So you think you may know where 682 comes from, right? Well I'm sorry to say it but no you don't. Not yet at least. You see there is more to that egg than meets the eye with 682 and the same with that egg. That didn't just come from out of nowhere. No that egg also has a story not well known to mankind.

During the late cretaceous period, the world was sending off gases. Infact, unknown particles were starting to emanate from the core. These particles, however mysterious, were apparently highly toxic. They were in fact a type of unknown nuclear element. The particles stopped possible after ten thousand years though it has not been determined. These particles caused unnatural behaviors in lifeforms, but also created mutations. These mutations took place in mostly large organisms. Mutations like these included birth defects. At this time, this was most common in a great predator known as Spinosaurus Aegypticus. However, the disease carried by the particles was more common in the males. The males, however, still had to mate. The disease was therefore passed down to the females. And once infected, the spinosaur females numbers dwindled, possibly dying out before they could give birth. But apparently one did, right before it passed. And the egg of that one remained. We are certain of it. But does that make 682 a dinosaur? Not entirely. Just because the egg hatched doesn't mean the story's over. Oh no it doesn't. In fact, it took someone elses story to make it complete.

Sorry about the chapter length. It would be kind of "complicated" to know the whole story of how a spinosaurus gave birth. I mean, all the witnesses are dead. You can expect more content afterwards. Thanks for the support.