Hello, everyone! This one took longer than I expected, though I've been quite busy with various things so that couldn't be helped! I hope you enjoy this chapter and will continue to keep reading until the very end. Once again thank you for all your reviews and thank you for all the new follows and favourites. It still makes me happy beyond words to know there are people who are willing to read what I write. And with that, enjoy the chapter.

Oh, Morgan.

Robin saw the blade aimed for his heart and couldn't move to block it.

Morgan… I'm so sorry, I should've known.

Lucina, forgive me.

Robin was snapped out of his reverie by the sound of metal clashing against metal. Morgan's blade was struck out of her hands and clattered along the floor, far out of her reach. Chrom, Falchion in hand and standing between father and daughter, glanced back at Robin.

"Robin, go after Validar! I'll deal with Morgan!" Chrom shouted, wincing at his own choice of words. The blank eyed girl had now drawn a knife and was attempting to stab Chrom as he pivoted aside. Robin nodded, turning back to face Validar. The grin on the sorcerer's face made him feel sick, the man's hands raised into the air and dark energy was crackling around them. Robin brought up both hands, firing a large blast of wind as Validar launched his own spell, knocking the twin bolts of dark lightning aside. The tactician darted forward, swinging his blade at Validar, the sorcerer bringing both hands up and blocking the blade by surrounding his fists in swirling dark energy.

"It's not too late to join me, my son. Your daughter clearly believes it was the right choice, after all! Come, let us be a family!" Validar laughed. Robin swung his blade at the sorcerer's legs, a blow he dodged, following up with a rising strike aimed at his neck. Validar brought up one of his hands, blocking the blow once again with the solidified dark energy, bringing the same hand down after the block and launching the dark magic at Robin. The blow struck the tactician hard in the stomach, sending him barrelling back.

"Up! Get up boy so I can do it again!" Validar shouted. Robin scrambled to his feet, glancing back at Chrom and Morgan. The prince had wrestled the blade out of her hand and pulled her to the floor, using his tremendous strength to pin her hands down so that she couldn't fire any spells at him. Robin nodded, turning back to Validar.

"Your little scheme didn't seem to go the way you thought it would, Validar." Robin said, raising his blade and readying himself to attack.

"Hngh, I was going to humour you a bit more, but very well, boy." Validar growled. Robin could see the sorcerer's eyes narrow, anger borne from the bruising of his ego. The tactician dived forward, charging a spell in his left hand and thrusting his blade with his right. Validar pivoted aside from the blade and teleported away as Robin unleashed the spell. The tactician's eyes quickly scanned for any sign of his foe.

There! He had teleported to the other side of the room, placing Chrom and Morgan between the two of them. Validar launched a rushed spell at Chrom, the haste of its cast weakening the blow, but strong enough to blast Chrom off of Morgan.

"Damn it!" Chrom shouted, slamming both hands on the ground to stop rolling and darting to his feet. Morgan grabbed her dagger and run to Validar's side before Robin could reach her.

"Alright, Robin. I'll show you how my "little scheme" goes." Validar spat. He raised a hand and clicked his fingers. A moment later, Morgan had her blade held up to her throat. Robin's heart skipped a beat, and he prepared to charge forward.

"Not another step, Robin, not unless you want her throat torn open. I need you, boy, not her." Validar said, all trace of humour utterly gone. Robin looked at Chrom for guidance, but the Prince shot a similar look to Robin.

"F-father…" Morgan whispered, tears pouring down her cheeks even as the cold steel dagger pressed against her soft skin.

"Come over to my side, Robin, submit to Grima and I will let everyone here go. They'll all die in the end, of course, but at least in that time they will be able to admire your noble sacrifice." Validar said, stepping forward.

"You'd still kill Morgan the moment I gave in, and there isn't the slightest chance you'd let anyone walk out of here freely." Robin growled. Validar tilted his head and parted his lips into a small smirk.

"Let me put it this way then. Grima will have you, one way or another. And this girl is going to die. So join me before your last memory is your daughter's throat opening in front of you as she begs for mercy. You won't be around to see it when Grima has you, at least." Validar said, extending a hand to Robin. The tactician looked at Morgan, then back at Chrom, the prince's face having turned ashen.

"Robin…" Chrom whispered.

"I know…"

"Make your choice, Robin!" Validar shouted. "Do it now or I'll have her head!" Robin looked back at Chrom, staring hard at his friend's eyes. Chrom's own eyes widened in recognition, then narrowed in anger.

"Robin, you can't-" Robin turned away, cutting him off. He looked straight at Validar and nodded.

"I've made my choice."

Cordelia's hands were still shaking on her bloody lance as Flavia and her force of Feroxian soldiers were finishing off the last of the Grimleal and Risen. The Feroxi Khan had just finished ripping her broadsword out of the back of one of the thrashing cultists as she turned to Cordelia and Sumia.

"I'd say our timing was impeccable." Flavia grinned, pulling out a cloth and wiping the blood from her blade. Cordelia gave the warrior a shaky smile and glanced at Sumia, a similar look on her own face.

"The Big Oaf should be cleanin' up the Risen on the other side right about now." Flavia said, scanning the battlefield.

