Disclaimer: I do not own Arrow or anything of its characters.

Author's Notes: I hope you will enjoy this and are not too disappointed it is not the sequel to Stubborn Love. I am still in the middle of writing that but this little idea kept popping into my head distracting me so I thought the best way to refocus was to simply write the story.


"Stupid Key," she muttered to herself as she failed to unlock the door to her apartment for the fourth time. Maybe the lock had rusted? She should probably call the building manager in the morning.

"Damn it," she swore as the key dropped to the floor. Maybe the key was faulty? It was old and was no longer capable of performing its key duties.

Or maybe she was just too drunk to possess the hand-eye coordination necessary to place a long thin metal object into its proper slot.

"Ah, got it!" Finally on her fifth attempt, Felicity managed to open her apartment door. She stumbled inside, not bothering to turn on the lights as she already knew the route to her bedroom by heart. However, unknown to her, the drunken meanderings of a certain blonde in a tight blue dress had caught the attention of one green hooded vigilante out on his nightly patrol.

Felicity opened the door and staggered into her bedroom. It was probably due to the high levels of alcohol in her system but finding a hooded man in her bedroom didn't even cause a reaction.

"Hello? Are you lost? Am I lost? This is my bedroom, isn't it?" She looked around the room to make sure, "Yes, it is cause that's my Dalek plushy, so you must be in the wrong place." She finished calmly.

"Felicity," Oliver began, but was promptly cut off by a drunken Felicity.

"Hey! I know you. You're the Hood. Hello Mr. Hood or can I call you Hoodie, no, that sounds dumb, I'll stick with Mr. Hood. It's nice to meet you." She extended her hand to shake his.

Immediately two things became crystal clear to Oliver: One, Felicity was incredibly drunk and two, in her drunken state she had apparently forgotten that Oliver was The Hood and that she worked for him. Not one to let a golden opportunity like this go by, Oliver decided to play along.

"It's nice to meet you too, Felicity."

"Wait. How do you know my name?"

"I'm The Hood. I know everything. I see everything." God that sounded cheesy, but it seemed to placate drunken Felicity.

"Oh, that makes sense. But what are you doing here?"

Good question, Oliver thought to himself. "I saw you get out of the cab in front of your building. And you looked a little unsteady on your feet so I wanted to make sure that you got home okay."

"Ah, that's so sweet that The Hood cares about Starling City so much that he makes sure its citizens get home safely. You have such nice manners, unlike some men I know."

Ah, so that was it. Felicity had obviously gone out on a date that, judging by the fact she had returned home drunk and alone, hadn't gone so well. For some reason best not thought about, Oliver felt a rush of happiness at the thought that Felicity had had a bad date. Not that he didn't want her to find someone to make her happy – he did in theory, but for some reason the actuality of that happening didn't sit too well in his stomach.

Oliver's attention snapped back to reality when he saw that Felicity had attempted to walk towards him, but the combination of too much alcohol and a pair of sky high black heels caused her to stumble forward. Using his lightning quick reflexes he caught Felicity before she fell to the floor. Her head rested against his chest and her hands clutched at his forearms. Suddenly he was overwhelmed by how soft she was, soft and warm and her hair smelled amazing, some kind of fruit concoction, he didn't know nor did he care. All he knew was that Felicity was in his arms and he couldn't remember anything feeling so damn amazing before in his life.


Felicity running the soft pads of her fingertips over his wrists and up his forearms was now the most amazing thing he had ever felt in his life.

"Did you know that if you took all the veins from your body and laid them end to end it would take up the length of a football field? I mean you would also be dead cause you need your veins to live but it's still a pretty cool fact."

Oliver could hardly breathe; he was mesmerized by the sight of Felicity gentle fingers running up and down the veins in his forearms.

"Is that right?" He said, clearing his throat loudly.

"Yup, and did you know that people are more likely to get throat cancer from oral sex than smoking?" Felicity asked earnestly.

Immediately Oliver felt all the blood in his body rush to his groin. His body and his mind betrayed him as he was assaulted by images of a blonde head bobbing between his thighs.

"No," his voice a hoarse whisper, "I did not know that."

"Yeah, well I know a lot of things," she continued, seemingly unaffected by her proximity to him. "Like I know how to keep track of things like days and times." She stepped out of his embrace and Oliver felt an overwhelming sense of loss. After holding her for only a few minutes his body felt cold without her pressed against him.

Refocusing on Felicity, Oliver gathering his wits and replayed her last comments in his head. Days. Times. Ah, it all made sense now.

"You were stood up?" He asked incredulously. What kind of Grade A bastard stood up Felicity? She was the funniest, smartest, sweetest, hell, sexiest woman he had ever met. "What kind of asshole wouldn't show up for a date with you?"

"An asshole named Oliver Queen," Felicity replied.


There will only be 1 other part to this fic. I know it is a little improbable that a drunk Felicity wouldn't remember that she works with Oliver/The Hood, but it's Fan Fiction so the rules of normal story writing don't apply. I hope. :)