1. Fugaku & Mikoto

Somebody has said something about second children. And that something happens to be, they tend to cry and scream and ask for trouble much, much more than their older siblings.

Itachi was a rather tranquil and obedient child, so Fugaku and Mikoto thought Sasuke would be the same. But as tearful shrieks shred through their sleep at night in courtesy of their two-month old second son, they realize (not for the first time) how sadly mistaken they were. Countless lullabies and a milk bottle later, Sasuke still doesn't calm down and keeps bailing like there is no tomorrow.

Mikoto briefly considers waking Itachi up – if he hasn't already – to go sooth his brother down (she could never understand why the sight of Itachi always manages to shut Sasuke right up and bring a cute little smile onto his rosy lips), but then remembers her oldest son has gone to his cousin Shisui's that night for a sleepover.

It doesn't help that Fugaku, with his bad temper and limited patience, decides to give up and lets her handle the rest.

Mikoto groans in frustration. Where is Itachi when she needs him?