Author's Note: No excuses, I just ended up taking a long time to post this and I'm sorry. This story is coming to a close and I would like to thank all of you who favourited, followed and reviewed this story, you guys really motivate me! I hope you all have enjoyed reading the story as much as I've enjoyed writing it. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't even know how many times The Mentalist has been on my wish list.

Lisbon felt something on her face as she returned to consciousness. It moved across her cheek. A bug? No. It wasn't crawling. A finger. It felt like a finger being run across her cheek. Her eyes fluttered open and she was greeted by the sight of Jane's face.

Jane smiled brightly. "Welcome back." He leaned forward and placed and affectionate kiss to Lisbon's cheek.


"It's okay." Jane told her quietly. "Everything's being taken care of."

"I lived…" Lisbon glanced around the room. She hadn't expected to make it.

"Thankfully." Jane breathed and kissed her cheek again.

"Where are the others?"

"Rigsby had to pick up Ben, Cho went to get us all some food and Van Pelt went to get you some things from home to make you more comfortable."

They heard the room door open and Cho stepped through carrying two paper bags and a drink tray.

"You're awake." Cho said in his usual tone, but it wasn't hard to tell that he was relieved and happy. "You feeling okay?"

"Yeah." Lisbon managed a small smile.

Cho put the food down on the bedside table. "I'll go get the doctor."

"No, it's okay-ow." Lisbon tried to sit up, but was unable to on her own.

Jane and Cho helped her and then Cho left to get the doctor.

"What time is it?" Lisbon didn't see a clock in clear view.

"About one in the afternoon."

"How long was I out?"

"All night and all morning."

Lisbon sighed and leaned more heavily against the pillows.

"Teresa…" Jane ran his thumb gently over Lisbon's cheekbone again. She looked right at him. "I'm so sorry."

"It's fine." She told him.

"It's not fine." Jane shook his head. "I'm sorry. For everything. You never deserved any of that. I'll do better now, I promise. You're the most important person in my life and I'm sorry I was too much of an ass to see it before. I love you." He cupped her face with both his hands.

Lisbon closed her eyes and tilted her cheek into his touch. "What happened with Red John?"

"He's dead. Well, in a coma technically. It's not looking good for him though. Oh well."

"How did the team find us?"

"You don't have to worry about these things."

"I want to know."

"One of my neighbours complained about some noise and crowds at my old house and Cho knew it had to be Red John because there was no other reason for there to be people there."

"Thank god for that neighbour."

"I couldn't agree more. Also." Jane removed his hands from her face and reached into his pocket. "I should give this to you before the doctor gets here." He pulled her cross necklace out of his pocket. "One of the nurses gave it back to me last night."

"Jane." Lisbon looked at the necklace, reaching out with one hand to touch the golden ring that she just realised was missing from Jane's left hand.

"Would you like me to take it off?"

Lisbon looked at him surprised. "You aren't going to put it back on?"

Jane's expression softened even more. "She was my wife and I love her. I'm not going to act like she never existed and I know you wouldn't expect me to. But, I'm trying to move on, like I know she would want and it's not fair to you for me to wear it as if she were more important. Moving on means letting go of all my thoughts of revenge and guilt and bad feelings. While I wore the ring in memory of Angela, those bad memories are still stuck to it as well. It's also a symbol for my revenge. This is me trying to let go a little. I wouldn't ever be able to throw the ring away, but I think it would be fitting to give it to you. I understand if you don't want it, but I know you would take care of it since it is still a part of me."

Lisbon looked at him with watery eyes, sniffled and nodded.

Jane undid the clasp and clipped it around Lisbon's neck, fixing her hair when the necklace was in place.

Lisbon looked down at the necklace.

"That's the piece of me that no one else will ever get." Jane whispered, then lightly added. "No refunds."

"Likewise." Lisbon's lips tilted upward in a smile.

Jane grinned and leaned forward to kiss Lisbon's lips softly just before the doctor came in.


A nurse knocked on the door, interrupting the conversation/mini party that the team had started in Lisbon's hospital room to try and make things seem a little bit more upbeat. Besides. They had their boss' life to celebrate. She'd lived, after all.

"Excuse me." The nurse said. "I hate to interrupt, but visiting hours are ending. I'm going to have to ask you all to come back tomorrow."

"Already?" Van Pelt looked out the window. When had it gotten so dark out?

"Time flies." Rigsby sighed.

Cho said nothing. Just nodded.

"Hey." Van Pelt said to the nurse. "Would you mind taking a picture before we leave?"

Lisbon groaned.

"That's a great idea." Jane smiled. "Would you, ma'am?"

The nurse smiled and nodded. "Sure. I'd be happy to."

Jane sat on the side of the bed while Cho and Rigsby leaned in and Van Pelt gave the camera to the nurse.

"No." Lisbon complained, putting her hands over her face. "I look terrible. No pictures."

"Come on, Teresa." Jane gently pulled her hands from her face. "You have to be in the picture."

"Nooooo." Lisbon moaned, but didn't have the strength to break her arms free from Jane's hands to block her face again. His arms were around her and the others leaned in to be in the picture as well, all smiling.

"Say cheese." The nurse told them.

"Cheese!" Rigsby, Van Pelt and Jane all complied.

Lisbon just rolled her eyes while Cho stayed silent.

The nurse chuckled as the picture showed up on the cameras screen. "It's sure a picture that has a lot of character.

They all thanked the nurse as she gave Van Pelt back the camera and left.

"Lets see it." Jane said.

Van Pelt found the picture and showed it to them. As it turned out, everyone had smiled for the picture. Even Cho.

Tired with kisses sweet,
They agree to meet
When the silent sleep
Waves o'er heaven's deep,
And the weary tired wanderers weep.

The End

Author's Note: Well, that's it. Sorry it's so short. Thanks for reading! I'm contemplating an epilogue and someone proposed a sequel, but I'm not saying anything for sure yet. Leave a review to let me know what you thought.