Immunitatem Candidum by: Captain Barrels

Summary: It started out as such a normal day. As normal as it could be during these times. What they got was a half dead silver haired teen with a strange immunity to magic. Some mysterious just need to be unraveled it seemed. But at what cost would it bring.

A/N: Hey everyone, it's been three years since I updated or thought about this fanfic. Last time I worked on it, I was in high school; I'm in college now. I haven't had time nor energy or really the impulse to work or read fanfics for the past few years except for a drabble or two for my super special interest stuff (read: Boku no Hero Academia), but my boyfriend is just getting into Harry Potter and I wanted to do this! It's been literal years since I read Naruto (fuck chapter 700 though :,) lmao) so a lot of things will be noncanon but that's ok cos this is just for fun. This story is going to be completely written from the ground up because I still love the idea and I think about it a lot. I've changed a lot in the past three years since I last updated this. One is that I've realized I'm a transguy, two is that I've been coming to terms with a lot of my mental illness and no longer use fanfics to cope with it, and three is that I've reigned in my temper and salt from places like here. I usually throw that at my tumblr. If you want a full life update, it'll be at the authors note after this prologue, but for the most part let's just say I think I became a better person.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, who's plot was adopted (and then abandoned) three years ago using the works of two major franchises that are long dead and yet their creators still think it a good idea to beat the dead horse. Let's all have fun here.

Warning: This chapter contains non graphic depiction of gore and implied suicidal ideations.



Flashes of green, bright enough to burn his eye. The sound of harsh gasps and heavy breathing was all he could hear. It pounded into his ears, matching to the beat of his erratic heart. Hands were slick with blood as he pushed his body forward. The sound of cracks broke his rhythm, and he hissed as he rolled and dodged out of the way. Falling onto his knees, he used the momentum to propel himself forward, gaining him a precious few seconds.

Run. Keep running. Never stop running.

Dodge. Roll. Run. Jump. Further, faster, harder.


The taste of iron was multiplied through its scent, intermingling with the scent of wet, raw earth. His feet dug into the ground, kicking up dirt into the air as he kept on moving. They were getting closer now. He needed to be careful. They were starting to get crafty with how they attacked.

A barrage of knives landed just where he was seconds earlier, and now he was in the thick of the woods. His assailants were thinning out now, unsure where he was despite leaving marks all around. The sound of a howl in the distance chilled his bones and he knew it was only a matter of time before he faced death. Up ahead he spotted a dip in the ground, and without hesitation threw himself towards it. He barreled down into the ground, not bothering to slow his momentum as he went down the cliff like hill. If he was lucky the distance between him and his pursuers will increase. Suddenly the sounds started to die out, and he knew they had either lost track of him or gave up. Either way, he didn't stop running. He couldn't afford to.

He didn't know how long he had been going or where he was when his knees finally gave out and he had curled up in a fetal position, holding himself closely as he felt himself slowly bleed out. It seemed he really was going to die.


There was so much pain as Kakashi cracked open his eye. The world was oddly blue and he realized he was staring up at the sky. He coughed, blood spurting out of his abdomen as he did so and he hissed in pain.

'So this is the end?' he thought bitterly.

He always thought his end was going to be at Iwa, in some unmarked trench, where his body would be rotted beyond belief before he was discovered. If he was discovered.

This was worse.

He held back the impulse to cry. He was good at that. He was far away from home, far away from the Elemental Nations even. He was a shinobi dammit, he shouldn't be crying right now. Memories of his life flitted forward. His teammates, Minato Sensei, his father…

He started coughing again and tried to hold onto his abdomen, holding back the pain and the blood. He can't die here. He was needed. He was still a useful tool for Konoha dammit. He bit down on the groan of pain as he dragged his body across the dirt. He had to sacrifice his precious energy with movement. If he was lucky, maybe someone would find him, and, and… He was getting worked up.

'Is this what it's like to be hysterical?'

Far from it, but to him, someone who spent his formative years suppressing his emotions, it might as well be. If he was in hysterics, then fuck him, he was going to use it every bit of it to keep going. He grabbed at the ground with his good arm and clawed his way through the dirt. It was sticky with rain and slowed down his progress, but damn it was he going to try. He managed to pull himself closer and closer to where the trees thinned out and the ground was more even. He grunted as a rock disrupted his broken leg.

