Good Idea, Bad Idea

Chapter Three: The Escape

Disclaimer: In case you're wondering from Chapter One, I haven't suddenly gained the rights to Slayers. Nope. Gomen.

Notes: This has to be one of my fastest-written fics ever! ^.^...I think it's the half-muses. Too bad FF.N picks now to close for a bit.... Again, I cannot state enough that I mean NO OFFENSE to ANY religion! This is harmless fun! Please no flames...they burn worse than Lina's fireballs, and most of them are so badly spelled I cannot decifer them.


*Filia's Tea Room*

Filia: Welcome back, friendly readers! I'm still here with Lina, narrating this story.

Lina: Hiya! Let me just tell you that this fic got a whole lot better once I came in!

Filia: *fake smile* I'm sure it did...Well seems our heroes are in quite some trouble, ne Lina?

Lina: You bet! They got worked into this church thing, and now they're threatened to be burned at the stake!

Filia: Luckily, there's a certain Mazoku namagomi in that bunch...

Lina: But Zel and Gourry are on the way to rescue!

Filia: Yes, but will they be able to stop the opposing Church People?

Lina: Let's just see!

*We see the group tied to two wooden stakes, Karu and Xellos on one, Tama and Valgarv on the other*

Karu: *whines* I don't wanna diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie~!

Valgarv: *snaps* Put a sock in it, Crybaby! It's your fault we're in this mess!

Tama: *shoujo eyes* He's so cute when he's mad...

Xellos: *grinning* When's the FIRE start?!

Karu: T.T...My last moments, and I spend them with a masochist...

*Meanwhile, in the kitchen*

*Zelgadis and Gourry, having heard their friends' cries for help, run to the door*

Gourry: *pulls on the handle* It's stuck! Those evil people trapped them!!

Zelgadis: -.-....Gourry...turn the handle.

Gourry: *turns the door handle and the door opens with ease* Oh. I knew that.

*The two enter the meeting room to find the others in their group staked*

Gourry: O.O

Zelgadis: What the--?!

Karu: *looks up* Zel! Gourry! *hopefully* You'll save us!

CP: More talking to demons! *poke Karu* We have to burn THIS one first!

Karu: Meep!

Xellos: *extremely grinning* Yeah! BURN BABY BURN!!

Zelgadis: Hmmm....*thinks* Although it WOULD be good to see that Mazoku burn...he'd probably like it too much. And the girl hasn't done anything to warrent that kind of punishment...yet.

Karu: *whimpers as the CP start dousing the stake with gasoline* Anytime guys!

Xellos: *thoughtfully* I wonder if they've figured out they're doing this inside...

CPG: *lights a match*

Tama: o.o..I don't think they really care...

Karu: Goodbye cruel world!!!

Gourry: Noooooooooo!!! *lifts up a of those crappy card ones*

CP: *gasp seeing the table lift itsself up* EVIL SPIRITS!!

Zelgadis: That's it! They can't see us! We'll use that to our advantage!

Gourry: *throws the table at them*

CP: *scatter*

Zelgadis: -.-...Or we could do that.

Gourry: You guys okay?

Karu: Yeah, arig-err, thanks.

Tama: Nifty.

Valgarv: Why was I dragged into this?

Tama: Cuz you're such a bish!

Xellos: *teleports out of the ropes* No fair! I wanted some good pain!!

Karu: You could do that the whole time?! *narrows her eyes* You want pain? *bashes him with the stake* HOW'S THAT FOR PAIN!!??

Xellos: @[email protected]...

Gourry: *unties the others*

*Suddenly, a Voice Tinged With Mal Intent gives a laughter that puts Rezo to shame*

Zelgadis: *fwaps his forehead* What now?

VTwMI: BWAHAHAHAHAHA-- *cough!*--HA! You thought you had ridden yourselves of ME?!

Karu: *whines* Oh no....

*The VTwMI reveals herself to be AMELIA!, no longer in puddle-form*

Amelia: Ha! You shall never be rid of me, for all justice will prevail over evil!

Zelgadis: Go AWAY Amelia!

Amelia: *ranting* Even YOU Zelgadis-san! I cannot believe that you have dropped to the side of evil!

Tama: Oh for the love of...

Amelia: *jumps up on one of the tables* I shall now punish you all for trying to kill me! It's only justified, you know, and --

*Amelia crashes to the ground after one of the table's legs is kicked in*

Valgarv: *whistles innocently, removes foot from table leg*

Tama: Yay! *deathglomps Val*

Valgarv: o.O...*turns purple*

Amelia: x.X...*unconcious*

Zelgadis: Let's get the seven hells out of here, before IT wakes up...

Karu: Couldn't have put it better myself, Zel!

Xellos: I could, but it involves a LOT worse language...

Karu: And that's why you didn't get to.

Xellos: Aw nuts.

*Everyone leaves quickly*

CP: *gather around Amelia, looking angry*

Amelia: *wakes up* head...*looks at CP* guys can see me?

CPG: *yells* DEMON! WE CAN SEE ONE OF THEM!! BURN HER!!! *ties Amelia to a stake*

Amelia: O.O...This is gonna get worse before it gets better...*sniffs* Do I smell something burning?

*Back with our heroes...walking down the sidewalk*

Tama: Karu, can I tell you something?

Karu: Sure!

Tama: I'm still going to kill you.

Karu: Why? We're not getting burned!

Tama: You can kill yourself...You can put me in danger...But you WILL NOT put my bishounen in danger! *throws a nearby pop can at her*

Karu: T.T...Owie!

Zelgadis: Well, it appears as normality has been restored...Time for us to go.

*Both stop*

Tama: You can't go yet!

Karu: There's another quest coming up!

Gourry: *happy* Really?

Xellos: Is it gonna be as interesting as this one?

Karu: *grins* Sore wa himitsu desu

Xellos: *sweatdrops* You know, the whole 'imitating my catchphrase' thing gets old...

Vlagarv: Why do you think they do it then?

*The group makes it back to Karu's house*

Gourry: After a battle like this, I think we should get some more ice cream!

Zelgadis: What is it with you and ice cream?

Karu: Good idea though... *goes to the freezer*

Tama: *plops down in the living room* Karu sure does have a weird-looking house...It's got all this junk in it...

Xellos: *floats in a sitting position* Her mom collects it.

Valgarv: How do YOU know?

Xellos: Sore wa himitsu desu.

Tama: *grins* He spies on her to see what she's writing.

*A loud scream is heard from the kitchen*

All: o.O...NANI?!

Karu: *runs into the living room* We're out of ice cream!!

All (except Val and Zel): NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

*Back at Filia's Tea Table*

*Both girls are sleeping*

Lina: Zzzzz...fireball...Zzzz

Filia: *face first in her teacup* Snore...Zzzzz...

*Sylphiel pops her head in the room*

Sylphiel: *looks at the two sleeping girls* Oh my...*enters* Well, it looks like it's up to me to end this story. ^.^...It seems our heroes are out of ice cream. What will become of them now? And what of Amelia, burned at the stake by the CP? She died before and came back...Adn speaking of dying and coming back...when will our beloved Vrumugun return to the scene? And what secrets does he hold? Find out all this and more on the next installment! ^.^ I/

Filia: *snorts and wakes up* Huh? *her face is covered in dripping tea* Huh? *looks at Sylphiel* Hey! You stole our ending speeches!

Lina: *wakes up* Huh? Hey, Sylph!

Sylpheil: Oops. Until next time readers! *scurries off before she gets hurt*

Filia/Lina: O.O

~To be Continued...