Watching you walk out of my life does not make me bitter or cynical about love. But rather makes me realize that if I wanted so much to be with the wrong person how beautiful it will be when the right one comes along."

I changed the time-line a bit so it fit better with my story. There are also a few changes like the warblers don't cheat and its sort of anti-Kurt. Cooper is staying in New York and and Ms.Pillsbury's wedding takes place in early December. There is nor run-way bride. The Andersons are supportive of Blaine and he has a good relationship with Cooper.

Blaine was stretched out on the couch in the living room of Cooper's flat in New York trying to figure out how his life had turned out the way it had. He felt lost and alone. There was this feeling of insecurity and doubt something he had not felt since the incident that had occurred at a Sadie Hawkins dance in his middle school. If someone had told him he would be spending Christmas break of his senior year with his brother he would had laughed in their face. But here he was.

Cooper had moved to New York last year and was doing a TV series. As Blaine was planning to go to school in the city more specifically
NYADA, his brother had asked him if he did like to spend the first week of his holidays there before they both returned to Ohio for Christmas. Blaine had taken up the offer as not only would he be able to see the school and spend some time with his brother but also a chance to meet Kurt. They hadn't talked since their hook up when Kurt had returned to Lima for Thanksgiving weekend and Mr. Schue and 's wedding. Blaine knew they had decided to take a break or whatever it was but after the night with Kurt after the wedding reception he had no doubt they would get back together. And they ofcourse had decided to build their friendship again but Kurt hadn't answered his calls or texts since he left for New York again.

Apparently those thoughts of the silly high school boy that he was had been crushed when he saw Kurt at NYADA this afternoon. A single tear fought its way out of his eye as he replayed in his mind for the umpteenth time what had occurred this afternoon.


Blaine had spent all the time after Cooper left for his shoot in getting ready to go to NYADA, he hadn't told Kurt he was coming and thought of surprising him by showing up and then maybe they could have lunch together. He was wondering through the corridors of the school when he saw Kurt in a studio practicing. He stared to walk in the studio but he noticed that Kurt wasn't alone. Another guy was with him and they seem to be deep in their conversation that they didn't notice Blaine standing near the door. He was about to knock and announce his presence when he heard the other guy in the room take his name, "You and Blaine used to sing that duet together, didn't you?" the guy said. "Yeah...but it feels like a life time ago. Maybe that's what hard about it." Kurt answered. Blaine felt like he was intruding and shouldn't eavesdrop but his feet just wouldn't move. "You still love him don't you? Was I your rebound?" The guy asked. "" Kurt said shock evident on his face. "Cause I cannot compete with a fantasy Kurt." The guy sounded hurt but all Blaine wanted to know what Kurt was going to say. Blaine wasn't expecting what Kurt had to say about it, "I...I desperately want to be over him, really...I do" Kurt's words shattered Blaine into a million pieces once again. He just watched the guy say something, he saw Kurt smiling. Kurt walked out hand in hand with the guy out of the studio without noticing a Blaine Anderson who stood with his back to them trying to hide. Blaine's world had come crashing down once again and not knowing what to do he walked aimless and heart-broken on the streets of New York.

End of Flashback

When Cooper returned from his shoot he found Blaine curled up in a ball on the couch fast asleep. His hair was gel free, his face was tear stained. When Blaine had woken up he just curled up in his brother's embrace and cried again. Cooper just sat their rubbing circles on his back till Blaine was ready to talk. Blaine felt stupid for crying like a heart-broken girl, but he couldn't bring himself to care. It was more than two hours later did he stop crying and then told Cooper everything that happened. It took everything Cooper had in him to control his emotions and not start cursing and yelling or better going and hitting that twink and giving him a piece of his mind. He couldn't believe Kurt had the nerves that even after sort of
breaking up with Blaine he had kept him hanging making him believe there was some hope for them and at the same time romancing another guy in the city. What made Cooper angrier was the fact that kurt slept with brother even after they had broken up and he had decided to move on he was just giving false assurances to Blaine and just stringing him along. He knew that their break up was his brother's fault he had
cheated yet it wasn't as if Kurt was an innocent victim in all of it, he was playing with his brother's emotions and that wasn't something Cooper took kindly. Though Blaine had cheated but that didn't give Kurt the right to use him. Truth be told he had never liked Kurt but he seemed to make Blaine happy so Cooper never said anything but listening to his brother crying he knew that chasing after Kurt was only going to cause Blaine more heart-ache. And it had to be stopped for good.

Cooper and Blaine had spent much of the night talking. They also spent the entire next day watching movies and playing video games and talking. After five continuous hours of playing Assassin Creed Blaine seemed to getting back to being himself again, "It feels so good...haven't played like this since sophomore year" Cooper's eye-brows shot up and he exclaimed "What? studying so much Blainers?" From what he had gathered from their mom about Blaine over the years they were not in talking terms was that Blaine loved video games. She had told him that whenever Blaine was not at Dalton he used to spend most of his time playing. He had quiet a collection of video games. "Its just...forget it." Blaine said. "Talk" Cooper ordered. "Kurt didn't like video games so I didn't get time to play much, I used to play sometimes with Sam, Mike or Artie. But not for this long." Blaine said softly. "Miss playing don't you? But you almost have made a fucking gaming zone at home and you haven't played Assassins in over a year?""Na...I and Kurt usually did things we both enjoyed." Blaine said. "Do you realize that you usually did things that he enjoyed rather than you both." Cooper said before he could stop himself. From all his conversations with Blaine over the last year he knew his brotherabsolutely not a kinda guy who liked to have long hours of gossip sessions with girls and do manicure. He had expected Blaine to deny it but all Blaine said was " could say that."

