Everything was good. It wasn't often the occupants of the prison dared to think such a thing but they hadn't had any problems for weeks. Alice helped Carol and Beth out with the kids, keeping them occupied and teaching them was a full time occupation, it wasn't often that she found herself with a spare minute during those days. She had her free days but they always flew by so quickly.

It had been hard to get used to at first, all of the Woodbury people moving in; they had to adapt quickly, putting any hardships behind them. It was hard for Daryl and Alice to sneak around due to the increased population of the prison but they found their moments and she would often go see him when he was on watch just to talk; people knew they were close, just like Carol and Daryl were, they just didn't realise how close exactly they were.

Alice sat in the yard, her dirty blonde hair roughly dragged into a bun as she sunned her shoulders. When she closed her eyes she smiled, it felt just like how it used to before the apocalypse – though she realised it was even better now without the threat of her father looming over her.

"Hey," She startled slightly, opening her eyes to find Robert sitting down beside her. Alice smiled at the guy, shielding her eyes from the sun.

"Hey, what's up?" He had come with the Woodbury group and they had clicked straight away - he was only a couple of years older than her, dark hair cropped short.

"Just thought I'd come and say hello," Robert smiled at her, dropping his eyes down her body once she closed her eyes again, leaning back in the sun.

"Aha, sure, that's never the real reason though is it?"

"Well I wondered if I could take you out on a date. You know, dinner, wine - a little romance. It would be perfect. There's this wonderful place in town, I'll ring up and make a reservation if you like?"

"You know what, I think I'll pass," Alice laughed, a smile easily falling on her lips.

"Well how about the alternative?"

"And what's the alternative?"


"You have my attention Sir," Alice uttered, sitting up curiously.

"Jake found some pretty decent stuff last time he went out and well Max, Max was making this shit back in Woodbury, managed to bring a few bottles of it with him. It's pretty decent stuff actually."

"Mmm, well I'm sold," Alice grinned, the prospect of actually forgetting where she was sounded fantastic. "So who, what, where and when?"

"Tomorrow night once the night watch starts, the rec room and there'll be a few of us, the usual's."

"I look forward to it," Alice honestly was, grinning at the idea.

"Brilliant," Robert went to get up before pausing, "Oh I forgot to mention, there's a dress code."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, you have to wear the most revealing thing you own."

"Oh really now?"

"Yep. Real strict policy, this club won't let you in otherwise."

"Well what a shame, I guess I won't be coming then," Alice laughed lightly, saluting Robert as he did the same to her before leaving her to it, a grin on his face.

Alice was heading back to her cell that evening, feeling more relaxed that usual having spent the whole day just reading and lying in the sun. She knew her mother would scold her for not having used her day off more usefully but Alice definitely felt a little recharged. She pushed her curtain aside, jumping slightly as she saw Daryl sitting on her bed, arrows in hand.

"Hey, didn't expect to see you," She spoke quietly as she entered. The cell was barely lit as the curtain fell shut offering her some sort of privacy.

"Couldn't stay away," He uttered. She could only see his outline in the dull light as he sat on the edge of her bunk, his face in shadows. His hands went to her hips, pulling her closer to him as she stood in front him.

"Was just going to get changed and go to bed," She uttered, her hand going to his hair as he kissed her stomach.

"Well how about we wait a little while and then go get a shower instead?" A warmth spread through her at the thought, a smile gracing her lips. "Ya stink girl." She slapped his arm, laughing lightly.

"That sounds like a good idea," She spoke softly before straddling his lap. "Well - if you can wait that long." Alice kissed his jaw before moving down to his neck.

"Ya know thats a bad idea," He uttered and Alice couldn't help but grin at the memory. The first time they had tried to have sex in Daryl's cell Hershel had almost walked in on them, concerned about the faint groans coming from behind Daryl's curtain. Hershel hadn't looked at Daryl the same way since after the man had tried to make his excuses, explaining several times how he was alone and hadn't realised how much noise he was making. Alice had almost wet herself silently laughing.

"Mm but it sounds very good right now," She bit his neck softly, his hold tightening on her hips.

"Saw ya with Robert earlier," He uttered, making her sigh slightly - she carried on her assault of his neck, hoping to distract him.

"Yeah, he was saying about a get together tomorrow night with a couple of people."


"Beth and that," Alice uttered.

"Both Robert and Jake gonna to be there?"


"Great," He murmured. Alice sighed heavily, sitting back on his lap. She looked at him pointedly.

"Hey," She uttered, tilting his chin up so that his eyes met hers, "Jealousy aint attractive. Why do you think I'd give you up for either of those goons?"

"Well ya looked pretty damn cosy earlier."

"He's a friend Daryl, that's it. I've told you that before."

"I don't like the way he looks at ya. He likes ya and he doesn't hide it."

"So? Doesn't mean I'm going to leave you just because someone thinks I'm awesome." He snorted slightly at that making her grin. "You've officially killed the mood you know, congrats."

"Pretty sure we can salvage it," He uttered, lifting her up and lying her back on the bed. Daryl hovered over her for a second before attacking her lips.

"Pretty sure you'll remind me in the showers why I choose to be with you anyway," She grinned as Daryl left a feathered trail of kisses down her neck.

"Who's with whom just for sex now?" He uttered.

"You love it," She teased.