
First chapter, first verse, everybody sing: "They are not mine, they never will be, dum-di-dum"

All hail to the fantastic J.K. Rowling (whatever does the K stand for anyway?)

Chapter One: Oncoming Train

Just before summer break

Clutching her book tightly Ginny Weasley stood up.

"I'll just hop over to the library and return this book."


Ron muttered distractedly, apparently totally engrossed in "Hogwarts-A History", a large tome he happened to share with Hermione. Ginny knew better.

She sighed inwardly. Ever since the two of them had finally fessed up and admitted their infatuation for each other, Ron and Hermione had been virtually inseparable. Even their best friend, Harry Potter, sometimes felt like an intruder in their mutual world of rosy red relationship goodness.

For Ginny, who had always felt like the third wheel, or rather in this case the fourth, it had been worse.

None of her fellow classmates had ever let her forget what a freak she was. Pining for Harry Potter in that embarrassing, and after the incident with the diary, public way.

Ginny cringed just thinking of that time. The looks had been bad, but the whispers and the pointing was worse.

So she had tried to avoid being noticed altogether.

By now most of her fellow 5th years would have trouble to remember her name, had it not been for her flaming red hair which would always mark her as one of the Weasley bunch.

Ginny had perfected the art of hiding in the fore ground, most of the times she managed to avoid even the most vicious tongued Slytherins.

She had attached herself to Harry, Ron and Hermione. Harry was still very much on her mind. He was her hero, her knight in shining armour. She loved him.

She sighed.

Not that he ever really noticed. I am just Ginny, Rons little sister.

Ginny slipped through the portrait hole and made for the library.

The corridors were lit by torches and chandeliers, because even though it was summer and the sunlight lingered long after 9 o'clock, Hogwarts castle was always shrouded in its very own cloud of gloom.

Not that Ginny minded. She liked the half light, it made not being noticed much easier, although seeing was harder especially since she got her glasses last summer.

At one time Ginny thought she heard someone in one of the other corridors. Shuffling and maybe even a girl's quickly stifled giggle.

Well, someone had better be careful to not get caught in flagranti delicto.

Ginny continued on her way smiling.

At least she had legitimate reason to be out. Professor Flitwick had asked her specifically to return that book tonight, because apparently he needed it tomorrow very early.

She got on well in classes because there was not much else she did than study. Having no friends to distract her made for that.

The large double doors of the library loomed ahead.

Right next to them were two statues of some wizards or other. Ginny knew, because Madame Pince had told her, that there was always a key to the library hidden under the right wizard's robes.

Ginny groped around. She always expected the portly old wizard looking down at her and in a stern voice ask, what she thought she was doing down there.

She breathed a sigh of relief when she found the brass key and opened the door silently.

The dry smell of dust and old paper filled her nose.

No lights were on for obvious reasons but Ginny knew her way around blindfolded.

She hurried along the shelves to one of the more remote areas of the room.

Charms wasn't exactly one of the hottest items one could read about. Much less "Charms for Mapping and Geography", which was the title of the book Ginny was returning.

Ginny grabbed one of the ladders that were attached to the shelves and shoved it along to where she knew the book had to be put.

Bunching up her robes in one hand, she climbed the steps and looked around for the right place to put the volume.

"Llewlynn's History of Charms... Loblied's Charms For The Enterprising Entrepreneur?...ah, here we go." Muttering to herself she shelved the book.

A squeaking noise made her look up wide eyed.

Peering through the books, the light falling in from the huge windows was just enough so that Ginny was able to see that the library doors were moving!

The door swung open so that somebody could have passed through but nobody did!

Then the door closed again.

And suddenly, so unexpectedly that Ginny had to stifle a surprised squawk with her fist, Harry stood there. One hand holding a large cloak-

An invisibility cloak! So that's how they were able to move around so unrestrictedly and find out stuff nobody could know about!

-the other holding Lavender Browns hand.

"See, I told you they sometimes forget to lock it!"

Lavender giggled.

