




Previously: Paris anyone?



I said, "What about our weapons?"

The guys stared at me.

Ranger finally said, "Private plane."

"But what about when we get to Paris? It isn't legal for us to have weapons in France.''

''International carry permits.''


''You can leave your gun on the plane.''

I said, "But who has international carry permits? It's almost unheard of- except for certain undercover military personnel.''

Manoso looked vague. It was cute but weird. I looked at Anthony who quickly assumed the same vague expression.

I said, ''Oh.''


Steph said, "Mitch and I have to shop for clothes.''

Ranger nodded faintly. ''Anything you want, babe.''

Stephanie suddenly grinned. "Oh yeah, what was the bounty on Alvarez, anyway?''

"Five million, dead or alive.''

''Jeez ,you shoulda shot him.,,

''It'd mess up Anthony's boat.''

''So Mitch and I each have what, a million bucks to spend in Paris?''

He pulled his American Express Black card out of his cargo pants and handed it over.

''Go get 'em, babe.''

Steph shooed him away. ''I was just teasing! We just need nice dresses for tonight, Ranger.''

He wrapped her hand around the card and dropped a kiss on her lips.


Anthony, always helpful, added, "You'll need coats too, babe, gonna be freakin' cold in Paris in February."



later, mid-Atlantic



''Are you gonna keep that awful Ferrari? Or are you gonna go back to your Porsches?"

''Can't I have both?''

"You gotta have it all, man," Anthony told him solemnly.

''Oh I guess so." Stephanie shrugged. "Maybe the Ferrari will—''

''No!'' Both guys said together.

Steph looked at them. Looked over at me. She said, "Boys and their toys."

... ... ...



Paris was wonderful. Anthony was wonderful. The food and the hotel were, yep, wonderful.

We shopped in all the famous stores. When the couturiers realized Stephanie was Mme Carlos Manoso, it turned out that Ranger's credit card wasn't even needed.

Mais, non! We will just send a petit bill, madame….

It was all so fun and delightful, very different from what a girl from Philly is used to. Anthony has been calling, he comes by to see me. I think he is the one, but I do sense a history, maybe a scary history, with these men.

Steph is happy for me even though she said to me, "Antonio probably isn't looking for a housewife, Mitch!''

"I'm not a housewife, Steph."

"Lucky for me, neither am I. Go for it. Have it all, Mitch."

Billings is polite to her and very, very wary.

We never saw the red Ferrari again, but so far the black Ferrari has survived. I don't think Ranger drives it very much. Ranger seems to love that (shiny new black) Ford pickup with the bug lights and custom rims. I see him picking up Steph sometimes after work. She is still on the taskforce here, lent to us from Rangeman, as needed. Steph's a lucky woman all right.

I think I am too.

... ... ...

Oh man, a million bucks! Wow!

I stared at the Rangeman corporate check. I counted all the zeros. Three times.

Yes, a million dollars.

The Post-it said, Your share of the bounty. You earned it. CM.

The end