Will charged through the gates of castle Araluen, wide eyed, just like he'd seen a ghost. His shaggy horse, Tug, panting and sweating, was dong his best to get away from the imminent danger behind them.

"Almost there Tug." Will whispered to his beloved horse. He then shouted to the guards, "Close The Gates! Now!"

The guards, very confused, quickly shut the gates and lowered the portcullis. A signal horn sounded from the watch tower.

"It's time." Will thought to himself. He then saw his mentor, Halt, and his best friend, Horace, striding towards him with stern faces.. Will's childhood sweetheart, Alyss, walked gracefully, between them.

"Will!" Horace called, "What is going on? you look like you've been tot Picta and back in an hour."

"Marauders, from Picta, followed me here after i accidentally set fire to their king's castle. They are a day behind me." Will explained between pants.

"Don't waste any time getting results do you?" chided Halt.

"Well I'm just glad you're safe and sound now." Alyss said with concern.

"Do the Scotti hold grudges? I do hope not." asked Will worriedly. For 21 and the best shot in the Ranger Corps, Will was stil scared of a lot of things. Like marauders for instance.

"They hold them alright. And for great lengths of time too." stated King Duncan of Araluen. The whole courtyard bowed. His daughter Cassandra, Evanlyn to her good friends, followed close behind.

"Oh no. They probably have a bounty on his head already." commented Horace. "You are not safe in Araluen Will.

"I know. I just... I cant bear leaving you all here to deal with my problems." Will explained.

"Don't worry about them. Dad can talk any one into doing anything and himself out of any situation." Evanlyn piped in.

"Not really Cassie." the king added, "But I will do my best."

"Right! Will shall go to Hibernia and stay with my cousin, the king of Clonmel." Halt summarized.

"Not that we have to like it. " complained Horace. "but it is for your own safety Will."

"I know. I will leave for the coast at first light. The sooner the better. That way I can get all my things together with plenty of time." Will added dejectedly.

"You should travel with an alias. Something not too common. Something that people won't look into, or if they do, they won't find anything accept what Will gives himself." said Alyss putting her best foot forward knowing she couldn't win this battle.

"How about...Thomas Branson?" suggested Horace thinking of his father's first man me and his uncle's last.

"No that's too common. Anyone could be Thomas Branson." added Halt, " Robin Hood sounds like a good one. Many arguments? No? Good. It's settled. Now I have to use the privy. Excuse me."

"Typical Halt." Wil added with a smile.

Everyone laughed at Halt's mild-mannered behaviour and attempt to lighten the mood.

Horace, Will, Alyss, and Evanlyn all went up too the castle too prepare Will's things. Most Rangers keep an extra set of s emergency supplies at Castle Araluen, just in case. This is what Will used now.

"I'm going to have to leave Tug behind. He is too noticeable as a Ranger horse. It breaks my heart but it must be done." Will stated bluntly.

"I will care for him and Ebony too. They will not be neglected." Alyss offeredas she handed him a medium sized bottle of dark liquid. "and here. This is a bottle of hair dye. U should use it the next time you have a chance. To disguise yourself more."

Ebony was Will's dog. Her mother, shadow was way off in Norgate fief living with a healer named Malcom who had saved Will's life on occasion.

"Thank you Alyss." Will replied gratefully.

With sadness hanging in the atmosphere, there was no feast in the castle. It was a morbid evening for all.

-so? How was it? Should I write more?