I have so many one-shot ideas! I'm going to be writing like crazy once summer comes. This was just one of my ideas. It actually turned into a two-shot by accident.

I hope everyone enjoys it!

Warning: This is Yaoi, which means boy on boy lovin'. Medical inaccuracy. There may be OOCness in the near future. This story is not beta read so grammar mistakes will most likely show up in the story.

The point about medical inaccuracy in the warming is just to say sorry that I probably got a few things wrong. I got so into writing this that I forgot to look up a lot of the medical stuff that shows up. I hope everyone will excuse that and enjoy it nonetheless.

Disclaimer: If I owned Naruto, I would have Kiba all to myself.

It All Start With Letters

Part One

The letter comes on a Thursday. He's tired and he just wants to crash for the night. He doesn't get letters often though and decides to sit down on his bed to read it. He doesn't recognize the name and address on the corner of the envelope, but he assumes it's probably one of those programs that has kids write letters.

He sighs.

He was hoping it was a letter from his mother. He hasn't gotten a letter in a while and it would be nice to hear from her. He can't very well throw the letter away though. He would feel guilty. With a sigh, he tears the thing open, furrowing his eyebrows when a few pages of lined paper fall out.

This can't be from one of those programs where the little kids send letters. They usually just make some sort of card saying to get well soon.

Dear Sasuke,

I don't know if they told you, but they are doing this program at my school to write letters to hospital patients. I thought I might as well do it. I don't expect a reply or anything, but I'll send a few and tell you a bit about myself. Maybe it will get your mind off things? All I know is it sounded like a great opportunity and I always love to meet new people.

Well, I guess I'll just start with the basics. My name is Naruto and I'm in my final year at school. I'm doing my second year to complete my masters in education so I can teach children all about the good things in life. I wanna teach little kids, maybe second or third grade, but I wanna do some high school years as well. I just can't decide. They all need to be guided in the right direction and I want to help them all.

I know, you're probably wondering why I have that goal in the first place. Why would I want to help inspire some snot nose kids? I ask myself that same question all the time, but then I look back at the teacher who set me straight and I know for a fact I want to help these kids. You see, I was a little trouble maker when I was younger. I was a spit fire. I was always making trouble and just didn't care. I was going into the sixth grade with failing grades and at risk of staying back. My teacher pulled me aside one day and he just talked some sense into me. I'm not going to say what cause it is kinda private, but it really helped. I want to be able to do that for kids. I want to be able to inspire them to change. I mean, look at me (Though, I guess you can't cause this is just a letter), I never thought it was possible I would be in college nonetheless getting a masters degree.

So, yeah….that's why I wanna teach kids.

Oh, I also got a bachelor's degree in history and I'm working on my masters for that too. I really enjoy history.

Well, I just wanted to make a new friend by sending this letter. We can be friends, right? I would like that. I'm not lying when I say I like new friends!

I don't know how much more to write. I don't even know if you're reading this and I have to do some homework anyway. I guess I'll just end it here then. I'll send you another letter as soon as I can!

I wish you the best,


Sasuke stuffs the letter into the drawn on his night stand without a second thought.

It's three weeks later when he receives another letter. This one is wrinkled and the address on the corner is the same at the last. The white envelope looks like it got beat up pretty bad in the mail. He opens up the envelope, noticing that someone, at some point, spilt water on it.

Dear Sasuke,

I almost forgot to write something this week! I've had so much homework to do. I swear teachers get together and talk about when they all wanna give homework at the same time. I mean, I was free for a while with a bit of homework here and there and these four papers and two tests just crept up on me! It was horrible! It's about one in the morning right now and I just finished my last paper, but I wanted to get this written before I forgot!

(The water caused this part of the letter to just become a complete glop of black pen. It isn't even readable anymore.)

Anyway, I hope you're doing well! I don't really know what to talk about. I'll say a bit more about myself I guess. I played soccer for as long as I can remember. I love the sport. I played all through high school and college. It makes me sad that I couldn't go any further, but I had no interest going pro anyway, not that they wanted me or anything. I mean, I knew I wanted to teach so I just didn't care that I wasn't going pro. I plan on taking on a soccer team when I get out of school. I want to couch some little kids and maybe couch a high school team as well. I think the principle of my high school would let me couch. We got close when I got to high school. She really helped me out. I owe her a lot, but that's a conversation for another day!