"Are Robin and Chrom over there?" She asked. Cordelia shook her head, pointing to the barrier.

"They're on their own fighting Validar as we speak." Cordelia said. Flavia scowled.

"Damn it, the plan was we'd come in and rush the beast with numbers, even his sorcery couldn't save him from such an overwhelming tide." Flavia spat. "So there's no way through that barrier?"

Cordelia grimaced, her thoughts flickering back to Morgan, the sweet young girl getting absorbed into the flow of purple energy and vanishing from sight.

"No… There isn't." Cordelia muttered. She was thinking of telling Flavia about Morgan, but such thoughts on the battlefield would only serve to distract them. Soldiers know the risk of the battlefield, even if that soldier is someone as precious as Morgan. Flavia spat angrily.

"So we have to wait?" Flavia shouted. Cordelia nodded reluctantly.

"We've got wounded to tend too in the mean time." Cordelia said, glancing over the Shepherds, most of which were collapsed on the floor in exhaustion or sitting down nursing wounds. Flavia glanced at the sheer number of wounded and nodded.

"Feroxi! Guard the entrance and make sure no enemy sneaks by or renews their attack! Medics, tend to the Shepherd's wounded!" Flavia barked, moving away from Cordelia and wading among her soldiers. Cordelia glanced at the barrier, where she knew Severa and Gaius would be fighting for their life.

Please, both of you, be alright.

Lucina stared down in numb shock at Severa, who still had Gaius' limp form held in her arms.

"Severa," Lucina began, moving down to grab her. The red haired girl slapped away her hand.

"Severa, the healers need to tend to your wounds, they need to-" Severa looked up, her teeth bared in a furious scowl at Lucina, then turned to the Feroxi healers behind her.

"If they're going to heal anyone it should be him!" Severa screamed, shaking the fallen man. Lucina's hands balled into fists and she knelt down next to her friend. Severa looked up as if to scream at her again, but fell silent immediately as Lucina grabbed her by the shoulders.

"Severa… You're injured, please let them heal you. Please." Lucina said, moving a hand down to a gash on her stomach that was bleeding heavily. Severa's face scrunched up, and she let out a deep wail, pulling Lucina to her and burying her face into her hair. Lucina closed her eyes and let out a deep breath. After a moment she pulled herself away from Severa and turned around, motioning to the Feroxi healers. Severa didn't protest as they knelt beside her, one raising his staff and the other pulling out a thick roll of bandages and a small set of scissors. Lucina walked over to another wounded ally, one in a far worse state than Severa.

"Both his hind legs are broken, that much is very clear." Lucina heard one of the robed healers mutter. Yarne was lying at the feet of the healer, still in his beast form, yowling in pain. After the gigantic Risen had shattered his hind legs Panne had said it was far too dangerous to transform back with shattered bones. For the time being, he'd need to stay in this form.

"Will he walk again?" Asked Panne. Her own wounds were deep, but not nearly as severe as her son's. The Feroxi healer gritted her teeth and grunted.

"It's going to be hard to say. Even if we do mend the bones they'll be weak, it'll take a lot of effort from his part to get them back to working condition. A lot of effort and a lot of pain." She sighed. This caused Yarne to whine even more, his long ears flopping frantically. Lucina muttered a silent prayer for her friend, as he was clearly in no condition for her to be talking to him. The Princess carried on, scanning the rest of the battlefield. Lissa was getting treated for her arrow wound, though her flailing fists made it very clear that her aunt would much rather be tending to the wounded than being treated herself. Libra and Kjelle were sitting down with their backs to a wall, both staring at the floor and saying nothing. From what she could see, no one else was critically injured. Lucina smiled weakly to herself and turned to the man who had arrived just in time to save them.

"Once again, Basilio, I cannot believe how impeccable your timing was… Though that's not quite as impressive as your ability to cheat death, it seems." Lucina said, still in disbelief. The Khan had yet to explain his apparent resurrection, or how he managed to arrive here just in time to save them.

"Ha! Unfortunately it's not quite that amazing," Basilio chuckled. "But now isn't the time to explain what happened, something is happening what that barrier." The Khan grunted, pointing to the swirling purple energies that were slowly beginning to dissipate. Lucina's breath caught in her throat as the energies fading away, praying to see Validar dead at the feet of Robin and Chrom.

Lucina dropped to her knees as the final traces of the barrier faded away, and instead of being greeted with the broken body of the wicked sorcerer, she instead saw her family, Morgan and Robin, standing on either side of him, their faces blank and impassive. In front of them, her father was on his knees, Falchion far out of his reach near the end of the hall.

"Now my son, do it." Validar grunted. Without hesitation, Robin raised a hand, his fingers crackling with electricity, and shot out toward Chrom, stabbing the prince in the stomach. Lucina felt her world shatter. She couldn't even hear the sound of Validar's insane laughter over the roar of thunder in her head.

"HA! All your fighting, all your struggles! All for it to turn to ash before you at the very end! It's wonderful, isn't it?!" Validar laughed, walking forward with his arms raised. Morgan and Robin were behind him now, their face's still impassive.