That's when he heard the voices. He froze and waited for them to pass. He didn't know if it was them or someone else, but he would rather play it safe. There was a laughter, high pitched and feminine, like it belonged to a girl. Another voice, annoyed and pitched, as if it belong to a boy just experiencing puberty. He swallowed thickly. Kids.

There was kids out there. Maybe one of them could get help if they realized he was here. He couldn't move any further and his voice long gave out before. He didn't know if he could scream to get their attention. He was starting to give up hope. Heh, hope. Did he even have that to begin with? Probably not. He started coughing again, and momentarily choked on his own blood. It filled his mouth, so that all he could smell and taste was iron, a sickly taste that made him want to throw up. He ended up somehow spitting it out and clearing his mouth so he was no longer choking and coughing. This caught the attention of the children.

"Oi, do you hear that?" a voice spoke. Kakashi held his breath. The voice sounded foreign, the language unfamiliar. Just like theirs.

"Come off it Ronnykins," someone else said. "Just because we were told to patrol the area-"

"-doesn't mean we're actually going to find something," another voice chimed in.

Kakashi couldn't understand what they were saying, but their voices sounded… cheerful. Happy upraised lilting voices, the sign of someone joking around. It reminded him of Obito and he started coughing again. It was starting to get harder and harder to breath now. How was he even alive? Kami, why was he even alive. This time he really did start to cry, if only a little bit. He was making pathetic noises and whimpers of pain. He just wanted to die. He just wanted to die, dear Kami why couldn't he just die already.

"Shut it, I think I hear it too," the feminine voice said.

Kakashi was still crying when a group of four teens rushed forward and froze at the sight of his broken and mangled body.




The was the sound of a loud crack and Kakashi was sure he was losing his mind as well as his eyesight when two of the teens disappeared into a vortex without the use of a jutsu. Another wave of nausea hit him and he started coughing again.






This voice was new, feminine and strong, and Kakashi was unsure what was happening, but he was glad the shouting stopped.

"MUM!" the two other voices cried out in relief.

"Go back to the house kids, we'll take care of this."

"Mum, no you don't understand!"

"Magic doesn't work on him!"

"What the-"

"We need to carry him inside, and fix him the muggle way!"

Too much sensory input, feeling of hands on him, nausea, difficulty breathing, everything was too much. It was in that moment that Kakashi Hatake, who had held on for so long, finally blacked out.

A/N: What do you guys think? After three years I hope my writing has improved vastly. The style and tone has definitely changed that's for sure. I'm much more used to writing RP's to be honest. Anyways, for those wondering about my life in that three year span, here's what happened:

I left an extremely toxic and abusive friendship, I met someone who I thought was the love of my life, was in a platonic relationship with said person (we were in a QPP relationship), graduated high school, got accepted by the college of my dreams, realized I could not afford the college of my dreams (it was SCAD if you're wondering what college btw), did nothing for a year where I was in and out of deep depression and anxiety on a daily basis, made a best friend, after a suicide attempt finally managed to go to community college, realized pursuing a higher education like normally caused me to experience extreme burnout and depression, dropped out of college, withdrew into deep depression, was stalked by the toxic ex friend, received death threats from a friend of my toxic ex friend because I was suffering a mental breakdown, realized I was a trans guy, realized I was madly in love with my best friend, best friend also turned out to be madly in love with me, is now dating my best friend who is my boyfriend, boyfriend and I RP all the time, found out two DIFFERENT abusers were stalking my blog and sending my boyfriend death threats, had to leave my tumblr blog of 4/5 years to keep me bf safe, platonic homo friend broke up with me and cut all ties with me for a reason I still don't know other than "I don't think we should be together right now because I don't want to be a burden to you", realized I have several personality disorders (amongst other things) due to the extensive abuse I still have to deal with my family, boyfriend has become the most important person in my life just as I'm the most important person in his life, I'm finally back on anti-depressants and getting help for my depression, and finally I am currently working on several projects including an animation project and visual novel that I've been wanting to make since my senior year of high school.

Thank you for reading this fanfic everyone! New chapters to come soon!