"So Percy- I mean Lord Perseus- what are your titles, anything good?"

Grover asked, trying to skip a rock on the ocean and failing. The rest of the old gang were lounging around the beach, like old times. Originally, they were a bit freaked out at Percy's new stronger presence and power but they soon came to realise that behind the insanely handsome and charming shell there was still their goofy, slightly idiotic green eyed friend. No matter how lost he seemed to be.

He cleared his throat awkwardly and began to list off his titles one by one, no matter how embarrassed the attention he was getting made him, these were his friends; he'd tell them, they were bound to find out anyway. He was afraid they'd laugh, but continued anyway knowing most of them would.

"Uh… Animals" He said hesitantly, trying to remember all the titles he was given off the top of his head. He heard a few mutters from various members of their group (Nico and Thalia). Something about that explaining the whole pinning down Apollo with snakes thing. And Grover… Well he just grinned and downright shouted.

"Man that's awesome!" Percy grinned at him, though secretly he didn't appreciate being interrupted. He let it slide though, because this was Grover we were talking about.

"Demons…" He frowned, trying to remember his titles. He got some raised eyebrows at this and even a yelled out exclamation of;

"Hey! Can you turn into a demon?" From Grover, who seemed to be a bit too over-exited at the thought of his friends new titles. Maybe he is hyper on coke cans. Percy pondered over this for a second, but then dismissed the thought. Is it even possible?

This comment led to the shockingly handsome young man's presence to be replaced by that of a handsomely scary creature which had glowing red-gold eves, deep blue scales which all sharpened to razor sharp points and just an overall threatening look about it in general.

His friends seemed to cautiously inch away a bit, obviously a bit put off at this new look. This drastically new look. So Percy decided to change back into his human form. It hurt at first, but then he remembered the pain which he experienced dying and when his human blood was being slowly fed out of him and replaced by the blood of an immortal.

"Anything else, Seaweed-brain?" Annabeth asked, finally speaking up . She had been so silent since his proposition that he almost forgot she was there; But he'd never be able to forget about her. Never.

"Um…" He thought for a moment. "He began to mumble his titles so fast that they were all jumbled up.

"What?" Thalia asked, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

He sighed and suddenly took an extreme interest in his fingertips.

"Um… I'm the male god of desire which is why I am all-you know… Different" He motioned around his face area.

He earned a few sniggers from the gang, but apart from that they were silent.

"And… Uh, I'm the god of puppy love and time"

Nico and Thalia were laughing at him quietly while the others just sat there shocked.

Grover, apparently getting over his hyperactive coke can stage (though I wondered if it was just a nervous reflex) said in sync with Annabeth.

"Why puppy love" Their confusion was evident in their voices. Percy looked down and his now flawless cheeks were tinted pink. He cleared his throat awkwardly and replied with a simple answer of 'I'd rather not talk about it' which made Annabeth think of the boy he was four years ago. When she was nursing him back to health after his battle with the didn't know what at the time, but the boy she was helping seemed special, but not in the way everyone else saw, he seemed special to her. She realised now that Aphrodite was messing with her mind even then, planting her seeds of love into their minds. When Annabeth did let herself fall, she fell hard. But she only got to tell him how she felt once before the boy with the sea-green eyes was gone and made immortal, becoming the boy with the golden eyes. She told herself she would grow to love those eyes, just like she had for his green ones. She still was lost as to what to reply to Percy's suggestion of marriage. She could see so many good points in this; Spending eternity with the boy she loved and her best friend, thousands of years to develop Olympus's architecture, never dying so never having to fear if the next monster she fought would be her last… She could make a list as tall as the big house of reasons as to why it seemed to be a positive thing.

But as much as she could think of positive things about it, she could think of the negatives. It was in her nature, as a child of Athena, to analyse and think through the goods and the bads in order to come up with decisions and plans which were smart, strategic and fool proof.
Some bad parts of becoming Percy's immortal wife were; Never being able to just be normal something she had desired for so long now, he was the god of desire so he was bound to attract women like moths to light (she'd seen most girls at camp giving him the lust filled eyes she'd seen men giving Aphrodite before) so he was most likely to sire demigod children within the next year or so and probably would continue to do so if he keeps being influenced by Apollo and Hermes who she had earlier found out were his guides into godhood. As much as she would love to not be jealous of the children's mothers she knew she would be. She never really wanted to label herself as the jealous type, but marriage is supposed to be a statement of love and devotion, a commitment you were supposed to keep. But she knew Percy was a god now, lord of time, animals, demons, desire and puppy love. And because he was a god now he had all of the godly urges and natures. Also, because he was no longer a demigod he didn't have his fatal flaw anymore; Loyalty. Not that Annabeth doubted that he would be loyal, but even he would stray at times. As much as she hated to admit it.

"Fine then" Thalia huffed slumping back into the sand and rearranging her tiara, symbol of the lieutenant of Artemis, on her head. "Why time then?"

Percy grinned over at her, over his earlier embarrassment already.

"I did battle the titan of time and win, didn't I?" His pride in this voice was evident.

They all nodded in acceptance of this.

"Of-course it almost got you killed "Annabeth began but was interrupted by Nico.

"It did basically, you was lucky the fates" Lightning flashed and Thalia hit him upside the head , glaring along with Annabeth in disapproval, apparently he still was learning not to throw names around. "Came in time to give the gods the option to save your life" He finished in a smaller voice rubbing the space on his head he was hit on by his oh so lovely cousin.

His other cousin, the godly one grinned once again and, while climbing to his feet said.

"I don't know about you lot but I wanna help repair camp, who's with me?" He fixed his golden eyes on each of them in turn, grin never faltering for a second. One which Grover happily returned while the son of the dead and the daughter of the skies groaned in protest and reluctantly climbed to their feet.

The son of the seas and the new lord of time and the animal/demon kingdom looked down to the daughter of wisdom and architect of Olympus who was still sitting in the sand. He held out his hand to help her up his hair still in its normal 'I just got our of bed but I don't care look' which swayed slightly in the wind.

"What'd you say, Wisegirl?" He asked.

"I say" She began reaching for his hand "That we better get started cus' we have a lot of work to do" She finished as he lifted her to her feet. They held each other's eyes the whole time. Grey against gold. Wisdom against time.

Neither of them noticed how close they were standing till Thalia cleared her throat loudly which was enough to snap them out of their trance. Percy grinned at her while Annabeth blushed slightly. And Annabeth never, I repeat never, blushed. I guess he had that kind of affect on her.

"Awkward" Nico said under his breath, stretching out the word to extreme lengths.

Everyone heard him because of the silence which had settled on them and chuckled slightly.

Then they started to make their way back to the cabins to help with their share of the work. Five of the many heroes of Olympus.

In the back of his mind Percy wondered what his cabin would look like if he had one. But he quickly dismissed the idea because minor gods weren't allowed cabins. A proposition formulated in his mind for the next meeting of the gods, a post war meeting and he decided to mention it to the council then. He tried to push it to the back of his mind for now though because this may be the last time he sees his friends in a while…