"Should I ask how and under what circumstances you found out?"

Harry pulled her into a tight embrace, frowning mock sternly at her.

Lavender just giggled some more and snuggled into Harrys arms, putting her own around his neck, lifting her face.

Ginnys eyes were wide as saucers, her heart was beating wildly in her chest.

It can't be! How can she? How can he? Oh no! He's going to…he is kissing her! In the face! I want to die!

And she felt like it too.

While Harry and Lavender were getting more and more engrossed in each other Ginny could have sworn she heard her heart break.

If Harry and Lavender weren't so busy playing tonsil hockey they would have heard it too.

Harry slowly backed Lavender into one of the study tables, leaning forward, causing Lavender to dip back, so that both of them were more or less lying on the table.

Ginnys eyes burned.

Some morbid sense of self flagellation made her stare harder, while trying not to cry.

As Harry slowly let his hand roam down Lavenders robe front, Ginny managed to close her eyes after all. The image of the love of her life snogging with some dim-witted pretty face right in front of her, was surely forever imprinted in her memory.

She sat down heavily on the topmost rung of her ladder, turning her back on the scene a couple of shelves over, which was slowly but surely turning R-rated.

Ginnys thoughts were running in circles.

How can he do that to me! And with that cow too!

Granted, she is pretty! But so trashy! I bet half the boys already had a go with her. Harry is much too good for her.

The small voice of her conscience made itself heard.

He has never ever given you any reason to think that he saw you as anything other than his best friends youngest sister.

You know that he had girlfriends before. Well , girlfriend. He and Cho Chang were quite the item about half a year ago. Until she got killed in that stupid muggle car crash. You should be happy that he found someone new.

But I am in love with him!

Are you? Looks more like a bad case of teenage crush you never outgrew.

How can that be? I think of him every night before I go to sleep. I even keep a clipped twig of his Nova XR broom with me all the time.

She fingered the little locket she always wore.

See my point?

Ginny heard Lavender purr: "Harry, I love it when you do that! Oh yes! Don't stop!" Harry chuckled throatily and a little breathless himself.

Ginny put her fingers into her ears.

That's it. I can't do this anymore.

And then tried to stop thinking altogether.

The Hogwarts Express stood wheezing and puffing great clouds of steam, enveloping the mass of students and teachers boarding, looking for compartments and lost pieces of luggage. Assorted owls were hooting in their cages. The din was deafening.

"Has anyone seen my toad? Has anyone seen Trevor?"

Neville Longbottom kept running up and down the platform, looking frantically for his toad. Again.

Ginny had her trunk already stowed and stood staring forlornly along the platform. Just a few yards away Harry and Lavender tried to share a last goodbye under the pretense of helping each other with their luggage. Lots of touching and goofy smiling going on.

Ginny felt horrible.

Suddenly somebody violently bumped into her, nearly throwing her onto the tracks.

When Ginny turned around, she saw the smirking face of Draco Malfoy.

"Well, if that isn't the measliest weasel."

Malfoy grinned unpleasantly, getting ready to throw some last minute insults at her.

"Oww, are you gonna cry, little weasel? That's about all you are good for. That and tagging along after Potter of course, making goo-goo-eyes."

He sniggered, watching her and waiting for her tears to spill.

Ginny had actually shrunk back a step when she found herself face to face with the hated Slytherin. Hearing him was like salt to her already aching wound.

She should run.

Instead she bridged the distance between them, invading his personal space and hissed in his ear:

"Bite me!"

She swept past him onto the train, slamming the compartment door so hard behind her, the window threatened to shatter. Heads turned but all everybody could see was Malfoy glaring at a closed door.

She told me off! When did the little weasel grow a pair?

I told him to bite me! Omigod, I lost my mind.

What a rush though!

Ginny had to sit down abruptly, her knees had gone weak. She pressed her fists into her burning eyes.

I'm not going to cry, I'm not going to cry.

She chanted inwardly.

It's time I grew up.

A/N: Comments? Flames? Pudding anyone?