Hello everyone, it's Krystal here! (yep, thats right! I'm not dead ^.^)

I just want to start off by thanking everyone who favourited, followed, reviewed giving praise or some great constructive criticism, or even just read my stories at all! My stories are so much more worthwhile knowing that you lovely and fantastic people at at the receiving end enjoying them.

The second thing (and this is the issue), however, is with updating my stories. I know you all keep reviewing and telling me you want more, and honestly, i swear i really am trying! And i dont mean this to look like a story update either, and im sorry if you were looking forward to another chapter, Its just that lots of things have popped up in my life at the moment that are making it really difficult to focus on school work and studies, as well as settling down with a clear head to write. Before these issues came about, writing (as well as art) was my escape, my way of dealing with the Pandora's Box in my head. However, it appears the box has been ripped open, and its contents strewn all over the floor that is my brain. I don't know if any of you want to know further reasons why this is difficult for me at the moment, and i dont want it to be a trigger for any of you, but if you do want to know the full thing, or if you think you might understand what i'm going through at the moment and have some advice or tips, a message would be greatly appreciated. I just want all you beautiful people to know that i haven't forgotten about you, and i will try with the best of my ability to bring you an update in the future. Thank you so much! (≧ω≦)