I seriously hate writing papers. I was just writing a paper on the American Revolution and it was horrible. I mean, I already know like everything about it, but the paper focused on like women during the war and I wanted to bash my head through the wall writing it. I don't care about what the woman did. I like the fighting and the politics behind everything. I'm just happy I'm finally done with the paper. I should have done it earlier, buttttt I procrastinated as much as possible. I don't really care though. I survived this long doing that so I think I'm good.

(There is a smudge of pen across this part of the page; obviously the water ruined this part of the letter as well.)

Anyway….I really do have to go. It's about two in the morning now and my roommate will kill me if I'm up much longer with the light on. I hope you have a great day!


Sasuke furrows his eyebrows, holding the paper closer to his face to see if he can make out the paragraphs that are smudged and ruined. The words won't make sense though and he finds himself wanting to know what they say. It's a whole three paragraphs that got completely ruined. He's lucky he could read the paragraphs he could.

He shakes his head and folds the paper up. He glances at the little notebook on the table next to his bed and after contemplating what to do, he picks it up.


You spilt water all over your letter, idiot.


He stuffs the little note in an envelope and makes a mental note to mail it tomorrow.

He's in his bed when someone walks into the room with the mail. He looks up when he sees a nurse smiling at him and holding out a letter. He nods his head at the nurse, taking the letter. The address in the corner is the same as the previous letters.

He rips it open.

He furrows his eyebrows when he notices a picture fall out of the envelope and onto the bed. He picks it up, noticing a nice looking house covered in snow. He flips it over hoping to find out a reason why the picture would be in the envelope, but it doesn't say anything.


I never expected to ever get a letter back from you! I mean, it was a mean letter with all of one sentence, but I was still really happy to get it! I'm sorry about the water. I must have spilt water going to bed after I turned out the light. I didn't talk about much important so it doesn't really matter!

I'm not really sure what to say, but I'll just go with it.

First, what does dobe mean?

Second, I hope you're doing well! I've been doing great! It just started to snow here and I'm getting ready to complete my finals. I can't wait till Christmas! I'm having a party with all my friends at my house. It's going to be great!

I included a picture of the snow for you in the letter. I know you've probably seen snow…well actually I don't. I wanted to put the picture in though. I always take a picture of the first snow fall of the year. The house in the picture is mine! I inherited it from my parents.

(Sasuke flips over the picture, looking at the house. It's a little house, probably three bedrooms at most. It has a good size yard and some bushes in the front of it. It's painted an off white color with blue shutters and a blue door. It looks like a nice house. He only wonders why Naruto's parents would give it to him.)

The Christmas party I'm hosting is going to be great! Do you get to go home for Christmas? I don't know if you do get to. I hope you have a good Christmas anyway! I know I will.

I know this is a short letter, but I have to start studying. I'll send another letter after finals are over. I have to give them all of my attention. Then, I only have one more semester left! I'm so excited! I never thought I would make it this far!

Hope you have a good day!


Sasuke reads the letter over one more time, staring at the house in the picture. It looks like it was taken with a pretty expensive camera, but he can't be sure. iPhones these days take pretty good pictures as well.

He glances over at the little notebook and reaches for it. He flips it open to the back and rips out a piece of paper. He takes a second to think of what he is going to write before jotting down a letter to this Naruto character.


Look it up, idiot

No I don't get to go home for Christmas.


He slips the piece of paper in an envelope, ready to mail it the next day.

It's a long time before the next letter comes. He finds it sitting on his bed when he goes back to his room after a long day.

He rips the envelope open, furrowing his eyebrows when he notices two letters fall out. He reaches for both of them, eyeing the one that says 'read first' across the front of the folded letter. He pikes that letter up first and opens it.


I actually wrote this letter after the last one, but I don't think you would understand the other letter if I didn't explain it to you first. I wrote it when I was drunk and it doesn't make much sense, but I thought I would send it anyway. I did write it for you and it isn't like it has anything personal in it. It may even give you a good laugh.

I'm sorry these letters are so late. I wrote the drunken letter pretty early, but I didn't want to send it without another letter explaining it. It took me longer to write this because of all the last minute school work and finals, but now I'm free! I'm so happy to have a vacation right now. I can't wait to just relax and take some time off before my last semester.

