Quick return for now. I'm not officially back, since I have more work to do this following week, and I'll probably take another long absence. It's so frustrating because I want to work on my stories, and I've wanted to write for so long but I can't.

ALSO, [IMPORTANT EXPLANATION - well, I consider it important that I should let you readers know why I've been MIA for a while, but if you're not interested, then I'm totally okay with you just skipping this]:

As I've mentioned on my profile, I've been on a hiatus from writing because of personal problems. I'll share two of them now, but not in detail. I've been gone for two reasons: (1) My car was stolen, and when I got it back, several parts were missing so I had to replace them. (2) My dog was attacked by another dog, and he had to have an operation done. He's finally recovered, now. :) I had to focus on my poor pet for a while, and then I was just overwhelmed with work I've been putting to the side. Procrastination is death, but I'm a horrible procrastinator. It's one of my many, many, MANY flaws. Because perfection is BORING...but really, I should start trying to NOT procrastinate. But my busy schedule is going to get even busier for these following weeks, so except me to go on a long journey to find the Avatar and do not expect my return so soon. *cries*

But, anyWAYS, I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

Disclaimer: I've said this some thirty or so times, but I do not own Fairy Tail. If I did, Jellal and Erza would have kissed that one time and Edolas Hughes would have been a major character because he's my favorite villain. Taiga Matsumura and his family are my original characters and so on.

Brief Recap

Lucy's father has passed away, and she falls into a pit of despair. She stops going to school and stays in her room for weeks. Taiga finally pays her a visit, and helps her with a few, carefully chosen, meaningful words. When he returns home, Taiga makes up with his father, thanks to Lucy's influence. Now we get to see Natsu's POV in all of this! Hooray(?)

A/N: For a quick refresher you might want to just skim the last two chapters? I know it's been a while since I updated.

Prologue Chapter 31: Eleventh Grade (Part 8)


Several weeks have passed since Lucy returned to school.

When she had first entered the classroom again, I had stood up and cheered. Because of that, I got detention. But still, I couldn't keep myself from smiling every time I glanced over at the blonde.

Granted, she was uncharacteristically quiet the first few days she came back. Every time Levy or Erza tried to rein her into a conversation, she remained silent and unresponsive. But after a week had died away, the shine had started coming back to her eyes. She talked more animatedly, laughed more often, and immaturely made faces whenever my back was turned.

Despite how happy I am to spend time with Lucy again, my heart aches a bit. I desperately wish that I had been the one to help Lucy, not Matsumura. The selfish part of me rears its ugly, jealous head whenever I see the two of them together.

And trust me when I say that they had been spending a lot of time with each other recently. They hung out after school, met on weekends, and seemed to text each other 24/7. Matsumura even visited her house pretty often, and his visits seemed to cheer up both Auntie Layla and Lucy. It was for this reason that I felt guilty for envying Lucy and Matsumura's relationship. I could see that they were doing nothing more than steadily strengthening their friendship; after all, Matsumura had helped out Lucy, and she had helped out him. They were both healing each other's emotional scars.

But the expression I see on Lucy's face whenever she looks at Matsumura tells me that sooner or later, they'll evolve into something much more than "just friends".

A crisp, curt beep pulls me out of the comfort of my dreams. Grumbling, I pull my blankets over me and wriggle farther into its warm depths. Winter isn't exactly my favorite season. It's not that I get cold easily – in fact, I'm almost never cold thanks to my abnormally high body temperature. But cold weather always made the Ice Princess so happy. And that just pisses me off.

The beep repeats itself. For a moment, I wonder where the sound is coming from. Alarm clock? Slowly, I remember that it's the weekend, so there's no reason for the alarm to be turned on. Besides, that wasn't even the sound my alarm made.

Another beep. There's a certain familiarity to the sound.

Realization hits me so fast that I feel as if all the air has left my lungs.

It's my phone. It's beeping because I'm receiving text messages.

Natsu. Seriously. It shouldn't have taken you so long to figure that out. But it's not like I could help it. Waking up early dulled my senses to the point where I had to rely solely on my nose and taste buds (because breakfast saves me).

Scratching my head tiredly, I scoop my phone up from my nightstand and turn it on. The unforgiving brightness of its screen stabs my eyeballs.

It's eleven in the morning.

Okay. So it wasn't that early. But given that I usually wake up around two on the weekends, I'd say I'm allowed to call eleven o'clock early.

Who messaged me anyways?

(Because if it's Ice Princess sending me a soliloquy about how beautiful this cold winter morning is, I'll delete him from my contacts this time. I swear.)

I go to my inbox to check. All signs of sleepiness escape me when I see who it is.

