I Lost Everything

I Lost Everything

by Cybra

A/N: A poem tie-in with my A Different Reality series! I'm almost done typing my side-story! Joy! Hmm…maybe I should make this a contest entry for the "Make Me Cry" contest…I think you can guess who the speaker is and who they're talking to.

Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon, darn it! :::blinks::: Do I sound like a bitter old woman or what?

I honestly don't mean to be so cruel,

My cold voice and eyes an obvious testimony to what I've been through.

But as I look at myself, I see the memory

That continues to affect me in the present reality.

I lost my heart, my humanity, in the blink of an eye.

I lost everything, even the ability to cry.

Yet, this strange land is slowly bringing me back

From the Hell I've endured, and setting me on the right path.

When I look into your eyes, I notice you see my pain

Even though I try to hide it, even though I never complain.

I heard you care about me deeply and would follow me wherever I go

But there's something dangerous about me that you really should know.

I lost my heart, my humanity, in the blink of an eye.

I lost everything, even the ability to cry.

Yet, this strange land is slowly bringing me back

From the Hell I've endured, and setting me on the right path.

They taught me to kill, they taught me to fight,

They forced me to follow a path that wasn't mine.

I know things no child should know,

And I know they would kill you if they knew I told you what I know.

I lost my heart, my humanity, in the blink of an eye.

I lost everything, even the ability to cry.

Yet, this strange land is slowly bringing me back

From the Hell I've endured, and setting me on the right path.

I tell neither you, your friends, or my partner where I come from or my last name,

But you still seem like you care for me just the same.

I'm trying to keep you back for your own good.

I keep lying to you since you'd be frightened of me, like you should.

I lost my heart, my humanity, in the blink of an eye.

I lost everything, even the ability to cry.

Yet, this strange land is slowly bringing me back

From the Hell I've endured, and setting me on the right path.

I tell you this, but you still don't turn away.

"I want to know and help you," your eyes seem to say.

I don't understand why you continue to fight what seems obvious to me:

You're the Light I've been waiting for, but you'd be killed if I tell you what I've seen.

I lost my heart, my humanity, in the blink of an eye.

I lost everything, even the ability to cry.

Yet, this strange land is slowly bringing me back

From the Hell I've endured, and setting me on the right path.

I lost my heart, my humanity, in the blink of an eye.

I lost everything, even the ability to cry.

Yet, you are slowly bringing me back

From the Hell I've endured, and setting me on the right path.

A/N: Hmmm…I like it! I can't believe this! I actually like a poem I've done! Scary. Anyway, I might do a poem fic off this poem if enough people like it!!! :::shimmers with pleasure:::