"Look, Lucina! Look at what happens when you try to fight fate! You only set yourself up for greater misery. Not that I'm complaining mind you." Validar said, continuing to cackle. The Shepherd's were immobile seeing Chrom's limp form on the floor, even the more stoic of them were frozen in shock.

"Now, Robin! Your darling lady will be next! Strike her down! I COMMAND IT!" Validar cried, pulling the Fire Emblem from out of his robes and raising it high. Lucina looked at Robin raising his blade and turning his blank gaze to toward her. She still couldn't move. Her greatest nightmares had been fulfilled. She'd convinced herself if it came to this that she'd be able to raise a blade to her loved one, for the sake of her future. But it wasn't just Robin, they'd taken her daughter, too, her beloved daughter. Basilio and the other Shepherds raised their blade, ready to fight even Robin if it meant protecting one of their own.

"Do you truly think you'll be able to fight our combined might!? Very well then, if that's how you want it to be w-" Validar stopped talking as his eyes widened with shock. He slowly looked down at what had interrupted him, and saw the blade protruding from his stomach.

"W-… Wh-… WHAT?!" Validar screamed. He slowly turned his head back, lips pulling back over his gums in outrage and pain. Robin stood directly behind Validar, his blade rammed so deeply into the sorcerer's back the blood was spilling out onto the hilt.

"This is how I want it to be, Validar. A world without you in it." Robin said, his voice cold. He drew the blade out and rammed it in again. Validar screamed, weaving his hands in a spell and teleporting away, barely making it to the other side of the hall. The sorcerer collapsed as he emerged from his spell, one hand pushing into the gushing wound on his stomach, and the other feebly holding up the Fire Emblem toward Robin. Lucina started back, her mouth agape.

"What are you DOING?! Kill them!" He cried, thrusting the Fire Emblem forward again. "Kill them all!" Validar screamed, his bloody hand causing the Fire Emblem to slip from his grasp and bounce along the floor.

Robin raised his sword and charged forward, Validar screamed in fear and cast another spell, grabbing the Fire Emblem and vanishing from the hall completely. Basillio run forward to where Validar vanished, and let out an angry bellow.

"The Snake seeks to flee this place! Find him, hunt him down!" Basillio shouted. The Feroxi soldiers mobilised at once, and any of the Shepherds still fit to walk grabbed their weapons and started fanning out into the halls. Lucina started in shock at Robin, who was staring at the spot where Validar had vanished.

"I'm sorry we had to do that, Lucina. There was no other way." Lucina turned swiftly and let out a small cry as Chrom placed a hand on her shoulder.

"F-father," Lucina sobbed. Behind Chrom came Morgan, her daughter had tears in her eyes and was staring at the floor. She heard a rush of footsteps behind her as Sumia and Cynthia rushed to Chrom's side as well.

"We'll explain everything soon. About the Feroxi being here, Basillio being alive, everything. But first, we need to catch Validar." Chrom said to the three women. Lucina nodded, turning back to look for Robin. The tactician was nowhere to be seen.

Validar dragged himself along the floor, alternating between crawling on his hands and knees and dragging himself by his fingernails alone.

"Lord Grima! H-help me!" He cried out to the empty hall. There was no answer. Validar let out a pained wail as he his hands slipped in his own blood. The sorcerer slammed face first into the hard stone floor, splitting open his lip. Validar let out a piteous moan, pulled himself up and kept going forward. The flickering light from the torches served to dimly light the corridor, the flickering shadows they cast serving to frighten Validar anew each time he turned a corner.

"Aversa! C-come and save your master!" Validar screamed, looking around feebly for his ever loyal right hand.

"Aversa…" Validar moaned again. The sorcerer reached for the Fire Emblem stored in his now blood soaked robes, and run his fingers over it desperately.

"Where…" Validar begun, choking on more blood as he tried to get the words out.

Has everyone… Has everyone died? Where is everyone? Someone… Help me… Validar thought to himself, placing more pressure on the wound still pumping blood. The sorcerer lay on his back, convinced a small moment of rest would give him the strength to keep pushing forward. That hope was shattered as he heard footsteps approaching from the distance. Validar scrambled to his knees, fear and adrenaline over taking the pain.

"W-who's there?! I am not defeated! Grima's power still flows through me!" Validar yelled as he pulled the Emblem in front of himself defensively. The footsteps did not falter.

"G-get back! Come no closer!" Validar screamed madly. A shadowy figure turned the corner, a glinting blade in hand. Validar yelped and with the last of his strength launched a deadly bolt at the figure. His pursuer merely raised their free hand and deflected the bolt.

"Don't do this! I still have power, my Lord has more! Help me escape and my Lord will make you a God! You-" Validar stopped his pitiful attempt to bargain as he saw the face of his foe.

"M-my son!" Validar cried. He raised the Fire Emblem and attempted to exert control. Robin didn't even blink.

"But how?!" Validar screeched.

"I don't owe you an explanation, Validar, and I am no son of yours." Robin said coldly, raising his blade.

"B-but you are! You ARE my son, we are fami-"

"I have a family. A family you have tried to kill, over and over. It ends today, Validar." Robin shouted.

"You wouldn't kill your own father, would you, boy?!" Validar cried, a hint of smugness returning to his voice.

