So it has been awhile lol, but here is another addition!

Daichi clenched his hands, the look on his face was one of pure anger. Io had her hand over her mouth, watching Hibiki with a look of shock and worry. Hibiki kept his eyes down, unable to look at the two of them. He had just told them about his run in with Yamato. He did not go into detail, barely able to make himself think about it at all.

"That son of a bitch!" Daichi said, before turning back in the direction of the JP's branch, "I'm going to kill him."

"Daichi" Hibiki grabbed his wrist.

"What!" Daichi turned to him, "you can't seriously think about letting that bastard get away with this?"

Hibiki lowered his gaze once more, before his hand slipped from Daichi's wrist. Io remained silent, looking down. Daichi looked away.

"Tch...the world is ending, and that jerk..." his hands clenched again.

Hibiki sighed a bit, closing his eyes.

"He made it clear what he desires..." he said slowly, "this world is in enough pain as it is...without dragging my mess into all of it."

"Mess?" Daichi looked back at him, "that bastard using the world ending to take advantage of you?! What if he decides to do it again? What if he decides next time to hurt you even more? Hibiki, he could kill-"

"Enough!" Io's hands moved to her head, clenching the sides a bit, as her eyes closed.

Both boys looked at her, before down. The subject was indeed one that no one really wanted to think could be real...but it was.

"It does not matter what happened" Hibiki said, "we have to go back..."

"What?!" Daichi glared, "are you insane?"

"It is our best option for now" Hibiki said, "running around clueless out here is only going to get you two killed. I won't do that...not because of me."

"So you'll let him put you through hell because of us?" Daichi frowned, "geeze, that makes me feel so much better!"

"Stop it!" Io stood, shaking her head.

Tears in her eyes, this was all a lot to take in, it was insanity. In the mist of demons, people dying, secret organizations and someone was hurting her friend? She closed her eyes tightly, her heart pounding in her chest. No...this was wrong...this was all wrong!

"Io..." Hibiki lightly reached out a hand towards her.

"No!" she knocked it away, before she turned and ran.

"Io!" Hibiki called after her, preparing to go when a car pulled in front of them.

Makoto got out, her heels clicking on the ground as she approached. Daichi glared at her, not really mad at her, but what she stood as in many ways, Yamato's second.

"You need to come with me Kuze, we need to discuss the next stage" she said calmly.

"Like hell he's going-" Daichi began.

Hibiki placed a hand on his shoulder, stopping him.

"Find Io...make sure she is alright and come back safely..." he tried to give Daichi a slight smile, but it failed.

Daichi frowned, but slowly nodded, taking off past Makoto and the car. Makoto gazed after him for a moment, before returning her eyes to Hibiki.

"I am aware of what happened" she says, "I have been asked to keep an eye on you by the Chief."

Hibiki nodded, his expression blank for the moment. Makoto sighed, before nodding to the car.

"The Chief is waiting..."

Hotsuin Yamato stood in one of the offices within JP's headquarters. His eyes on the wall, as he rested his head upon his hand in a bored manner. A flash of the scene from before coming to his mind. Hibiki at his mercy, upon his desk... The other had tried to hide that despite the circumstances and what had happened...that he had enjoyed it. Yamato closed his eyes, a slight hint of a smile tugged at his lips. Hibiki of the few who would not bend to his will so easily. Things had been going fine...until that foolish leader of the rebellion had stepped in. A sigh slipped past his lips instead, as he lifted his head from his hand.

"Poor little rabbit"

The words coming from him to the empty room. Rabbit...indeed Hibiki reminded him of one. That hoodie he wore all but screamed it, but it went further than that. Hibiki was small within this big world. Innocent...unsure and naive. He could be crushed effortlessly in the scheme of things...just like a little rabbit. He placed his hand on the table, standing from his seat. Hibiki Kuze could resist all he liked. In the end, none of it mattered. In the end, he would be broken by Yamato himself. He would not allow another to do it, especially that fool Ranoldo...He would be the one to make the boy squirm and break. And in the end, he would be the one to enjoy and command his new pet. The door opened, his eyes flickering to it. Speak of the little rabbit indeed. Hibiki entered the room, for a moment their eyes met, the other frowning, before he turned his head away. Yamato almost smiled, the other unable to look him in the eyes.

Makoto followed, but Yamato held up a hand to stop her.

"Leave us for a bit" he said simply.