My Christmas party is seriously going to rock. I can't wait to host it. All my friends are coming and I'm putting up mistletoe everywhere just to screw with them. It's the funniest thing when two people get stuck under it and obviously aren't happy. I usually get a few beatings for that cause my best friend always ends up under it multiple times. The bitch can throw a damn good punch. I mean, don't judge me, but she hits damn hard for a girl. She gave my friend a concussion once after hitting them. I laughed pretty hard when that happened, but that only earned me a huge bump on my head.

Hey, maybe when you can leave for Christmas, sometime in the future, if we are still writing, you can come to my party. I know my friends would like you. They like everyone so I think you would be fine.

(Sasuke rolls his eyes at the ridiculousness of this part. The guy doesn't seem to realize they live on opposite sides of the U.S.)

I really don't have much else to say. I'm going on a ski trip during vacation, but that isn't very exciting. I do love snowboarding so it will be fun. My friends and I are all renting a cabin for a week in early January after New Year's, which will have some pretty awesome parties too. I love the winter and going on ski trips is one of my favorite things! I also really enjoy sledding. My friends and I go a few times a year to this one hill just out back from my house. It's a huge hill and so much fun!

I highly doubt you wanna hear all my plans though. Will you be doing anything for Christmas and New Year's there?

I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions. I mean, you can't really answer that, but I thought I would write a few questions and you can answer the ones you want to. If they are too personal don't bother answering them. I don't mind. You can ask me questions too. The same rule will apply to me.

So…What is your family like? Do they visit often? What's your favorite color? Food? Where is your dream house? Where do you wanna go on vacation?

I'll ask more next time! I'm brain dead after all my exams.

Have a good Christmas! I probably won't write till after.


Sasuke stares at the questions for a few minutes until he finally puts the letter aside. He picks up the other letter and unfolds it. It's a short little piece and the writing is messier than usual.


Shit, I'm sooooo drunk right now. I blame my best friend. He's an idiot and he is always getting me into trouble. Damn, my hangover it going to be sooo bad. Shit!

Sasuke, thanks for the letter! I still don't know what dobe means, but whatever! I'll find out sooner or later. Oh god, I feel sick. I'll be right back.

I'm back! God, I drank way too much. I'm going to kill Gaara for letting me get this shit faced.

Wait! I see more beer and another party.

I'm out!


Sasuke can't help but chuckle as he folds the letter back up and tucks it away with the rest. He pulls out his little notebook and flips to the back. He snatches up his pen, thinking about what he is going to write for a few minutes before he finally starts to scribble across the page in perfect cursive.


I like the color blue.

I like Japanese food and tomatoes.

My mom is very sweet and she's kind to everyone. My brother is closed off, especially after my father died, but he still loves us.

They visit as often as they can.

What is your family like?


It takes him a long time to decide if he is going to send it, but eventually he folds up the letter and stuffs it into the envelope. He mails it before he can change his mind.

Christmas and New Year's fly by and Sasuke gets a few letters and visits from his mother and brother, but he hasn't gotten a letter for weeks from Naruto. He doesn't know why, but he actually likes to get letters from Naruto. He anticipates them now and hopes every time he goes over to his bed that a letter will be sitting there, waiting for him to open.


Onyx eyes snap up, looking into the brown eyes of his closet friend. The brunette sits at the end of the bed, falling back and letting out a deep sigh. "What's been up with you Sasuke? Hear from Mama Uchiha lately?"

"Hn, she sent a Christmas card as well as Itachi. They visited a few days after," Sasuke replies. Kiba nods his head, his gaze turning toward the ceiling. They lapse into silence for a few minutes, only broken when another person walks into the room, a stake of mail in her hands.

"Sasuke, I have mail for you," the nurse says with a smile, holding out a crisp white envelope. Sasuke nods his head in thanks, taking the envelope and looking at the corner. He can't help the twitch of his lips when he recognizes the address in the corner.

The nurse waves on her way out.

"Damn, Sasuke, what got you so happy?" Kiba says, sitting up to get a better look at Sasuke's face. Sasuke quickly schools his features, putting his mask back on. Kiba chuckles. "I saw the look in your eyes and that damn cork of your lips. Who the hell is sending you letters to make you that happy?"

"Fuck you," Sasuke says, shoving Kiba, who only laughs. Sasuke rolls his eyes at his friend, turning his attention back to the letter only to find that it isn't in his hand any more. He snaps his attention back to Kiba, who is ripping the envelope to pieces and pulling out the letter, which is written on printer paper this time.

