Author's Note: I really hate to do this, but looking back on this story it's a complete mess. I do like the ideas I have with it, but I don't like the way I went about it. So for now this story is on a slight hiatus and will be rewritten. There'll be less chapters leading up to the beginning of Skyrim and a more fleshed out Dragonborn OC (I completely screwed my character up, but that can be fixed). So I'm sorry for those who were expecting an update, there was a chapter written up, but I just can't complete it and I hate the direction in which the story was starting to go.

So please bare with me for a week or so, at least until after my recitals (which are in two weeks). I'll for sure hope I'll have something else up, this story will stay up, but I'll change the title for it.

I'm going to plan this better and hopefully I'll like it better than what I have now.

Once again, I apologize, but I will not this those of you who actually looked forward to this story down!
