Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, Akatsuki or any of the characters/concepts featured. All characters belong to Masashi Kishimoto.

Note: this can be classed as SasoDei. If you do not like the pairing, please do not read.

I do not own the cover.

Summary: Alpha and Omega

The world is divided. There are the rich and the poor. The strong and the weak. There are those born to lead, and those made to follow. Alpha and Omega.

Neither will accept the other.

So what will happen when a certain blonde Omega and red-haired Alpha are forced to work together? Success…Or anarchy?

"Some people are so poor, all they have is money."


'Stay out! Filthy Omega scum!'

The boy gave a pitiful cry as he landed face first in the snow at the side of the street. Slowly, he tried to stand, whimpering and trembling from the cold until something hit the back of his head forcing him back down again.

'Take your trash with ya; ya gettin' no business 'ere! No one's gonna buy shit from ya!'

The young boy struggled to sit up and turned to face the shop owner. His face was deathly pallid and somewhat gaunt, and his blue eyes were tired and red-rimmed. His hair hung limply, the once bright golden strands now damp and irritating his face. He was only ten but he got no sympathy. The old man continued to yell at him.

'If you so much as step in here again I'll snap ya fuckin' neck, ya dirty little creature! Ugly, disgusting little…'

The man trailed off and returned to his shop, no doubt muttering more abuse under his breath. He violently slammed the door shut, making the young blonde wince. The boy sniffed a few times but did not cry. He had learned long ago that doing so would only be a sign of weakness and would not accomplish anything. Instead, he simply bent down and began to gather the box of matches that had been thrown at him. They were now scattered everywhere and the moisture from the snow had rendered them useless. There was no way he could sell them now.

He felt tears prick his eyes. With hands so pale you could see the bones beneath the skin; he tugged at the collar of his tattered coat, hoping it could offer at least a little warmth. He looked around with wide blue eyes.

People were walking at the sides of the street, their shoulders hunched forward and their hands clasped together beneath the long sleeves of their coats to escape the bitter cold. No one spared a thought for the boy in the snow. No one ever did.

As the blonde went to stand, he noticed a shadow had appeared on the snowy ground in front of him. He blinked several times and looked up.

The shadow belonged to another young boy, although perhaps a year older than himself. He had large, kind chocolate eyes framed by a mop of messy auburn hair. But unlike the blonde, he did not wear rags. Instead, he wore an expensive-looking robe. It was intricately embroidered in several places and appeared to be made from silk or some other precious material. That could only mean that…

An Alpha!

The blonde panicked and shot back instantly, stumbling and falling back into a pile of snow at the side of the road. He quickly sat up and noticed his clothes had become soaked in the snow, making it even colder for him. He brushed most of it off and placed his hands on his cheeks in an effort to warm his face.

'Grandmother, who is that boy and why is he in the road?'

The blonde looked back at the young Alpha. The redhead was now standing next to an older woman. She had short grey hair and wore a stern expression, as well as the same lavish and fashionable attire. Her eyes were frostier than the ice on the ground around her.

She hissed, 'Don't touch him Sasori!'


'That is what we call an Omega.' sneered the woman. The word 'Omega' seemed to flick spitefully off her tongue as though it left a foul taste in her mouth.

'But why was he kneeling in the road?'

'Just ignore him, Sasori. He is less than us and he probably deserved it. Now come; your mother will be waiting and I don't want to be late for the banquet tonight, least of all because of this thing.'

The blonde frowned at that. Thing?

The elder woman gave him a dirty look before walking away. The only sound that could be heard was the crinkle of the snow under her feet as she moved. Her grandson however, remained still with a thoughtful expression on his face.

After a while of mulling over what the old woman had told him, he toddled over to the blonde and held out his small hand to help the other boy up. He grinned at the Omega. 'Don't worry about her; she can be mean sometimes. I'm Sasori, who are you?'

The blonde gave him a weary look, but saw nothing in the Sasori's eyes except innocence. There were no hidden motives here. Smiling softly, he reached up and grasped the hand. He had been hurt one too many times already and so was grateful for the help, even if it should come from an Alpha.

'Deidara, hm.' he said, brushing himself down once more.

Sasori smiled kindly at him. 'Deidara? Great name!'

'…Thank you, hm.'

'So why were you in the road, Deidara?'

Naturally this question caused Deidara to remember his failure as a salesman and he could no longer hold back tears as he noticed several more matches at his feet. He sat at the side of the road and buried his face in his hands managing to choke out several words between sobs.

'Tried to s-sell m-matches b-but now they're gone, hm…I'm a failure and I have no m-money and my m-mother will hate me and I'll have nowhere to go and…'

He began to cry harder as he thought of several of the worst possible scenarios, earning him a few disgusted looks from passers-by.

Sasori gave him a worried look. This was an Omega? It couldn't be; grandmother Chiyo had told him that they were mean and greedy. Had she been wrong? Was it because this Omega was only young? Whatever the reason, Sasori couldn't help but feel sympathy for Deidara.

He reached out and tapped tentatively on the boy's shoulder. The blonde looked up, his eyes red from crying. 'What, hm?'

'You're crying because you need money?' asked Sasori. He tilted his head to the side, obviously confused. Deidara nodded slowly.

Sasori frowned in thought. That was why he was upset? He didn't have any money? Wait, Sasori had money! Maybe he could help…

The young Alpha reached into the pocket of his cloak, pulled out some bills and held them out to the blonde. It was his weekly allowance but he didn't mind. After all, he already had plenty of money at home anyway. Deidara gasped and his eyes widened to the size of plates. That was more money than his family would receive in a year! Heck, maybe more than in five years!

Sasori smiled at the younger boy's reaction, pleased it had helped. 'Take it. I don't need it; I have lots already. Now you won't be sad anymore.'

Deidara reached out and took the money with trembling hands. He held it close to his chest, afraid that the cruel winter wind would snatch it from him. He smiled at Sasori, more tears falling from his eyes. Except, these were not from sadness. 'Thank you so m-much, un! Thank you! Thank y-'


Both boys turned in the direction of the harsh voice. It was the woman with grey hair and she didn't look very happy.

'I told you not to touch him! You deliberately disobeyed me! Stupid child! Now you will need to have a bath when we get home! Come with me this instant!'

She stormed over to the two boys and took Sasori by the hand. She shot Deidara a venomous look before leading her grandson away and scolding him.

The young Alpha struggled weakly against the vice-like grip, but to no avail. 'But he didn't seem so bad grandmother,' protested Sasori, 'I thought we could be friends and-'

'Friends? Sasori! He is nothing but a wretch and he deserves everything he gets! An Alpha and an Omega? Friends? Pah! What an idea!'

As the two reached the corner at the end of the street, Sasori managed to turn and look at Deidara one last time. The boy was standing at the side of the street looking a little forlorn but still with the money grasped tightly in his hands. Sasori gave him an apologetic look before he and his grandmother disappeared entirely.

Deidara watched them go, smiling to himself. 'I will never forget this Sasori, hm. I will repay you, un…'

I enjoyed writing this and reviews and constructive criticism are much appreciated, but no harsh insults or flames please. Thank you very much for reading, and I hoped you like it. :)