Hello, my friends! Sorry that it's been so long since I've updated. I've tried to write this chapter – counting the final attempt – like three times. The words just wouldn't flow. I'm not happy with this, but it'll do. This is really just filler. I have a "vague ambition" in this story's "direction." Ha! ;) Anyhow, updates will be less frequent because being a freshman is hard! I adore high school so much, but there's a lot of work to be done, especially for theatre class. SO. MUCH. AWESOME. THEATRE. Okay, enjoy this!



Margaux taught me some stuff.

I'll never get outta 'ere,

And the bad men are rough.

She says to endure

And just bite 'ard on my tongue.

Death'll come soon enough,

And when it does,

An 'appy song'll be sung.

Sounds 'orrible, but the girls

Rejoice when one bites the dirt.

The kid's free from the tears

And the 'urt.

Last week it was Paulette;

It'll be Lorraine soon, I'd bet.

Odette visited me yesterday,

And just thinkin' 'bout it makes me sweat.

I sat 'er down, all official-like; mean,

And growled, "Is the 'ouse clean?

Is Pierre slackin' at 'is new job?

Get that boy in shape, you 'ear,

'E's thirteen, the slob.

Agnès can get work sweepin'


And I know the brat's but two,

But think of all the good it'll do.

Is Maman's 'ealth good?

And baby Henri's doin' well?

Everything's goin' the way it should?

Well, then outta here!

I gotta go be a dégoûtant jezebel."

I feel sick with meanness,

Like some angry thing.

Sometimes, it's

All I can do to cling…

To sanity.

I'm losin' my mind,

I think,

And soon it'll be gone in a blink.

I'm always real sad,

Even when I smile.

Sometimes I forget to eat.

Even now it's been a while.

Margaux says she's worried,

But I don't respond.

I don't think I'm that strong.

These rattin' men are makin'

My soul die.

I yelled at my nine-year-old soeur,

And didn't look 'er in the eye.

The only friend I've got

Is a broken girl

Who 'ates the world.

I'm fourteen years old,

And a whore.

What can I do?

I won't ever 'ave more.

S'alright, though,

I guess.

I'm makin' it some'ow,

For my family's sake.

I'll just keep makin' it,

I s'pose,

Till one day

I wake…

In another world.