For a moment, Hibiki's eyes moved to him, and Yamato could all but hear his heart skip a beat. Makoto for a moment hesitated, before she nodded and turned back out of the room, closing the door. Yamato turned his eyes onto Hibiki, who stood there for a moment looking back at him.

"I thought you wanted to discuss the next move...before-" Hibiki broke the silence.

"Silence" Yamato said, cutting him off.

Hibiki seemed to think of protesting, and for a moment, Yamato found himself wishing that he would. If the other spoke out of turn as he had done in their last encounter, it would give him just the reason he needed to enlist another punishment to the boy. However, Hibiki fell silent, which caused a frown to tug at Yamato's lips. Very well, he would deal with this another way. He stepped around the table, moving to the silent teen. Hibiki turned his eyes on him, for a moment that same rebellious spark he had seen before ignited within them. Yamato smiled, lifting a hand to cup the other's chin.

"You spoke to your friends...did you not?" he said.

"What does it matter to you?" Hibiki challenged.

"It means nothing to me" Yamato said plainly, "for they can not change anything."

Hibiki brushed the hand off of his chin, moving to step past Yamato.

"If you are going to waste my time, I have better things to be doing" the raven male said.

Yamato's eyes for a moment flickered with icy annoyance. The other simply brushing him of and refusing him sparked a bit of the annoyance he had felt before. Why must this boy be so difficult? He grabbed his arm, pulling him around with one swift movement. His other hand moving to the back of his neck, before he pushed Hibiki down over the table, pulling the arm he held up behind his back.

"Ah..." Hibiki flinched, before he glared back at Yamato, "get your hands off of me."

Yamato remained silent for a moment, looking at the boy below him.

" return to refusing me Hibiki Kuze..." the words not really a question at all, "verywell...then I shall have to teach you another lesson."

A flicker of fear within Hibiki's eyes made Yamato's chest tighten. He would not admit it, but the sight of the other giving so much emotion for him, as a result of him, excited him. He had not met another who challenged him in this way. Who pushed him, and made him want to be inside of them like this. Hibiki's hand clenched, as he shifted his weight to try and pull away. Yamato tightened both of his hands upon him, pulling himself out of his thoughts.

"Don't do this..." Hibiki said, "you will gain nothing from torturing me like this."

Yamato remained silent for a moment, choosing his words.

"I already told you Hibiki long as you continue to defy me, things will be hard for you" he said, his voice remaining cool and calm, "I will break you, and you will obey me."

He released his arm, sliding a hand down to his backside. Hibiki closed his eyes for a moment, as his hands clenched the table. Yamato was careful to keep an eye on those hands, while observing his reactions to his hand gently caressing the outside of his pants. He could have pulled them off right there, pushed him upon the table and forced himself inside of him to take him. But rushing things such as this, meant that he could not enjoy them. They meant that it would all be over to soon for Hibiki, and the boy would learn nothing. Besides, Yamato enjoyed himself as well...when it was slow, making the other suffer and react. He lightly applied pressure between his legs, earning a slightly more pronounced reaction from Kuze. He frowned, his body tensing as a result of Yamato's actions, which only made the silver haired man begin rubbing him there.

Hibiki shifted a bit again, but Yamato tightening his hand upon the back of his neck, forced Hibiki to remain in place. Yamato took his time, teasing him like that, not allowing him to pull away or move. The teen could refuse him, but his body betrayed him. Even through his pants, Yamato could feel the slight hardness appearing between his legs.

"You would feel much better if you quit fighting" he said, his voice a bit lower, "if you gave in...let go..."

Hibiki shuddered a bit below him, "never."

He frowned again, before he stopped his movements. He flipped Hibiki upon his back, grabbing his wrists to pin them above him on the table.

"Come long will you continue to ensue this path?" Yamato asked, "I could very well make your life here a living hell."

"You already are" Hibiki glared at him.

Yamato nearly chuckled, before leaning down to press a kiss to his neck. Hibiki's eyes closed, and Yamato felt him swallow. He trailed his lips up to his jaw, before moving them to his lips. Hibiki's eyes widened a bit, as their mouth's met. Yamato almost let himself enjoy it, before a sharp pain hit his lower lip. Hibiki had bit him. He stepped back, an arm going over his mouth as the pain slowly subsided. Hibiki glared, taking the opportunity to make a move towards the door. Yamato frowned, the cold look returning to his eyes. He reached a hand out, grabbing the other by the back of his hair.