"You, the noble Robin? Spill the blood of family? I think not, no matter what I do you-" Validar stopping talking and let out an agonised cry as Robin slashed his blade across his chest.

"Once you may have been right," Robin said through gritted teeth, " But… My daughter…" Robin muttered.

"What?!" Validar choked, not hearing Robin over his own wails.

"My DAUGHTER! You used her to try and kill me, to kill Chrom! You were going to use her to kill Lucina, her mother, the woman I love! Then you were going to kill her, too! You put Morgan through that, you hurt her like that, and you expect me to spare you? Because you happened to sire me!? You're mad. You're absolutely insane if you think that's going to happen!" Robin screamed. Validar looked deep in his eyes and knew he spoke the truth.

"W-wait! Your mother! She's still alive!" Validar begun, and he saw Robin lower his blade slightly.

"Y-yes! She is, I can take you to her, you can meet her! But only if you let me live!" Validar shouted desperately, a flicker of hope igniting in his chest Robin glanced aside for a moment.

"I don't believe you." Was all he said. Validar felt cold metal pierce black heart. He looked up and saw his son as if for the first time, he remembered the impossibly small babe he had held in his hands that day, so many years ago now. In that son's eyes, he saw no remorse.

"You…. Are…. My son… I am," Validar spewed a torrent of blood down his chin, his lip quivering as he forced out his final words "So… Proud… Of you…" Validar whispered. Robin ripped the blade out, and the sorcerer's limp body slunk to the ground.

Robin looked aside and closed his eyes. He felt absolutely disgusted at Validar's last choked words, even though he was certain that they were said solely to spite him. He drew a cloth from his robe and began to wipe the blood, his father's blood, from his blade, sheathing it when he was done.

"Validar," Robin begun. "You…"

The tactician spat on the floor and turned, having so much more he wanted to say, to tell the monster that was his father, the monster that had so many times now tried to have his family killed. He had imagined this moment in his head a hundred times, and now he was here, all he could do was feel a deep, unsettling anger.

"That's an impressive rage inside you. I know full well how it feels. Haven't you ever considered embracing it?" Robin spun around, his sword instantly drawn, expecting Validar to have somehow defied death to come back and haunt him. The last thing he expected to see was himself.

"Hello, Robin." The robed figure said, a smug grin on his face. Robin's face.

"You again…" Robin whispered, thinking back to what seemed like a life time ago in Plegia's castle. That Plegian who had looked to be Robin's own twin. For some time the tactician has suspected the stranger actually was his twin, especially when Validar revealed that he was his father.

"Who are you? Truly?" Robin asked. The figure grinned as if this amused him terribly.

"Have I always been so dense? No, I think not. I've told you already, I am you. I think you know full well what that implies, don't you?" The twin figure said, a sick grin on his face. Robin looked aside, grimacing.

"You are me," Robin begun, ignoring the robed figure's bemused laugh, "the me from Lucina's time. You followed her back, didn't you?" Robin asked.

His alternate self nodded approvingly. "And how did you come to that conclusion?"

"The visions I was having. The visions of this very day. For a while I thought they were glimpses of the future, a warning of what might come to pass. But for me to have the power of foresight is dubious, especially since it always focused on this one moment. But now I realise that they were fragmented memories. Memories of something that had yet to pass." Robin said.

"Very good. You are right, of course. Those "memories" are my memories. The echo effect of when I tried to fuse with you the moment I came to this world. Our hearts are one and you know all that I know, even if you suppress it." The figure said. Robin bowed his head.

"So that makes you-"

"Grima. Yes." He said, a sick grin on his face.

"Your memories, or lack of them, are an after result of my attempting to fuse with you before you were ready. It left your mind broken, unable to cope. Your memories were sealed to help you deal with the… forceful invasion." Grima chuckled. Robin gritted his teeth.

"Then you tried the same with Morgan?"Robin growled.

"I did, yes. But I didn't get nearly as far. She wasn't an ideal host in the first place, but with the blood of Naga running through her veins…" Grima spat angrily.

"Her body rejected me far sooner than yours. I tried to snatch her from another timeline, but I see it was folly. That mark of mine she bears is all that remains of my attempt to fuse with her." Grima said. Robin raised his own hand instinctively, looking at the same mark he bore on his own hand.

"Yes, but that is all irrelevant now. If Chrom did not die at your hands, he will die at mine instead! When the prince is dead, we will again become one! But until that time comes, there is a feast to be had at this table, and if you will not claim it, I shall take it in your stead!" Grima yelled as he raised his hands to the air. The end of his finger tips began to glow a pale white, and a flow of magic that looked akin to cotton begun to flow into his hands. Robin backed away, sheathing his blade.

"Monster!" Robin shouted. Grima only laughed in response, siphoning yet more magic from the air. Robin turned and grabbed the Fire Emblem from Validar's limp corpse.

"You can flee now, Robin, but no matter where you go, no matter where you hide, this world will end! You and I WILL be whole again!"

Grima's mad cackling followed Robin down the halls, so loud and booming it seemed to make the walls shake. A stray falling brick that narrowly avoided bludgeoning the tactician's head made it very clear it wasn't the effect of fear. It truly was collapsing! Robin picked up his pace, he had to warn the Shepherds, they needed to flee.

