This is the second story from me, and I hope it's a good one

Warning mentions of abuse, death and bashing of certain characters

I do not own Harry potter or soul eater

Chapter 1 resonance of the Soul

"Boy get out here right now!" Vernon Dursley shouted at his nephew.

He waited as a scrawny boy climbed out the cupboard under the stairs.

If one got a close look at the boy they would see that he was covered in dirt and bruises. He was dressed in cloths that were extremely too large for him. He had cracked and dented wire framed glasses, and he had an odd lightning shaped scar on his forehead. His name is Harry Potter, the boy who lived, but not if his relatives had anything to say about it.

"Boy I think it's about time we deal with you for good." Vernon said as he pulled a golf club from a bag by the door.

Now even at six years old Harry was smart enough to know what was going on. If he had been put under a certain hat he was sure it would be yelling of ravens and claws whatever that meant. As he slowly backed away from his uncle he was met with the form of his aunt Petunia holding a frying pan. Despite knowing that this was obviously his end, he couldn't bring himself to be afraid, knowing in death that even the pain from what was going to be his worst beating ever, it would reunite him with parents, so he welcomed death, unaware that he would be seeing death a lot from here on in.

Same time death room DWMA

Watching in a mirror as some of his most accomplished miesters and their weapons fought kishin, death's mind drifted to another set of problems he had:

Tom Marvoldo Riddle, a being that death had let exist long enough, but sadly the fates put the challenge of destroying that monster in the hands of a child.

His Horcruxes, how these wizards created something this foul escaped him. He thought that changing the souls of those who had cast one unforgivable into kishin souls, all three would be given true witch souls, but horcruxes were beyond evil and no mere meister weapon teams could destroy them only ones infused with black blood.

Albus Dumbledore, to be honest death had no true quarrel with the old Headmaster; it was just that Albus had allowed Tom to become what he had. The old man meant well, but he tended to miss seeing the trees for the forest.

The Deathly Hallows, now death was man enough to admit that it was a mistake giving these to the Peverel brothers all those years ago.

For all of these problems, death had an ace to accomplish all of these issues, Harry Potter.

Speaking of which death noticed he was getting emerging reading of a powerful soul beginning to die, and got curious. He checked the location on his mirror and was shocked at what he saw. There he saw his chosen emissary being beaten literally to death. At this death got angry, people should never treat a child in such a way. It was then that he was taking matters into his own hands, fates be damned.

"Spirit get in here right now, or so help me, I'll reaper chop you in half." Death yelled to his old friend/weapon.

"Sorry old man I was looking at some pret-"he stopped suddenly as he saw what was playing on death's mirror" who the hell would do this to a kid, a toddler no less." Spirit yelled out.

"Old friend that is no toddler, that boy is six." Death said with barely controlled rage.

"We have to stop. We have to get that boy to a hospital." Spirit yelled out

"No we won't." death said with a look of planning, but Spirit was so focused on the mirror, so he didn't see the look.

"NO. They are beating a child, who is the same age as Maka, to literal death and you say no. have you lost your mind old man?" Spirit screamed in hysterics and winced as they head ribs cracking

"No I'll do you one better. We are going to bring him here to Death City. He can stay with your family." Death said with a hint of his playfulness in his voice.

"I'll do it, as long as it gets him out of there." Spirit said with finality in his voice something that death rarely saw.

Back at Dursleys

Harry had to admit the pain was horrific, but he stayed focused on his reward for this last beating.

"This is boring dad. The little freak refuses to scream and I'm getting tired of beating." Dudley complained.

"Vernon, Dudders is right this is taking too long. Don't we have anything faster?" Petunia asked.

"Well, I do have something, but I don't want to be caught. " Vernon mumbled to himself as he walked out of the room.

Harry couldn't see what was in Vernon's hand when he came back, but he knew it meant his death. As the pain from the beating caught up with him, he heard a crash and a bang he assumed he had been shot, and slid into the darkness he assumed was death.

Time skip DWMA hospital 2 weeks later

As the light slowly came into his vision, he assumed he was in heaven. When he smelled surgical equipment, and he knew he was still alive. The question was what he was doing in a hospital the last memory was his uncle's gun going off then darkness.

As he sat with his thoughts he noticed a small girl with a book sitting across from him. She was so absorbed in her book that she did not notice him waking up.

"Excuse me." He said loud enough for her to hear.

She jumped noticing him awake. As their twin set of emerald eyes locked Harry felt a tug at his chest. Normally he would have assumed this because of the beating, but instead of pain and aching, it felt warm and invting.

The two children were broken from their unspoken conversation, when an unnoticed read head popped in.

"Good to see you're finally awake and you've met Maka." He said with a chuckle.

Unbeknownst to them Spirit had noticed their little moment, but chose to say nothing for now.

"Now" he continued "we need to talk about some things." He said sternly.

Maka took this as her cue to leave and was about to, until she felt a tug on her hand and saw Harry holding it tightly, as if begging her to stay.

Maka looked up at her father as if asking permission to stay. He gave her a nod and she sat down in a chair next to Harry's bed neither of them willing to let go of the other's hand.

"Now Harry, let's talk about your relatives." Spirit said softly.

He instantly noticed that Harry started trembling at the very mention of his relatives. Something Maka noticed as well.

In an attempt to calm Harry down he decided to begin with a question.

"Harry do your relatives hurt you regularly?" Spirit asked softly.

Harry looked down hiding his tears from them, but from where she was sitting Maka could see the tears. Then, to the surprise of everyone she made a bold move for one her age, she climbed in his bed and embraced him in her arms and let him cry and tell all about his relatives; from the beating and slave labor to the starvation. By the time he finished Spirit wanted to kill the Dursleys again.

When he finished speaking, he completely broke down in Maka's arms as she said soothing words in his ear. Unknown to them death was watching form his mirror and noticed as their souls reacted to each other perfectly.

"Perfect soul resonance, at their age, this should be impossible. They don't even know which is the weapon and the meister." Death thought in amazement. As he watched these two he knew this new path was, to quote Dumbledore for the greater good.

End of chapter

The first chapter of my 2nd story. I really hope this becomes a hit. I will try to update this story when I can. I am really excited about this story.

1 unforgivable they have to mean it, not for defense=kishin

All three=true witch

Harry and Maka will not be harvesting normal witch souls only true witches