I swear to God, when I Evolve I am going to kill you all!

"Come on, Karp." Atter said. "Even Rill can beat you." The Vaporeon gestured to the Azumaril frolicking in the shallows.

"I swear to God, when I evolve I will kill you all!" Karp said in frustration.

"You mean if you evolve." Tina said with a flick of her long blue tail.

"When I evolve!" The orange Pokémon snapped at the Dragonair who merely laughed.

* * Later * *

Miza smirked as light surrounded the orange fish Pokémon.

The Vaporeon backed away as the light grew into a long serpentine shape. Briefly Atter saw the long blue body of a Gyarados before Miza recalled Karp. 'We are going to die.' It thought.

* * Later * *

"I told you bitches!" The Gyarados said as the water turned red with the blood of the other water Pokémon. "I told you I would kill you all when I evolved! BWHAHAHA!"

* * Later * *

"Well, shit." Miza said as she looked at the bloodied water. She watched her newly evolved Gyarados happily swim among the water logged and rotting bodies, its blue scales slowly becoming red.

She paled as Karp turned towards her.

Does Karp the Magikarp/Gyarados kill Miza or does it spare her and merely take its revenge on everything else that slighted it?

Your choice, really.

So, yeah. Takes place in the same universe as the In Which thingy.

Miza is an old OC not a new character for the anime/games.