Robin navigated the multiple halls, running into Vaike and Stahl, who were also fleeing back to the main chamber.

"Robin! We're hunting for Validar, we-" Vaike begun, being cut off by the shouting tactician.

"Validar is dead, I killed him. This entire place is coming down! Now move!" Robin shouted. Vaike and Stahl looked at each other with wide eyes and nodded. Moments later, the trio burst into the main hall, where Chrom, Lucina and the other Shepherds were gathered, looking about for any missing members.

"Chrom!" Robin shouted, holding up the Fire Emblem. The prince turned to Robin and nodded, running toward him.

"No! We need to leave!" Robin shouted.


"Dead! Grima is here, he's siphoning the souls from the dragon's table and is about to revive! This entire place will collapse when he does!" Robin shouted. Chrom gritted his teeth.

"Retreat! Full retreat!" Chrom shouted. Robin glanced around, making sure everyone was accounted for. All returned, all but Gaius. Robin frowned and tried to locate the thief, but was sure he was hidden among the crowds somewhere.

"You 'eard the man Feroxi! Full retreat!" Flavia shouted, waving her sword to the Feroxi soldiers. Robin ran up to Lucina, who was still looking at him in shock. She had Morgan close at hand, the young girl still fighting back tears.

"I'm sorry, Lucina I-" Lucina waved her hand.

"Later, Robin." Was all she said. Pulling Morgan with her, the trio joined the fleeing shepherds.

The Shepherds burst out of the crumbling tower, running down the steps and out onto the rocky plains. Lucina made sure Morgan was close to her at all times, checking back every few seconds to make sure her daughter hadn't fallen behind.

"We're almost… Back to the camp!" Lucina panted as she ran. If fear and adrenaline wasn't fuelling her, the princess was certain she would've collapsed. Her wounds from Minerva and the added exhaustion of the recent battle were starting to catch up to her. As exhausted as she was she managed to stay ahead of the Feroxi who were carrying the Shepherds that were too wounded to move. Flavia and Basilio were carrying Yarne, running surprisingly fast for how heavy their burden was.

A roar like thunder came from the tower behind them, and despite herself Lucina couldn't help but look back. Purple light was beaming out of every window in the structure, rubble and debris being shot in every direction.

Robin grabbed her by the wrist and pulled. "Don't look at it, let's go-"

Robin was cut off as a bolt of purple lightning struck the ground not two meters from them, the blast sending them flying. Lucina cried out in pain as she was blasted into Robin, the two landing in a pile together on the floor.

Lucina pulled herself up, wrapping her arms around Robin and pulling him up as well.

"Lucina… Robin… Look." Chrom said. The pair looked up at the tower that had now exploded at the top.

"No, oh Gods…" Lucina cried as she buried her face into Robin's chest.

"It's Grima," Robin whispered. A dragon on monolithic size had burst out of the top of the tower. A long, arcing snout was lined with multiple glowing red eyes on each side, and each of its jagged teeth was as large as the spires of Ylistol's castle.

"So it has come to this." Robin grunted.

"Keep moving!" Chrom shouted as he turned to run. Robin and Lucina nodded, joining in the flight.

"The legends did not lie! How can we hope to fight something of that size? We could never hope to face it on the field of battle!" Frederick cried.

"We have the Fire Emblem!" Chrom shouted back. Robin nodded.

"I grabbed it from Validar and Basilio still has the real gem. We aren't out of this fight yet." Robin said. Frederick shook his head.

"You're assuming the demon won't strike us down right here and now." The knight grunted, looking up at the sky which had now turned a dark purple. Lucina shook her head.

"In our time, when the dragon returned to this world, it was months before his first strike came. We never knew why, but…" Lucina trailed off. She looked at Robin who nodded.

"He is weakened. The resurrection drained him, we- I mean he is not yet whole. He'll need time to recover from forcing himself back into this world." Robin said. Lucina stared at him, her eyes narrow.

"How do you know this?" She asked. Robin shook his head.

"I simply do. I can explain later." Robin looked at Lucina and lowered his voice so only she could hear.

"Please, I can explain everything to you, but not here." Robin said. Lucina felt the pain in his voice and nodded. Survival was their first priority. Explanations on so many things could come when they were safe. Lucina wrapped her fingers around Falchion.

Naga, please give us strength. Gods know we'll need it now more than ever.

Four weeks later, back in Ylistol, Robin sat alone in the command room, pouring over his notes, maps and strategies for the coming weeks. Robin moved a cold mug of coffee, brought to him by Cynthia an hour ago but completely forgotten about, out of the way, putting a pin in the map where a small village lie to the south.