"Ah...Yamato" Hibiki moved a hand back, grabbing his wrist.

"Foolish Kuze...very foolish" Yamato said into his ear, before throwing him past him to the floor.

Hibiki flinched as he hit it, Yamato reaching his hands up to slowly begin undoing his tie. He had been trying to advance this time in a kinder way, perhaps to gain the other's willing coöperation. But that defiance of his. Even after their encounter was still there. It annoyed him. Why was this boy able to defy him so easily? He would break him, he would make him give in one way or another. Before Hibiki could stand and move, Yamato had moved over once more. Grabbing his neck, he forced the boy to his feet. Hibiki lifted a hand to grab his wrist, but Yamato grabbed it first. Turning him, he pulled the arm behind his back. The second soon followed, before the tie was wrapped around them, binding them there. Hibiki tugged against it, trying to free himself. Yamato grabbing his shoulder, before pushing him up against the wall. The two facing each other, Hibiki glared at him.

Yamato no longer cared, a hand moving to his neck to keep him in place, while the other moved to the button of his pants. Hibiki's pulse picked up beneath his fingers, as he tried to move his hips away. Yamato answered this, by tightening his hand around his throat. He flicked open the button to his pants, before pulling down on the zipper. Already, Hibiki's breath was picking up a bit, adrenaline most likely racing through his veins. Yamato kept his eyes down, as he reached a finger in to find the shaft of the other male. As he brushed against it, Hibiki arched a bit, making a slight gasp. Yamato's eyes flickered up to his face for a moment, to meet those blue eyes of his.

"Please...don't do this..." Hibiki said, his voice a bit shaky.

Yamato ignored him, before sliding his length out from his jeans. Hibiki swallowed, closing his eyes, as if trying to avoid seeing all of this. Yamato did not mind, his attention on the more sensitive part of the teen's body. There was no denying, the raven haired male was indeed a bit hard from all of this. Yamato wrapped gloved fingers around the shaft, slowly sliding his fingers down from the base to the head. This earned a shudder from Hibiki, before the other was biting his lip. Yamato watched his reaction, before he slid his hand once more to the base. He continued this action, to the head, then to the base, over and over as he watched Hibiki's reactions. Torturing him with slow movements, sometimes squeezing to remind him that this was not to be all pleasing. He mused on what to do with the boy this time, though the result would be the same.

His hand moved to his pants, before he pushed them down further from his hips. They fell to the floor, fully exposing the other to Yamato's eyes.

"Look at me" he commanded, tightening his hand a bit more around the boy's neck.

Hibiki refused him for a moment, before slowly opening his eyes to look at him.

"Choose now" Yamato said coldly, "cooperate now...and I will let you be for now...Refuse, and tonight you will have no sleep at all."

Hibiki's eyes widened a bit, Yamato's remaining on those blue ones. He was dead serious. If Hibiki refused him now, he would force him to endure worse over the night. Part of him hoping that the other would refuse, that he would continue to hold out. Hibiki clenched his jaw, looking away. Slowly, Yamato released him. He stepped back, turning a seat from the table, so that it faced him. He then moved his hands to his own pants, undoing the belt, before the zipper. He could see that Hibiki was attempting to keep his eyes adverted, which hinted a bit once more, that he enjoyed this. Exposing himself, he could feel that he was hard as well. This boy, making him this way. He would make him pay for that indeed. He sat down within the chair, his eyes on Hibiki before him.

"Come" he commanded once more, "now."

Hibiki remained where he was, as if thinking over his options. He could run, though that would be highly foolish. He could resist, but that would result in Yamato's threat of worse punishment that night coming to pass. The boy let out a breath, before he slowly looked over to Yamato. Yamato kept his steely expression in place, remaining calm as he rested his head upon his hand once more.

"I will not say it again" he said, ice within his words.

Hibiki looked away, there was no choice. He was backed into a corner, one that would result in Yamato getting his way one way or another. Slowly, Hibiki moved, approaching him.

"Strattle me" Yamato said, his eyes on Hibiki's face.

The teen's embarrassment clear, in the blush that was forming over his cheeks. He was trying to hold out still and refuse, but he knew in the end it would do no good at the moment. If he wanted to avoid needless pain, he would do as he was told. Slowly, he moved over Yamato's hips. It was a bit hard to maneuver himself in his current situation, and Yamato found himself growing tired of waiting. Hands found the other's hips, before he pulled him roughly and swiftly down upon him. He made sure to pick the precise position, that would force his own length to enter the raven at the same time. Hibiki clenched his jaw, his body arching a bit as an expression of pain flickered across his face.