It had been two days since the incident, Blaine was just moving about like a robot he was always preoccupied with his own thoughts there were a few times when he would act more like himself. Cooper tried his best to cheer him up but that cheer didn't last more than a few hours and his brother returned to being a heart-broken mess. It scared Cooper that Blaine might have withdrawn in his shell again or tried to harm himself again and to add to that his shoot started again today but he was reluctant leave Blaine alone. While on set, he had called and checked on Blaine numerous times and was relieved to know that Blaine had taken to wandering in the Central Park rather than brooding at home.

Meanwhile in Central Park, Blaine wandered around aimlessly just walking around and enjoying the freshly fallen snow around he felt relaxed he had just talked to Cooper, his brother was worrying too much he had called to check on Blaine almost every hour. His phone began ringing again and he was swore he was going to throw it away if it was his brother calling him again. But looking at the caller ID surprised him "Hey killer." Sebastian's voice said through the phone. There was something about hearing his voice that suddenly Blaine felt better. "Hey, how are you?" "You would have known if you had returned any of my texts. Anyways how are you?" "Sorry bout that, been busy and Coop was home so spent most of my time with him." The truth being Blaine hadn't bothered to check his phone for the past two days. "Your not fine Blaine, what happened?" "Nothing I'm fine." "Your going to have a hard time convincing me. I can clearly see something is wrong. You are walking around with your hair free of all the gel looking all messed and tired and you say everything is fine." "Huh?! How do you even..." "Turn around." Blaine tuned to see Sebastian standing a few feet away smiling at him. He felt a weird sense of relief and warmth on seeing Sebastian. Blaine just watched the warbler walk towards him there was something about Sebastian that brought a genuine smile on his face for the first time since the incident. Sebastian slung his arm over Blaine's shoulder directing him in a different direction, "Why don't we go get some coffee and you tell me what happened. Its too cold out here." Soon they were sitting in a cafe overlooking the snow-covered streets. "You didn't tell you were coming to New York." Blaine said. "I didn't know either but my grand-mother wanted me to visit so here I am and I didn't want to spend Christmas at Dalton. So are you gonna tell me what happened?" Blaine for some reason didn't wanna answer that question, as now he felt utterly stupid when Sebastian and all his friends from Dalton had told him to return back he stayed at McKinley as it was a link between him and Kurt and believing they would soon get back together and everything would be fine and being at McKinley wouldn't feel as bad and lonely anymore. The waitress came with their order of coffee and to Blaine's surprise a big slice of
cheese cake. Blaine raised his eyebrow in question and Sebastian said, "Its not like your the only one who has a sweet tooth here, and anyways I simply love their cheese cake, its incredible I thought you should try some. You didn't answer my question." "Let's just say that it finally hit me hard that I should move on rather than being so hung up on my ex. Can we not talk anymore about it now?" Blaine asked. Sebastian just stared at him in shock, this was the first time Blaine had referred to Kurt as his ex and not just that but he was talking about moving on after almost three months of being sure that they would get back together. "May I know what brought this sudden change of heart?" "If you want to, its not like I have any friends to actually care to listen but not now." Hurt was evident on Blaine's face and it seemed like he was about to cry. Sebastian placed his hand on Blaine's and relieved that he didn't take his hand back he said, "Blaine, look at me." When Blaine raised his head he was staring into
Sebastian's green eyes full of sincerity "You are not alone Blaine, I will always be there for you. You know you can count on me for
anything right?" Blaine just nodded. "And you know its not just me. All the warblers will be there for you. We will be there whenever you
need us Blaine. Don't ever think that you are alone." Blaine knew what Sebastian was saying was true. The Warblers had always been there for him. When he had started at Dalton it was a few months after the start of the semester as he was still in therapy when school had started. He was the new kid even among the freshmen. Jeff had been his room-mate then. Jeff and Nick had soon became his friends and introduced him to the Warblers. Wes and David soon became his best-friends even though both were juniors and two years ahead of him. They had been supportive and understanding when he abandoned them to attend McKinley with Kurt to give him the senior year he dreamed of. They would always call and keep in touch with him even when his weekly visits to meet them had turned once in a month or two. Its not like he purposely ignored them
but he had promised Kurt as he had flipped after Sebastian serenading him with 'I want you back' and what happened at Scandles (it didn't
seem like a big deal to Blaine) that he wouldn't go to meet them alone and Kurt being himself rarely had time to go with him to visit the
Warblers and it had completely stopped after the Slushie incident. Though they had made some wrong decisions they admitted it was only because they felt abandoned like Blaine was avoiding them and they felt betrayed that he just left them his friends for a guy he had known for a few months and their anger just took over their better judgment, they never intended to harm or injure anyone it was all just meant to be a joke and was just to ruin Kurt's sweater not hurt him but it had cost Blaine an eye surgery. They all had apologized far too many times. Blaine was lost in his thoughts and he was brought out of his brooding when Sebastian squeezed his hand gently, "You ok?" He asks. Blaine just nods again holds Sebastian's hand tightly giving him a reassuring smile and took a bite of the cheese cake. Little did they
know that a certain Kurt Hummel was standing near the window of the
cafe watching them.