"More Risen here… Perhaps we can afford to send more Pegasus Knights, though that would leave the pass here unprotected…" Robin grumbled to himself. In the month since Grima's resurrection, the dragon itself had been silent. Even the common folk who were always rife with rumours had not reported seeing a dragon of colossal size. But that was not Robin's concern right now, as the number of Risen attacks had grown exponentially. There was hardly a single village or town that hadn't reported attacks, or at least sightings of the undead. The Shepherds had been deployed individually or in pairs along with their own group of soldiers to key points on the map, towns, mountain passes, anywhere the Risen may travel or turn up. But it still wasn't enough, they were stretched too thin. Short of slaying Grima, they wouldn't be able to stem the coming tide. Robin reached for the mug of coffee, lifting it to his lips and wincing as he realised how long he'd neglected it for. Placing the mug down, Robin stood up from his chair and went to look out the window.

It wasn't just the sheer area they had to cover that had stretched the Shepherds thin, they were still recovering from the bloody battle at the Dragon's Table. They had lost Gaius. Severa and Cordelia had tried to remain stoic and focus on their duties, but he couldn't send them off on missions, not whilst they still mourned his loss. His funeral, only Cordelia's request, had been postponed until the threat of Grima was dealt with. Robin, even now, admired the strength his dear friend possessed. Not only that, but Severa's injuries had not yet fully recovered, as was the case with many of the Shepherds. Yarne, who had had his legs crushed by the monstrous Risen was still unable to walk. His bones had mended to a point he could shift back into his human form, but the healers said he would still need another month of treatment before he could manage a hobble. And even that was uncertain.

Lucina had demanded an explanation for everything that had happened the very night they fled the Tower. Robin had explained how Lucina's warning had given Basilio the courage to be a coward, in the Feroxi's own words, and had feigned his death at the hands of Walhart. When Robin had learnt of this, he had requested Basilio remain hidden, as having such a trust worthy agent that Validar thought dead would be invaluable. His own visions or as he had later learned, his other self's memories, had warned him of what would happen that day in the Table. It was finally Lucina's words, that they were only a dream, not a vision, that had made him realise they could only be the memories of his other self, the Robin that had killed Chrom.

"So, you mean to say that the demon we face now is the Grima from my time? Not this one?" Lucina had asked as her face turned ashen. Robin nodded reluctantly.

"Then I have brought doom upon us. I had never even considered he may follow us back, I-" Robin cut her off immediately.

"Lucina, had you not returned to warn us of what would transpire, destiny would've taken its original course on the first place. You know that. Now we can kill him here and free our world, and yours, in one swoop." Robin had told her. She nodded slightly, but he could still see the hurt in her eyes.

The tactician explained how he had told Chrom this theory, that he was destined to kill him here this day and believed they would be able to trick Validar. That's when the plan to bring a false gemstone came into play. Without the full power of the Emblem, Robin was confident he would be able to resist the control of his father. It was risky, but I was their best shot. He hadn't, however, counted on Morgan being controlled, too.

"How did he manage to do it?" Lucina had asked Robin.

"She still had the blood of Grima. I had been mentally preparing myself for this moment for a very long time, it's the only thing that had let me resist his call. Morgan was taken by complete surprise. Once the claws of control get in, they cannot be so easily torn away. I only managed to trick Validar as his control never took hold in the first place. I should've suspected he'd try something like that on Morgan… I'm such a short sighted fool." Robin had berated himself. Now it was Lucina's turn to comfort him. The Princess kissed his forehead and pulled him into an embrace.

"My love, Morgan is safe now. We have her back, and Validar is dead." Lucina had whispered. Lucina's features hardened again.

"Why didn't you tell me about this scheme?" She had asked in anger. Robin couldn't force back the stab of guilt.

"Only Chrom and I were to know. If everyone knew of our plan, even if we told you, Validar might have sensed it, or even had his spies find the information. We couldn't risk it. If he sensed even for a second that we had another card to play he likely never would've revealed himself, and if he saw you and didn't see the fear for Chrom's life, he would've known something was wrong." Robin said. Lucina had looked hurt, but her logical side won out as she admitted to seeing the sense in the plan.

"Very well, let us focus on the current foe, then."

"The current foe…" Robin repeated to himself

Chrom had told him about the ritual of awakening, how the Hero King in times past had used the Emblem to request Naga's blessing, and had used this power to slay the Fel Dragon millennia past. Chrom sought to claim that same power, and to do so they would need to travel to Mount Prism and perform the Awakening. The prince had wanted to leave right away by himself and leave the Shepherds to defend the kingdom, but Robin and Frederick advised against it.

"Robin tells us that Grima will not make his move for at least another month yet, two at most. What reason do we have to doubt his judgement, now of all times?" Frederick had said.

"I don't doubt his judgement, but the sooner we do this the better. If I go alone we'll have more people here to defend the kingdom." Chrom had argued.

"And if there is a trap lying in wait, which there most likely is? If we lose you, we lose everything. Let the army rest for some time, and then others can travel with you." Frederick had advised. Robin agreed with Frederick's points, and much to his frustration, Chrom had agreed to wait.

Robin returned to the table and stared at where Mount Prism was on the map. A journey there would take at least three weeks, possibly two if they send a smaller force on horseback, as Robin was intending to do. But the question now remained on how to take?

A knock on the door caused Robin to jump in fright. Clearing his throat in embarrassment, he called out. "Come in!"

The door opened, and out of the many people he had expected to see, she was probably the lowest on his list.

