A/n: Tell me guys what do you think of chapter one so I know if I should keep writing this or just leave it! :)

Kurt's family has been working for the Anderson's since he was three. Now that he's 18 his father told him that the Andersons will hire him as the young Anderson's personal servant.

He didn't see the young Anderson very much as he's always been in a boarding school, but now as he graduated and was taking a gap year before enrolling in some wealthy business university so he could take on his father's business. Now that he's spending more time at home he needed a personal servant, thus Kurt.

He'd heard things about the young Anderson from Adam his personal driver. The things Kurt heard m

The things Kurt heard from Adam got him to know that Anderson is really bad news, that he is a horny teenager who goes to these gay bars to pick up some easy fuck to spend the night with in some hotel and then throw the next day away. He is just a heartbreaker who'll convince naive boys that he loves them just till he takes their virginity and then he breaks their heart just as if they were nothing but sex toys form him.

It's his first day today and Kurt didn't know what to expect from the young Anderson but he knows that he'll keep his guard 100% up around the Anderson.