Sasuke reaches for the letter, grabbing the corner of it, only for it to be yanked out of his reach. He reaches for it again, his fingers catching the corner and a piece of white paper tearing off. He glares at his friend, happy there are no words on the pieces of paper ripped off. "Give me the damn letter, Kiba," Sasuke snaps, his short fuse threatening to snap.

"Who the hell is this Naruto guy?" Kiba asks after a few seconds, his eyes looking at Sasuke, trying to figure out what the hell is up. Sasuke frowns and finally grabs the letter out of Kiba's hands. The brunette obviously read the whole thing though.

"No one," Sasuke says, his eyes scanning over the letter for a second. He turns his attention back to Kiba when he makes no move to leave. "What?"

"Why does this guy make you so happy? How do you even know him? I know all your damn friends and none are named Naruto."

"It's just some idiot who's doing that stupid send a letter to a patient things."

"And you're this happy to be getting the letter? How long you been getting letters from him?" Sasuke glares at his friend, sick of all these question. This is one of the things he hates about Kiba. He likes to but into his life to much.

"I don't know. A few months we've been taking," Sasuke shrugs, turning back to the letter intent on reading it.

"Wait! You just said you've been talking. Are you writing him back?" The silence is all Kiba needs as an answer. "Damn, you like this guy Sasuke. I haven't seen you this happy in a damn long time. What the hell do you even know about him?"

"You're the one who read the damn letter, you'll know just as much as me. I don't know much except he wants to be a teacher and coach soccer."

"I didn't read the letter. I ain't that mean. Whatever. I'm here if ya wanna talk about it. This guy might be good for you Sasuke," Kiba says, slapping the Uchiha on the back. Sasuke sends him a glare and he chuckles, giving him a salute before he exits the room.

Sasuke lets out an annoyed sigh before turning his attention back to the letter.


Shit! I'm so sorry I didn't write sooner! I've been so busy. The Christmas party was great and New Year's went by so fast. I found myself snowboarding before I knew it and everything just slipped my mind. I just got back from my ski trip and I wanted to write this before I forgot.

I'll talk about the party first.

God, I love sending Christmas Eve with my friends. They are just so much fun! We drank so much and I got hit a good amount of time by Sakura (my best friend who hits me with all her crazy ass strength). She hit me the hardest when we both ended up under the mistletoe. That did not go over well. She was so mad at me for that! I did get a kiss though. Sadly, it was only on the cheek. Haha. I didn't get under it again with anyone. Well, with my other best friend, Gaara, but he just walked away. It's all good.

We all got each other presents and I got some great stuff! Gaara got me a video game and Sakura got me this blue sweater because she said I need to stop wearing so much orange. It's a nice sweater though. It will be great for winter. I got a few other things from other friends, but nothing to important!

The ski trip was great! I got a few bruises, but I'm all good. I had a lot of fun spending all the time with my friends. I really needed it. It was nice to relax with them before we all got back to our crazy lives. Most of my friends work already, but it's all good. They make fun of me cause I'm still in school, but I just tell them I'll get more money in the end cause I'm getting my masters. I probably shouldn't say that though. Teachers make shitting pay.

I hope you had a good New Years! I'm happy to hear you like the color blue. I bet it's a dark blue you like best? I don't get the sky blue vibe from your letters. Tomatoes aren't my favorite. I'm not really one for healthy food. I really like ramen and I eat instant ramen all the time. It's easy, quick and pretty cheap. Since you like Japanese food you'll have to tell me where to get some good ramen. I've only had it a few times and it's been amazing.

I'm sorry about the whole family thing. It sounds pretty rough.

To answer your question, my parents were amazing people. My mom was always happy and upbeat. She always had a smile on her face. She could talk for hours. I'm a lot like her personality wise. I look like my dad though. He was much more calm and collected. He always thought things through. He was always happy though.

Enough about that though! I sense more questions!

You didn't tell me where you wanna visit or live in the future. So, where? Did you always live in the same place or did you move around as a kid? What is your favorite subject in school? What's your dream job?

Hope you feel better soon,


Sasuke doesn't know what to make out of the 'was's written within the sentences about Naruto's parents. That has to mean they are dead. That would explain why Naruto owns the house. Sasuke finds himself wanting to know how it happened and he wants to know how long the guy has been a lone.

