missions that the robot would take over for good, that I would lose that last bit of humanity inside me. Her picture kept me grounded and now it was in their dirty hands.

They were talking about what they'd like to do to her and my vision went red. I've never been so angry. I couldn't tell you what happened next but when I came to my senses the thugs were unconscious next to me. My hands were raw and bleeding and I had been shot in the arm. I quickly bandaged myself and tied up the thugs before calling in my contact. I had no idea how long I had been unconscious and I prayed that it wasn't long.

I had seen my car explode and there was no way a body would be in any condition to be identified. Which means it would be assumed to be me and Rangeman would be informed. I winced at the thought of Tank hearing I was dead. We had been friends for what seemed like forever and I knew my death would kill him. Babe, shit she'd never forgive me for this. She would be broken hearted at the thought of me never returning.

I grabbed my phone. I had to call her and tell her I was ok, that I was coming back home but I had only typed in the first half of her number when the swat team burst in. My phone was taken out of my hand and I was led out to the car where my contact waited.

"I need my phone back. Now!" I snapped as he continued to look at me blandly. "Don't you understand? They think I'm dead."

"Sorry but right now the mission is still classified. We need to find out what they know and to do that; your surviving must remain a secret. " He told me looking bored.

Like hell I thought, I didn't give a shit about what was supposed to be classified, my babe needed me. "Give me a phone now." I said in my deadliest voice. When he refused I attacked only to be pulled back by three Swat members. "Fuck you! I just risked my life for you and all I want is to inform my girl that I'm not dead." They pushed me back into my seat and I felt myself break. "If anything happens to her because of this, you are all dead. Do you hear me? You will all die a painful and violent death."

They brought me to a secure location and locked me into a room. There was a bed, a bathroom and a TV but that was it. I searched desperately but there was no way out so for now I was stuck. I angrily punched the wall before having a quick shower. I paced back and forth in the tiny room waiting to be released but after a few hours gave up out of boredom. I flicked on the TV to keep my mind busy,

I was gazing distractedly at the set remembering the one night I had with my Babe. I remembered how she was so nervous when we started, how she moaned my name when I kissed her, how she screamed when she came with me inside her. I needed to get home. That's when I realized my face was on TV. They were mentioning my death in an attempted car jacking, A car jacking? That was just insult to my memory. I saw Tank on the screen shouldering his way past the hordes of journalists blocking Rangeman and flinched when I saw the pain lining his face. How dare they publicize my death and hurt my friends with their lies. They were lucky my contract was over because I would have killed them if they ever dared to call me for a mission again.

I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to the door unlocking. I was instantly on my feet ready to shoulder my way past whomever was unlucky enough to be standing there. My contact stood there. Good I thought as I did a high kick and knocked him to the ground. I kicked him in the stomach as I strode past him, pausing to grab the ID card. It took me ten minutes to find my way out of the building and I ran to a car and hotwired it. I had no phone or money so there was no way I could call ahead. I did the only thing left for me to do. I drove. I sped out of the parking lot and raced down the highway. I was 2 hours from Trenton and I refused to be away from my babe any longer.

I couldn't wait to be with her. Just standing next to her as she talked with her friends, as she ate her donuts, hell as she just breathed. She was where I was meant to be. She was my home.

It was an hour and fifteen minutes later that I tore into her parking lot. The car was barely stopped before I was out and racing up the stairs. My hands easily did the rehearsed motions of unlocking her door and I took a deep breath before opening the door. I stepped in and made eye contact with my babe across the room. Her knees buckled and she started to sink to the ground. I instantly raced to her side to catch her as she fell. "Babe." I whispered hoarsely.

Her hair was chopped crookedly and her eyes were red and puffy. It looked like she'd been sobbing for weeks but to me she was beautiful. I'd never known someone as beautiful as her; she just had a natural beauty that made everyone fall in love with her. I swept her into my arms as she came apart wishing that she'd never had to experience this pain, "Don't cry Babe. I'm here and I will always be here. No matter what, it's to you, I will always return."