Her eyes opened slowly, blinking a few times to adjust to the rough, hazy, light up world around her. She looked up a little to see marshall looking down at her. His red eyes staring at her lovingly. The concern showed through. She gave her best, warm, smile, as if to indirectly tell him she was okay. She knew he was still a little shaken up.
"Hey" she said sleepily. She felt so tempted to reach up to her neck and touch the spot where the fang marks where. It was like trying not to play with a lose tooth. She new that that would probably upset marshall though. So she tried her best to ignore it.
"Hey..." Marshall said quietly back, brushing a few strands of Fionna's bright blonde hair to the side.
He pulled her tightly up next to his thin chest. She was starting to regain her blood and her colder body was becoming a bit warmer. "You know, you saved me." He mumbled softly, stroking her back with his own hand. Looking down at her slightly with a small smile.
"I needed to. I don't know what I would do if you where gone." She whispered sleepily. Smiling as she nuzzled into his soft shirt.
her words comforted him. Fionna actually cared about him, he wasn't just this small speck in her life after all. He was a big part, he was her rock. He was the one that kept her sane half the time. Although there would be times were she would want to wring his neck. That's why they balanced each other out.
She shrugged not really knowing what to say or do. Honestly though she was a bit to weak to do or say anything.
"Cake is gunna kill me." She mumbled. She didn't even want to think of her fast approaching doom.
"You? She's gunna rip me to shreds, and then feed them to wild beasts!" He said with a smirk, throwing a hand in the air to be as exaggerated as he just naturally was. He knew for the most part it was true.
Fionna laughed weakly. Her strength slowly regaining, the presence of marshall seeming to help.
"I'm just glad your okay..." She hugged him as tight as she could. He always made her fell better, he was there for her when she needed him. Marshall returned the hug, nuzzling into her head.
"I'm glad you are too..." He said a bit muffled. They stayed like that for a while. Comforting each other and making jokes. Trying to lighten the mood and cover up the moments before.
Marshall lees mom walked in though. She smiled as the two feeling a little awkward but looked to fionna.
"I just wanted to say thank you fionna for saving my little boy." She walked over the click clack of her heels following her. She bent and hugged the two in her arms. It was one of those loving bear hugs that was full of care.
"Fionna I have some special herbal soup that should help you get your strength back up." She said standing. "If you rest and eat some soup, you should be out of here soon. I know you must want to get home.*
Fionna smiles and graciously thanked the woman. She had put off her duties to take care of marshall and fionna. She really was a good person- er...well vampire. She had a good heart with good intentions. Fionna liked her for the most part. As soon as she heard the door click shut, she turned to marshall.
"Marshall, I'm starting to worry about cake. She's probably worried sick...do you think you can go up and tell her I'm okay? Please...?" Marshall looked at her concerned, she was right about cake but...he didn't want to leave fionna. He couldn't leave her alone in the nightosphere. Mostly he couldn't leave her alone with his mom. Not that he didn't trust his mom, but his mom was just a little...well she is the ruler of the nightosphere and why would he let her watch fionna alone? She may seem to care but she wasn't really good at this stuff. He let out a sigh.
"Honestly Fi...I don't want to leave you all alone here." Fionna rolled her eyes and gave marshall a look.
"I can manage marshall. Seriously. Plus your mom is really nice." She honestly didn't want marshall to leave etheir but cake needed to know that fionna was okay. So did anyone else who actually noticed she was gone. She couldn't let cake run around tearing out her fur trying to find her.
Marshall took in a breath as if it might help him think. He slowly released it and looked down at fionna. "Okay. If you need me though give me a call. I will bring my phone with me. Here. You can use this." He handed her a small phone like device that looked a lot like Marshall's phone but this one was yellow. She took it and looked it over. Marshall gently moved off the bed. Fionna looked up at him with a soft and caring smile, as if nothing was wrong. Marshall took a mental picture, wanting to hold the image forever. That soft smile just made him melt inside. He kissed her on the forehead and started on his way out. Even after he removed his lips fionna still felt as if it were laying on her skin. The cold of his lips remaining.
"I will be right back...I promise." And with that little promise. He disappeared. Leaving his dear fionna laying back on the warm bed.

i honestly didn't really think anyone was actually reading my junk do I just kind stoped but here is the next chapter, even if it is short and kinda sucks but oh well lol so sorry.