At 10: 55 A.M.: [LucyHeart: Wanna hang out 2day? Park's pretty nice. Outdoor ice rink is finally open.]

At 10: 57 A.M.: [LucyHeart: Not waiting for ur answer. You're probably still asleep.]

At 10: 59 A.M.: [LucyHeart: Getting ready now. You're going whether you want to or not.]

To be honest, I'm genuinely surprised. Like I had mentioned, Lucy usually spent her weekends with Matsumura, not me. In fact, it had been a while since we had visited a random place together. Our interactions were limited to school days, and brief, accidental meetings when we both took out the trash. Occasionally, Lucy came to see Happy, but that was about it.

Our friendship had improved immensely ever since I had put in the effort to be a better friend, but we weren't close like before. After all, the past is the past, and the present is the present.

Rubbing my eyes, I swing my legs off the bed, and move towards my bedroom window. Nervously pushing the curtains out of the way, I peek outside to search for any flashes of blond hair. No Lucy yet.

Turning my attention back to my phone, I quickly type a message.

[SummerEqualsNatsu: Sounds good. Getting ready now.]

Beads of sweat appear on my forehead. The way I had written the words didn't make me sound too excited. Time to revise and edit.

[SummerEqualsNatsu: Sounds great! Getting ready now!]

I frown. Now I sound too excited.

[SummerEqualsNatsu: That sounds lovely. I'll be preparing for our day out.]

Fuck. That sounds so much worse that what I had before.

[SummerEqualsNatsu: Sounds great! Getting ready now.]

Perfection. Nodding in satisfaction, I send the text, and replace my phone onto my nightstand.

Hurriedly, I choose a set of clothes to wear. It's not a date, so nothing too fancy. I didn't have to worry about that. The fanciest piece of clothing I owned is my silk boxers.

As I'm slipping on a long-sleeved shirt, a pair of sweatpants, and a fairly warm jacket, my phone beeps with a new text message. I read it as I zip up my jumper.

[LucyHeart: I'm amazed that you're awake.]

Not even five seconds later, the ringing of the doorbell resonates throughout the house. I run a hand through my disheveled hair twice before I scramble out of my room. Trying to jog down the stairs without making too much noise proves to be difficult.

Pops is already at the door, dressed in boxer shorts and a stained white shirt as per usual. Neither Lucy nor I have ever complained about it. We both acknowledged long ago that it's part of his style and personality. Happy lounges beside my dad's feet, eager for a breakfast that hasn't been served yet.

"Lucy!" Dad exclaims, clapping his hands enthusiastically. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

Looking at the cheerful expression on his face now, it's almost hard to believe that just a few weeks ago he had been crying himself a lake of tears. A knife twists into my heart at this memory. The dim kitchen, filled with nothing but dust-filled rays of sunlight streaming through the windows. Our table, messy with old mail and a scattered trail of ants. He would sit alone, eating a meal that had gone cold hours ago. I stood behind him, unsure of what to do or say – how do you console an adult - a parent? My uselessness had overwhelmed me, choking me until I had dissolved into silent sobs, as well.

"Yeah," Lucy replies as I reach the bottom of the staircase, shattering my sudden flashback. Dad hasn't opened the door all the way, so I'm hidden from her view behind it.

"How have you been feeling lately?"

"Well… better."

"I'm glad."

I pause at the old man's gentle tone. Without evening witnessing the scene, I know that Lucy is smiling at my dad. And he'll return her smile. They'll have their little 'second father' – 'daughter-he-never-had' moment.

And I'll let them have it.

I remain at the foot of stairs, quietly counting the seconds that pass.

After I reach 'five alligators', I approach the door and lightly kick the back of my dad's knees. He jerks around in surprise; his eyes are wide and round as he observes me.

"You've awakened," he whispers dramatically, bringing a hand to his lips in mock amazement. Lucy plays along with his charade. Her lips part in a soundless scream as she points at me with a trembling finger.

"Drama queens," I mutter, feigning annoyance before my lips tilt up into a good-natured grin. "G'morning, Luce."

"You've got drool on your chin, Natsu."


The way she says my name.

Unflinchingly, I reply without missing a beat, "Drool is a sign that you've slept well."

Lucy smirks.


Luce Heartfilia smiles, grins, laughs, and chuckles. But she doesn't smirk. Matsumura's influence.

He's corrupting her, I think amusedly to myself as I raise my eyebrows at her expression.

"Yeah, okay… but I don't think that's the first thing that people will think when they see your dried drool," she points out. I watch as her brown eyes search my face for more indications of dried saliva. An unbearable urge to avoid eye contact with her arises within me, and I'm forced to clamp tightly down on it.

"And also, you smell like shit," Pops interjects, shaking his head in disappointment. "I didn't raise you for seventeen years for you to smell like shit."