"Severa? H-hello, can I help you?" Robin asked, turning his full attention to the teen. Severa looked at the floor, and if the tactician hadn't known better he'd have sworn she seemed almost shy.

"I," Severa began. The red haired teen took a deep breath and tried again.

"Can I join you in here? I want to know what the next course of action is…" Severa muttered. Robin instantly suspected there was something she wasn't telling him.

"Is that all? Here take a seat," Robin said, pulling out a chair for the girl next to him. Severa sat down and stared at the maps.

"Honestly, I'm just… I want to get away from all the mournful looks and reassuring talks. I want to focus on something." Severa said. Robin felt his heart drop and forced himself to bite back words of sympathy. She had made it very clear she had come here to escape that. The poor girl looked exhausted, her fiery eyes were now tired, with dark bags under them and her usual twin pig tails were nowhere to be seen, her hair now falling down her back not unlike Lucina's.

"Right, well, I'm planning an expedition to Mount Prism. We need to get there fast and travel light, but need enough people to defend against an attack if one happens, which seems more than likely. So I'm thinking, five, maybe six people." Robin said. Severa focused on the map, nodding along.

"The rest of the Shepherds will remain at the capital or at their appointed stations. Flavia has given us a large group of Feroxi troops to help defend the Kingdom. It seems even the Risen are reluctant to try and travel Ferox." Robin chuckled. Severa didn't react to his attempt at humour, so the tactician turned back to the map.

"With a group of five or six, all on horseback, the journey should take perhaps three weeks, if travel isn't impeded and they don't stop for supplies. That should provide more than enough time for Chrom to return to the capital and mount a counter attack toward Grima with the power that Naga will give us." Robin said. Severa nodded, seemingly seeing the wisdom in his words.

"So who will you send to Mount Prism?" Severa asked. Robin bit his lip.

"That's what I was just trying to figure out." Robin said, drumming his fingers on the map. The tactician smiled as an idea came to mind.

"Who do you think I should send on a mission like this?" Robin asked her. Severa looked up at him, her eyes narrowed and her lips pursed.

"Why are you asking me?" She asked.

"It always helps to get another's insight to a matter like this. So what do you think?" Robin asked. Severa folded her arms under her chest and bit her lip.

"Well, we'd need fighters who are good on multiple types of terrain. They'd have be strong, too, if we're bringing this small group. Does Chrom count as one of the six?" Severa asked, staring intently at the map.

"He does." Robin replied.

"So, Chrom, I'm assuming you intend to go?" Severa asked, earning a slight nod from Robin, "Well, also you then. Lucina seems like another obvious choice. She's one of the strongest in the army." Severa said, looking at the tactician for approval. Robin said nothing and awaited her next choice.

"Hm, how about Morgan?" Severa asked. Robin winced slightly.

"I was also considering Morgan, but," Robin trailed off.


"She's still recovering from the ordeal at the Dragon's Table. She had no major wounds but Validar's intrusion in her mind has left her weakened. I'd rather have her here where she can still defend the city if it comes under attack." Robin said. Severa frowned at the tactician and turned back to the table.

"So, we have two incredibly strong swordsmen, a spell caster in you… You'll likely need a healer, right?" Severa asked. Robin smiled and nodded.

"Yes, we will. A healer will be invaluable. Now who to bring?"

Severa bit her lip and seemed to consider this.

"Lissa seems like the logical choice, though I can tell you Brady is no slouch when it comes to mending." Severa said. Robin nodded.

"But…" Severa said, causing Robin to grin.

"Ah, have you realised the catch?" Robin asked hopefully.

"If the group is travelling on horseback, people with more experience would be for the better. Brady is somewhat frightened of horses. I can't speak for Lissa, of course, but…" Severa said.

"Lissa can ride a horse well." Robin said.

"Maribelle has experience riding one during combat though, which could be a great asset. So Maribelle?" Severa asked hopefully.

"On paper Maribelle is the right choice. However, I was thinking of bringing Lissa." Robin said. Severa's face dropped, but the teen quickly tried to regain her composure.

"Why is that? Maribelle seems to have the best experience for this." Severa grunted.

"Maribelle is currently with Ricken and a group of soldiers defending her home town and her estate from Risen incursions. We could recall her, but her mind would likely be focused on the danger to her home during the mission, a distraction that could prove fatal. Not only that, but Maribelle may have experience on horseback, but she despises sleeping rough, which this group would have to do. Lissa would be more focused on keeping her brother and niece safe as opposed to worrying about Ylistol, which is the safest place to be right now anyway, and she has no problem sleeping rough. She's grown used to it, after all. Do you see?" Robin asked. Severa was frowning heavily, but the tactician could tell she saw the sense in his words.

"So, you're essentially taking the whole royal family on the expedition?" Severa sneered.

"Haha, it seems that way doesn't it? Sumia will be remaining in the capital and commanding the Pegasus knights. I'd considered bringing Sumia and Cordelia along, of course. Having them scout ahead would be incredibly beneficial. But we need them protecting the villages more than we need their scouting capabilities." Robin said.

"So why not bring Cynthia?" Severa asked.

"The Pegasus Knights are stretched thin as it is, so I'm leaving her in command on her mother for the time being." Robin answered. Severa turned back to the table.

