"She's volatile." growled a voice coldly.

"She's violent." the next continued.

"She's a weapon." followed the next in rapid succession.

"She's a child!" Fury shouted, his blood boiling, standing from his chair which was placed in front of five large screens where the dark bodies of the council sat. "She is a human being! She has rights!" He continued. He knew he could help and he sure as hell wasn't going to let these bunch of suits keep him from doing what he wanted.

"Director Fury," one of the infuriating Council members spoke. "This object, weapon, person... call it what you may, it could be a threat to America's safety." A calm deep voice came from one of the screens. Though he sounded reasonable, his commands were anything but. "We need it destroyed before it causes any damage." the voice carried on.

"After what happened in New York, you need to get your standards back. You've become soft, Fury." another voice said boldly, arrogantly.

"Mercy is not a sign of weakness, it's a sign of humanity." Fury had calmed down; he knew getting angry wouldn't solve anything in this situation. In a brief pause, he continued. "We get to the premises, we take out the targets, we get the girl..." He said slowly, as though he was something to a child.

"We've had observation reports that the child has been genetically modified-"

"All the more reason for it to be taken out!" a voice boomed from the screen.

"I will not let any more innocent blood be spilled." Fury said, quietly shaking his head. His mind raced through the events of New York, just a few months ago.

"You cannot assure us that this object is safe." a feminine voice said calmly, coldly.

"She is not an object!" Fury snapped. "We're doing this whether you give us permission or not. We've proved enough to you for you to know how we can handle a situation." He nodded.

"Yes, by destroying half of New York!" the woman's voice snapped.

"It saved many more lives than blowing up all of New York!" He snapped back, knowing it would be a good counter argument.

"There will be a team storming the premises later today, I will be accompanying it, and we will get the girl." Fury said, turning to leave.

"-and who will care for her then?" one voice asked, sure he wouldn't have an answer. SHIELD was an intelligence organization, not a bunch of babysitters.

"We have a team of the world's mightiest heroes. Finding a nanny won't be hard." He said, leaving the room to the protests of the Council.