Thank you, Father, I tell him telepathically as I connect gazes with him. A lazy grin is all I get in response.

"Are we going to the park or not?" I sigh in exasperation, rubbing my temples.

"You're not going to eat anything?" Lucy asks, frowning slightly.

"I don't usually wake up until two, so I think I'm good until then."


"It's fine!" Dad interrupts, grabbing my shoulder and pushing me out of the door. Happy leaps out of the way, hissing, when I almost step on his tail. Lucy stumbles back as I collide into her. Her hands press against my chest, steadying me as I struggle to regain my balance. Her natural scent – a subtle aroma of flowers – wafts up my nostrils as my face comes dangerously close to her hair. I fight a blush as my jaw clenches in anxiety.

"Sorry," I mumble, trying not to make my inner turmoil too obvious. I turn towards the old man to glare at him, but he's already closed the door on us.


"Let's go, then," Lucy dictates, already stepping of the porch. I briefly stare at her retreating figure before I chase after her.

Unexplainable feelings of dread and anticipation are gathering in my chest.

Something important is going to happen today.

"So…is there any particular reason as to why you wanted to hang out with me today?" I question, shoving my hands deep into the pockets of my jumper. The cold air gnaws at my cheeks, and the tips of my nose and ears.

Lucy and I stand side by side, our arms touching, as we watch various people skate on the ice rink. The spot at which our arms come into contact seems to burn. I don't dare move, lest Lucy suspects me of harboring feelings for her.

"What do you mean?" she replies, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. "We're childhood friends, aren't we? This is normal."

"Well." I pause to shrug my shoulders. "Not really. You're usually with Matsumura on the weekends."

"Oh," her voice falls flat. Then, nonchalantly, she announces, "I'm meeting up with him later."

"That's great." Good. I didn't give that reply too quickly, or too slowly. "How's he doing, by the way? I heard that he made up with his old man."

"Arrogant, sarcastic, and smug – the usual." She laughs softly, and leans against the railing that encircles the rink. "But I'm glad. He hasn't been like that for a while."

I let a stretch of silence fall between us. A girl – around twelve or so – skates pass us at a speed that can only suggest that she's aiming to be a professional. Her friend, a timid-looking guy, tries vainly to keep up with her. Unfortunately, he stumbles and collides with the wall. With a faint smile, I watch as the girl returns to her friend, and carefully pulls him back up.

"That reminds me," Lucy suddenly breaks the quiet, shooting me a sidelong glance. Her fingers fiddle with the ends of her scarf as she takes on a thoughtful, polite expression. Awkwardly, she asks, "How's Lisanna?"

How's Lisanna?

Immediately, my mouth dries. I can practically feel the cracks forming on my mouth.

Ice frosts my insides as I gape, dumbstruck, at the blonde. I'm probably the perfect example for the phrase "like a deer caught in the headlights". Clearly confused by my odd reaction, Luce curiously lifts an eyebrow, and cocks her head to one side.

I forgot that she doesn't know yet. She doesn't know that I broke up with Lisanna!

An incessant buzzing fills my ears as I frantically try to figure out what to say.

Should I lie?

All I have to say is, "Lisanna's fine" or "She's great".

It's easy – so painfully easy to lie.

But even as I think that, I'm already blurting out, "Lisanna and I broke up."

The impact of my words is instantaneous. Lucy's jaw drops open in shock and surprise. Her face pales as she studies my face, searching for a hint as to what she might say that might be appropriate for the situation. When I apparently offer no clues, Luce resorts to just shaking her head in disbelief.

The girl and boy from earlier skate past us again. Both of them are now going at the same, slow pace. Quietly, the guy mutters something, and the girl laughs loudly in response. Before the crowd skating behind them blocks them from my view, I see their hands linking together.

Lucy utters a strange, high-pitched sound that startles me. Aware that she's caught my attention, Luce stammers for a moment before she can manage a coherent sentence. "When?"

"When?" I stupidly repeat, perplexed.

Despite my denseness, Lucy patiently supplies, "When did you break up with her?"


Now very uncomfortable, I fidget as I exaggeratedly roll my shoulders.

"A…" I drag out the first word for as long as I can before my voice drops to a low murmur, "…while ago."

"A while ago?!"

"Well, just a little over five months…" my words die in my throat. Five months? Had it really been that long?

Lucy's mouth springs open, and then abruptly closes.

She stares at me like I've sprouted another arm. Then, slowly, she turns back to the ice rink, but I know that she hasn't dropped the subject – she's just thinking about what to say next. I quietly examine her profile. Dark brown eyes, golden hair, flawless skin, and long eyelashes. Pretty.

