Chapter 24:

Tayvon said as he peered through his TRIJICON TARS, "We got a SUV approaching from the east. I'd say it's going at least 80 MPH."

Jack peered through his scope, and said, "Do not engage. Observe and collect only."

Bob growled into his lip mike, "We need to get in there now."

Jake agreed. Jack asked in an edged voice, "What exactly would you have us do? Storm the place without any Intel. Come on guys use common sense."

David said, "I can get closer."

Jack asked, "Are you sure?"

David replied, "Yea."

Jack was quiet for a few minutews then he said, "Alright but take Ari and Daniel with you."

David replied as the three men snuck closer to the compound, "Copy that."

The SUV, a land Rover pulled to a stop in front of the compound and a lone figure in a black suit climbed out. One of the gang bangers that were guarding the front of the compound opened the rear door and jerked a bound and gagged Natalia and Yelina from the back seat. Jack's finger stroked the trigger of his .300 WIN MAG Remington MSR as he growled, "Come on motherfucker show your face so I can put a bullet through you."

Tayvon whispered, "You wanna end him right now?"

Jack whispered back, "I'd love to but we need to know the shitbird is and if he has any back up."

Just then Wyatt said over hs lip mike, Uh Boss you ain't gonna believe who the guy is."

Jack replied as the man trnned and Jack got a full on sight picture in his scope, "I just might."

Who do you think it is. Also how hard should Natasha and Yelina be tortured