Disclaimer: I don't own the characters of CSI: Miami, I'm just borrowing them. However the character of Jack Caine is mine.

Chapter 1:

Natalia Boa Vista walked into the dimly lit warehouse she called tentatively as she drew her 9MM GLOCK 17, "MDPD, anybody there?"

When she received no answer, she ventured further inside the warehouse, and found the badly mutilated corpse. She had just pulled out her phone, when she was struck from behind. Her phone, and gun went flying, she fell to the ground, and barely had enough time to roll over onto her back, when three huge men began to rip her clothes off. As two held her down one man climbed on top of her, and raped her mercilessly. Every time she screamed she was punched in the face. When one was done he would climb off, and another would take his turn. It went on like this for what felt like hours. Natalia went into a trance the way she did when her ex-husband Nick used to beat her. Finally when they were done the men climbed off of her, and one said in thickly accented English as they all urinated on her, "You're lucky we're letting you live whore."

And with that they walked off laughing, leaving a filthy bruised battered, bleeding, and violated Natalia in their wake. She painfully rolled over to her hands, and knees, and crawled to where her phone had fallen, and called Horatio. When he picked Natalia said in a very weak voice, "H, I need your help."

Horatio asked in a very worried voice, "Where are you?"

Natalia replied, "In a warehouse on the pier, I'll try to get outside."

Horatio replied before he terminated the call, "I'm on my way."

She pocketed her phone, and half crawled half walked out into the sunlight. She had just made it outside, when suddenly darkness overtook her. The next thing she knew she was lying in a hospital bed with her team surrounding the bed. Jesse asked, "What happened Natalia?"

Natalia looked toward the wall as she whispered, "I got a call saying a dead body was found in a warehouse on the pier, and when I went in to investigate, I was knocked down from behind. Then they ripped my clothes off, and they…they…"

She broke out into sobs, and couldn't finish. The room was silent for several minutes Then Horatio said, "I'll have Frank pull your phone records, and see if we can't find who set you up."

Natalia nodded as sobs continued to rack her battered body. After a few minutes Horatio said, "We'll let you get some sleep. I'll leave an officer posted outside your door.

Natalia nodded her thanks as they left the hospital. They had just stepped outside, when two gunshots rang out, and Ryan, and Walter were both shot in the head.

Here's a story I've been think about for a while. Please tell me what y'all think