"Ah!" Hibiki's muscles tensing.

Yamato smirked, before he began moving, using his hold on Hibiki's hips, to force him to move as well. Hibiki's breath already beginning to pick up pace, as he closed his eyes tightly. Yamato focused on finding the place he had found before, that would send pleasure through the other's body. One hand releasing his hips, to move to the other's exposed length.

"Stop...don't..." Hibiki breathed, as Yamato's fingers once more wrapped around his length.

He began moving his hand, as he forced the other to move on his own length. That expression of his, trying so hard to keep any hint of pleasure from it. Yamato smirked, before a thrust into the other earned him a gasp. Hibiki's eyes opening, his walls tightening a bit around Yamato.

"Nnn...seems I have found it again" Yamato said, before leaning up to nip at the other's neck.

Hibiki clenched his jaw, "you will not...get away with this..."

Yamato released his length, wrapping his arms around the boy upon him, pulling him close to his own body.

"Foolish little rabbit...I already have..." he whispered, before his thrusts picked up.

Hibiki trapped against him, unable to pull away or refuse. The other's length trapped between them, being stroked by the friction and movements of their bodies. Hibiki bit his lip, trying not to give Yamato any sound or sign of pleasure, as their bodies moved. Yamato controlled Hibiki's, forcing his hips to move as he desired. His hands bound behind him, he could do little but try to hold on and hold out against the repeated thrusts into him, aiming for the spot that caused him to see spots himself. Yamato allowed him to hide his face within his neck. In all honest, he was glad that the other could not see his own expression. Pleasure threatening to form in his own eyes, as he forced himself deeper into the other upon his hips. Why? Why did he enjoy this himself? He had not craved being physical or anything with another before, nor had he ever found pleasure in such things. So how was it, that Hibiki could make him act this way?

Over and over, he aimed for that spot within Hibiki. Eventually, gaining a small moan from the other, though he was sure the other was trying to hold it in. He liked this, even if he would not say so. Yamato's eyes moving over his form slowly. In time, he would make Hibiki give in. In time, he would make him willingly want this, make him willingly need this. For now, he was alright with it not being the other's choice. He continued to gain pleasure from using him for the time being to slate the feelings within him. Hibiki's body soon tensing a bit, he could tell the other would not be able to withstand this much longer. He could feel his own body beginning to need release as well. A thought came to mind. He did not need the other releasing upon his clothing. He forced Hibiki off of him, gaining a slight gasp from him. Pushing him to his knees, his eyes remained upon him.

"Finish it" he commanded.

Hibiki looked at him, before glancing down at what he was asking him to finish. He thought of refusing, but they both knew what had happened last time he had tried that in this situation.

"Now" Yamato said.

Hibiki swallowed, slowly leaning forward towards him. He hesitated. Yamato frowned, before grabbing the back of his hair. He pulled his head closer, so the head brushed his lips. Hibiki closed his eyes, trying to resist, before it was pushed into his mouth. Yamato had little trouble doing most of the work for now, using his hold upon the back of Hibiki's head to force him into completing the task. Hibiki would be wise not to try biting him now as well, or hell would be his punishment. It was not much longer, before he was feeling his own body tense a bit. His eyes closed, as he held Hibiki in place. He released, opening his eyes slightly to watch Hibiki's reaction. His eyes had widened, and he tried to pull away but could not. When Yamato was satisfied, he let him go. Hibiki pulled back, nearly falling backwards onto the floor coughing.

Yamato once more retrieved his handkerchief, cleaning himself off. Hibiki glared up at him, before Yamato leaned forward. He looked as if he would pull away, before gloved fingers once more wrapped around Hibiki's shaft. The raven haired male arched a bit, his eyes closing a bit as a groan escaped him. Yamato moved his hand, teasing the other roughly and quickly into his own release, ignoring the refusal of the other in words. He let him lay there for a moment after, leaning back in his chair to watch him. A knock came to the door, followed by Makoto asking if they were ready to continue. Yamato glanced at Hibiki, who glanced worriedly at the door. He smiled a bit, before leaning down to grab his shirt. He lifted him enough, to pull the tie from his wrists.

"Fix" he stood, making his way to the door.

He cared little if Hibiki was ready when it opened, or if he would still be exposed to those that entered.