Suddenly, Lucy looks at me again. She's close- so close that I can see the perfect imperfections in her irises. "But why?"

The backs of my eyes tingle and prickle. I know exactly what she's asking me, but to prolong my inevitable doom, I murmur, "What do you mean?"

Her eyebrows converge as she continues to speak concernedly. "Why did you break up with her? I thought you two were doing so well. You two were-"

My laugh, devoid of any kind of amusement, interrupts her. Alarmed, Lucy gives me an imploring, pleading look.

"We weren't fine." I pause, trying to decide whether or not to elaborate. Finally, I simply add, "It just wasn't working."

"Because of what?" she urges, her fingers tightly gripping the railing now. A series of emotions flicker across her face, and I notice the most prominent one is annoyance. Even so, her voice is level and calm.

Her reaction ignites a spark of irritation in me.

There doesn't need to be a reason! Sometimes, things just happen! The urge to yell at her bubbles up my throat. But as quickly as my anger had ignited, it extinguishes – like some gloomy, icy wind had snuffed out its life. I can already feel myself falling – drowning – in the brown pools of her eyes, feel myself being ensnared by the loose strands of her shining, gold-spun hair. My heart speeds up, and then slows. Every nerve in my body is screaming at me to jerk away from her, to tear myself away from her gaze and her presence, to leave.

You're about to throw yourself under the bus.

But my feet are glued to the ground, and I'm hoarsely whispering as I reply, "Sometimes, you just fall out of love with a person..."

She grows still, and in confusion, searches my face for any signs of weakness – any indications that would suggest that I'm about to cry.

"…and you fall in love with another," I finish.

Luce suddenly becomes very aware about how close we are. A short, breathy gasp escapes past her lips as she connects gazes with me. Her hold loosens on the railing; her fingers tremble.

"I realized my feelings for you," I mutter, and I didn't think it was possible, but we draw even closer. So close that my lips are right beside her ear, and my breath passes over the skin of her neck. A small, trembling smile comes to my mouth. "I think that…I might be a little in love with you, Lucy."**

My hand rests on top of hers. Electric shocks pulse up my arm, and throughout my body. I feel as if a fever has suddenly overtaken me – my face, my arms, and my legs…they're burning.

Slowly, my thumb trails over her knuckles. Her hand is unbelievably soft.

Lucy stiffens, and then relaxes. She slips her hand out from under mine. Quietly, gently, she presses her palms against my chest…

And delicately pushes me back.

In that single second of a moment, I feel as if she's punched me right in the gut. My thoughts come to a screeching halt as my mind numbs in shock – in pain.

"Natsu," she utters my name in such a firm voice that it tears my heart apart. I feel as if cracks are forming all over my face and body. "I love you."


Then, almost imperceptibly, she shakes her head. A small, sad smile appears on her beautiful face. "But I'm not in love with you. Not anymore, anyway."

I look away. My breath is coming in fast, short gasps.

"I know."

It hurts.

It hurts.

It fucking hurts.

It hurts because I mean what I say. I knew that she wasn't in love with me – that the moment Matsumura pulled her out of her room…it was over for me.

But I had still held onto some tiny scrap of hope.

And now that tiny scrap has been ripped out of my grasp.

Don't cry.

Because I didn't have the right to cry.

For so long, Lucy had been in love with me. But I had been so inconsiderate of her feelings. I had acted like an asshole throughout the years. And now, she had the opportunity to reject me in the most merciless way possible. And yet, she didn't.

Because she's Lucy Heartfilia. My childhood friend. The girl I love.

"I know," I reiterate. "I already know."

I can't meet her eyes. My lower lip trembles; slowly, I close my eyes, and then open them. "Let's, uh…Let's go home."

A wall is forming between us as her eyes cloud over. She stares at me with an apologetic expression plastered on her face, and her words come out flustered, rushed, "I, uh, sort of…I mean – I…it's almost time for me to meet up with Taiga. So, I can't-"

"I understand."

The wall that had tried to divide us comes crumbling down as I offer Lucy a resolute, confident smile (despite how I'm feeling – dying – inside). "Have fun, Lucy."

Her eyes don't leave my face, not for an instant. She doesn't smile, and she doesn't cry. But she says, "Thank you, Natsu."

And that's all I need as her best friend.

** "I think that...I might be a little in love with you Lucy."

This is a reference to one of my favorite literary characters - Eponine from Les Miserables. This line sort of parallels her last words: "And then, do you know, Monsieur Marius, I believe I was a little in love with you." Les Mis, of course, belongs to the esteemed Victor Hugo.

That's it for this chapter. Ending author's note is short because I have some work I need to take care of before I take off from my home later this afternoon. Take care, readers!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Until next chapter (which will come out after I've found the Avatar and regained my honor)!