He shakes off the feeling.

The letter is folded up nicely and stuffed into the draw with the rest. He pulls out his notebook and rips the back page out.


I've never skied before or snowboarded for that matter.

My mother and brother visited for Christmas. It was nice.

I'd visit Japan and live on the east coast somewhere in a house relatively secluded from everyone else.

I've lived in the same city for as long as I can remember.

I like math and I want to be a math professor.

Where do you want to travel too?


He hesitates to ask the guy about his parents, but thinks better of it. He doesn't want to pry.

He reads the letter over one more time, noticing how much he actually wrote. It's a lot for him. He shakes his head to clear his thoughts and pulls out an envelope, putting the letter inside.

Kiba returns a few minutes later with a smile and a bag of food. "I know the hospital food sucks so I got you something," he says. Sasuke gives him a small smile and takes the food.

He asks Kiba to mail the letter when he leaves.

It's one of Sasuke's bad days. He had them rather often at first and he was starting to finally get better. It's like everything relapsed and all he wants to do is fall asleep for as long as possible. He can't find the strength to open his eyes and he just wants people to leave him alone.

"Sasuke," someone says. He opens his eyes a bit to find a nurse standing in the doorway. He nods his head slowly, turning his gaze back to the ceiling. "I have a letter for you. It's from someone by the name of Naruto."

He can't help the warmth that spreads over his cheeks when she says Naruto's name. It makes his whole body warm with happiness. The letter couldn't come on a better day. He is already feeling better.

"Thanks," he mumbles, lifting up his arm as much as possible and pointing to the little table. She seems to understand and she places the letter there before wishing him well and exiting the room.

Sasuke blinks his eyes a few times, his gaze turning toward the table. He should have had her put it on the bed so he could read it. He doesn't think he has the energy to reach over and open the letter. He lets out a sigh, his dark eyes flickering back to the ceiling.

He sits in silence for a few minutes, lost in thought.

He's brought back to reality when someone knocks on the door. He opens his eyes and notices Kiba in the doorway, giving him a small smile. "You not feelin' so hot today?" he asks, despite the fact he already knows the answer. Sasuke shakes his head, letting his gaze move back toward the ceiling. "You up for a visit?"

"Just come in and start talking, idiot," Sasuke snaps. Kiba chuckles and walks into the room, taking his normal seat on the end of the bed.

"What do ya want me to talk about?" Kiba smiles. Sasuke finds himself looking at the letter sitting on the table. He flicks his gaze toward Kiba. He doesn't know if he should risk it, but he wants to read the letter so badly and he's willing to let Kiba read it to him just so he can see what Naruto wrote.

"The letter," Sasuke says, his eyes looking at the table. Kiba follows his gaze and points at the letter sitting on the table. "Can you read it to me?" Kiba gives him a surprised look, but doesn't argue. He picks the letter up off the table and rips it open.


I'm so tired right now! The first week of school came way faster than I thought and I really didn't prepare myself for it. There is so much work! It's only been a week and I'm already sleep deprived. Gaara is killing me because I keep keeping him up because I'm always working. I mean it's never been this crazy before. I think the professors are just trying to scare us though. The syllabus doesn't look so bad later into the semester. At least, I hope it won't be so bad.

Sasuke, I'm going to have to take you to learn how to ski! Or you can snowboard. I don't know which you would prefer. I could teach you if you did snowboarding though. That would be so much fun!

East coast, you say? You'll have to visit me. I live on the east coast. I don't know if you like the cold though because I live up north. That's probably why I have such a thing for winter. I would never move south. I love the snow too much! I mean, it does get a bit cold around here, but the sledding and snowboarding totally make up for it! I'm definitely going to take you some time!

Japan would be so cool! I would get so lost though. I don't know another language and I can just see myself winding up in the wrong place.

I'd say I would go to England or something. I don't know. I don't have the money to travel. All the money I had from my parents went into the house and my education. I didn't have much left over. I really only have the money from my job. I'd seriously just settle for traveling to Disney or something. I've never been so that would be really cool.

I'd make this letter a bit longer, but I really have to go! I have a paper to write already. This semester is going to be the death of me. I know it will be worth it though. I can't wait to be a teacher! I'll have a bit more time on my hands too so I should be able to coach. I wish I could pick up a team now, but this work is going to drown me if I'm not careful.

I just have one question this time around…why a math professor?