"Can I offer myself for the mission?" Severa asked. Robin nodded slightly, a faint and knowing smile appearing on his lips.

"If you can convince me on what you can offer, we'd be happy to bring you." Robin said. Severa looked at him with slight offence.

"I'm a fantastic fighter, you've seen that. Plus I'm used to sleeping in horrible conditions, Lucina would agree with me there. We're both used to waking up at the slightest noise to defend ourselves, so you'd have more guaranteed protection at night." Severa said, rushing her words out.

"How are you with horses?" Robin asked.

"I've had some experience, it shouldn't be an issue." Severa said. Robin considered the merits for a moment, tapping his chin.

"I-I can also hunt for food as well! Plus I can scout ahead an-" Robin waved his hand to cut her off.

"You'll be a fine addition to the group Severa, you've convinced me. So now we need a final member." Robin said. He was genuinely hoping Severa would have someone in mind as he certainly did not.

"I…" Severa began. Robin could see how frustrating it was for her that she couldn't think of an answer straight away.

"How about we leave it for tonight? I'm exhausted anyway, rest would do us both some good." Robin said as he stifled a yawn. Severa looked at him and nodded.

"Do you mind if I stay here a little while longer? I'm… Not ready to sleep yet." Severa whispered. Robin nodded and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Stay as long as you want. Careful not to come up with too brilliant a strategy though, you'll have me out of the job." Robin laughed. Severa smiled faintly and bowed her head.

"Thank you, Robin." Severa said.

"No, I should thank you. It was nice to have some help with this, and company is always welcome." Robin replied. Severa shook her head slightly and a faint blush appeared on her cheeks.

"Everyone has been treating me differently since… Since you know what. They're acting like I'll break if they are so much as a little mean to me. I can't stand all the false courtesy. I know I can be," Severa took a deep breath, "difficult. But I don't want the others to start treating me with kindness if it's only because of…" Severa sighed. Robin put a hand on her shoulder and smiled.

"It was no bother. We haven't talked much, Severa, but Lucina has had only good things to say about you." Robin said. Severa's smile faded ever so slightly.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Severa." Robin said.

"Yeah… See you." She replied and turned back to the table. Robin left and closed the door behind him, working his way back to his room. It was definitely late, so the chances of finding anyone walking around were very slim. His thoughts started to drift back to Validar, as they had been every night this last month. The sorcerer's last words to him had been echoing in his mind and try as he might he could not forget them. He hadn't even told Lucina or Chrom about it in his effort to block out the ordeal altogether. Robin finally reached his room and entered, preparing himself for what would likely be a sleepless night.

Lucina was asleep in his bed, only her face was visible from the way she had cocooned the blanket around her. Robin smiled faintly, removing his cloak and changing into his night wear as all thoughts of Validar vanished. The tactician tried to creep onto the bed without waking her, gently placing himself on the mattress and trying to quietly lay back. A single spring in the mattress creaked.

"Who's th-" Lucina said, shooting up immediately. Robin stared at her, as the princess still hadn't shed her blanket cocoon. All he could see was her face, looking fierce and alert, and her messy hair splayed everywhere.

"Oh, Robin. What's wrong, why are you grinning like that?" Lucina asked. Robin's grin turned into a small chuckle, then into rolling laughter at how silly the princess looked.

"You look… Like an angry caterpillar!" Robin said as he tried to quiet his laughter to not awake the whole castle. Lucina's cheeks flushed red as she tried to wriggle out of the blankets.

"I-I do not-" Lucina began to shout, stopping to grunt in effort as she finally pulled one arm out of her protective shell. Robin grabbed the Princess and pulled her into an embrace, causing her to give up her struggle and let Robin hold her.

"You should come to bed earlier, Robin. I tried waiting up for you." Lucina whispered.

"I'm sorry, I'm just worried about the expedition. I think we've got the final picks ready though. We'll leave the day after tomorrow if everything is in order." Robin said. Lucina nodded.

"So who will be going?"

"Myself, Chrom of course, you, Lissa and Severa. I have yet to decide a sixth." Robin replied.

"Severa? She will be a good choice. Her and Kjelle always took the cross country missions in our future." Lucina said. Robin nodded, happy in the decision.

"Let's get some rest, dear. We'll have a long day of preparation tomorrow." Robin said.

"So, the final trial is soon at hand then?" Lucina asked as she gave Robin some of the blanket. "Knowing the world's fate relies on the outcome of our journey… This is no small task, Robin. We cannot afford to fail, we canno-" Robin kissed her forehead and laughed.

"Try not to think of it like that, think of it as us taking a nice trip to a historic land mark." Robin said. Lucina laughed slightly.

"I suppose I could think of it like that then." Lucina said.

"We'll go on a real trip when all of this is over, we'll bring Morgan with us too. Something to look forward too." Robin said to her. Lucina closed her eyes and smiled at the thought. Robin brushed his hand through her hair and did the same, feeling sleep quickly claiming him. He tried to make his last thoughts before he drifted off of Lucina alone, and the places they would visit when the war was over, but try as he might, Validar's final words continued to haunt him, even when sleep did finally claim him.