I hope you're having a good day!


Sasuke can't help the small smile that plays on his lips as Kiba finishes up the letter. He barely registers Kiba looking at him, his eyes still trained on the letter in his hands. Kiba smiles and places the letter in his hand and Sasuke grips the paper. He wishes he could read it again, but he isn't about to ask Kiba to repeat the letter.

"He sounds nice, Sasuke. I can see why you like him," Kiba states. Sasuke nods his head, glaring at him friend, because he doesn't like Naruto in the way he knows Kiba is implying. "Well, I'm going to head out. You don't seem like you want visitors. I think it would be good for you to get your rest anyway."

He doesn't say anything as Kiba climbs off the bed. "I'll see you tomorrow," Kiba says with a smile. Sasuke nods his head, watching as his friend walks out the door with a wave of his hand.

He wishes he had the energy to write a letter back to Naruto.

It's a few days later when Sasuke feels up to writing a letter back to Naruto. He's still tired and his body is aching in places it hasn't for a while now. He pushes through it though and pulls out a piece of paper.


I'll have to hold you to all those promises.

I want to be a math professor because I'm the best at math, I enjoy it, and it's one of the few things to do with a math degree.

Why did your parents give you that house?


Sasuke bits his lip as he reads over the letter. He's pretty sure the question will be on the too personal side, but he really wants to know. It will explain why he refers to his parents in the past tense.

Sasuke already has an idea why Naruto does that. He's pretty sure Naruto's parents are dead, but he wants to know for sure. He doesn't just want to guess and he doesn't want to say anything wrong in his letters that might set Naruto off. He doesn't want to scare him away.

Sasuke finally folds up the letter and stuff it in the envelope on the table.

Kiba mails it when he visits later in the day.

It's a good day when he gets the next letter. His mother has just left for the day and Kiba is due for a visit later in the day. Three of his favorite people will be with him today and the only thing that could make it better is if Itachi could visit him.

He shakes the thoughts of his brother from his head, knowing he is busy running the family business and instead he focuses on the letter. He can't help the small smile on his lips as he takes the white envelope and rips it open.


Do you know, I still don't know what Dobe means. You've been calling me it for ages now and I still haven't bothered to look it up. I mean, I know you'll just call me it even if it is mean. I don't really care, it's almost like a nickname and I've never had a nickname before. It makes me feel special I guess, because none of my friends have given me a nickname (And no, loser does not count) and you have. I'm sorry if that sounds weird. I didn't mean it to be!

Okay, I have some pretty insane news right now. So, I know you live in LA and well, I just wanted to tell you I am TOTALLY GOING TO LA LIKE DURING MY SPRING BREAK! Okay, it is a really long story. My friends are seriously the best. They got together with my godparents and they all pitched in to buy me a plan ticket to LA for my graduation! Like, I know this may be weird (sorry, this is the second time I'm saying something is weird.), but I was wondering if I could meet you. I totally understand if you don't want to, but I thought it would be really cool.

So, other than that nothing interesting has happened. School and work have kept me really busy and I can't wait till Spring break. It really isn't that far off. I don't even know if I'll be able to send you another letter before Spring break. This is just going to be so insane! I've never even left the East Coast before and know I'm going to Cali! I seriously love my friends.

Oh, both Sakura and Gaara are coming with me. They both have pretty rick families so it didn't take a lot to convince their parents to let them. Well, Gaara doesn't have parents anymore, but he got a lot of inheritance. It's going to be great. I won't be bringing them a long if I meet you though.

Shot! I don't have time to write anything else. I just looked at the clock and I have class in twenty minutes! Damn!

Let me know if you want me to visit!


Sasuke nearly dies when he reads the letter. Naruto has become the object of his affection lately and he can't help that his heart beats a bit faster at the prospect at meeting this guy. He wants to know what he looks like so badly. He wants to know what his voice sounds like. Sasuke wants to know everything about him.


Yes, you can visit me.


He doesn't know what else to write so he just hands the short letter off to Kiba and explains the situation to his best friend, because he finds himself needing to tell someone.

"Wow, this is the most excited I've seen you in a while, man. I'm happy," Kiba tells him, a smile on his lips. Sasuke hits him over the head with a glare, but Kiba only laughs it off, promising to mail the letter on his way out.

I hope everyone enjoyed the first part! The second part will be out in a few days! I love reviews!