The Adventure Time Story

Summary: A.U This story is about Marshal Lee as the richest, handsomest and coolest guy in school who was a prince of a gang called Nightosphere. Everything was going smooth in his life though until he met his first love again… Fionna Mertens, will Marshal still be his bad guy self or will he change because of the nerd once truly loved by him.

Author's Note: Heyoo peeps. Well not much of a summary I know, but I didn't want to take it all away in one blow. This story is about Marshal and Fionna with some other characters that I've also added and changed some of their names a bit, but don't worry. If you really don't like them with added names then be like me and other reader's that replaces it with something appealing to the eyes and imagination. I hope you guys enjoy it! Ahe… ahe… hehehe… *nervous laugh* First fan fiction of Adventure Time as well so… I really hope you guys will love this. If you want me to continue or have any ideas feel free to click the review button below and I will open mindedly read it. Hahaha to formal that it's awkward? Haha. Yeah I'm like that when I'm shy. :") Hahaha. Okay Read on readers. :D

Marshal Lee was a rich, handsome, smart, and awesome teenager who was supposed to be the heir of his family's company. Why supposed? Because his mother had three kids the eldest child and only daughter, Marceline Abadeer, Marc Klein Abadeer, and the youngest Marshal Lee Abadeer. Their mother Hana Abadeer wanted to take Marshal as the heir but his grandfather objected and wanted Marceline because she was eldest. Leaving the two siblings in the hands of Hana's good friend that owned a Candy Factory, Butter Scotch who warmly accepted Marshal and Marc but since the two were not exactly compadre's from the very beginning, Marc Klein left Miss B's (Butter Scotch) comfort and went off on his own. Making Marshal care less and stuck roommates with Butter's only and precious son Benedict Gum Ball Scotch or as Marshal calls "Bubba"

Butter Scotch was baking her apple and crumb pie when suddenly she received a quick call on the phone which ended short. "Marshall~" Miss's Butter called to the busy looking boy at the kitchen table. "Yes Ma'am." The raven haired boy said, sipping a soda can while typing song lyrics on his laptop. "Your mother called." She said with the usual sweet grin on her face. "Oh? What did she say?" He said un enthusiastically listening, but closed his lap top so he wouldn't upset Miss Butter Scotch which is something he does not want to see, an angry lady in the kitchen. "She wants me to ask you if you're ready? " Miss B smiled knowing that Marshal was scared of her throwing flying objects mode, she had a terrible temper and they knew it everyone in the Candy Mansion is clearly aware.

"I'm ready to get a girl friend, yeah sure." He grinned. "I kid, I kid." Marshal joked, raising his arms and looked as if he was calming down an imaginary crowd. "Well~" She sweetly said. "No." Then poker- faced him. She killed the joy already, Marshal frowned at this, then smiled and decided to joke some more. "I'm ready to move out from Bubba's room? Oh I would love to!" He said imitating Gum Ball's polite voice, complete with hands clasping together, touching the side of his chin. "As much as I want to, the answer is no." Gum Ball said joining the conversation.

"That's was rude of you Gum Ball." :P Marshall played some more, putting his hands on his waist. "Wait, he knows?" Then with the sudden realization he turned back to his cool self, looking at the basket of red apples placed by the house maids in front of him. "Your mother is sending you to high school hah far away from mine." The pink haired boy said happily almost laughed maniacly but stopped for the sake of his prince like demeanor and his insanity. "High school, who needs high school?" Marshal said getting an apple from the basket before him. "You do." Butter smiled at him in a 'you're gonna like it or you're forced to like it eyes.' "Your mother already enrolled you to Arthur Ashton Academy and already settled it with the principal so there is nothing you could do about it." She pointed out.

"Aaa?..." Marshal questioned biting his apple. "What do you mean 'Aaa' your okay with it?" Miss B said surprised 'He never agreed to everything her mother said immediately without getting the legendary smack on the head move, hmm? Maybe he is finally becoming a matured boy! I'm so proud of you Marshal!' Butter Scotch thought. "That is wonderful Marshal!" She said clasping her hands near her face. "No, I meant the school's initial's is A.A.A? Talk about redundant." He smiled not noticing the beaming- failed expression of Miss Butter but appreciated the apple mark he left on the fruit; 'It looks perfect like I spooned it'. He proudly thought. 'Man I'm awesome.' "Darn it Marshal!" Miss Butter growled, impatiently took her newspaper and hit him at the back of his head.

"Ow!" Marshal rubbed the back of his fore head. "Why did you that?" He whined. "Because you have opposed me Marshal Lee I decided to punish you!" Butter Scotch rebuked. 'Since when?' Marshal thought but decided to keep the remark to himself still rubbing his head. How thick is that newspaper anyway? "Hmkpf." Gum ball chuckled biting his lip to avoid laughing loudly. "And you!" Miss B pointed her trust worthy gray paper at Gum Ball. "Yes!" Gum ball wrapped his arms around his head reflexively putting his legs up in the chair he was sitting on being aware of Butter's fury. "Hana wanted to make sure that someone is keeping an eye out for Marshal in school.-" She said but was cut off by Gum Ball's reassuring instinct.

"Yes, yes I'll hire the lad a body guard for his refuge-" But was cut off by the mom, oh yeah. Pay back! "Not necessary my son, I'm sending you to Arthur Ashton Academy too for you to keep the boy and yourself from appalling things." Butter scotch said re treating the news paper above her shoulder like a real weapon which the two boys agreed as one. "B-but mother!" Gum ball gaped in terror putting both hands from his head to his mouth imagining the dreaded experience he had with Marshal for the past preschool and elementary years and now soon to be in high school. Secretly the boy being despicably thought of was laughing the whole time at Gum Ball's face. "He opposed to!" Marshal puppy pouted, pointing at Bubba. "Oh how mature of y-Owie!" Gum ball said trying to mock at the last second but was later cut off from receiving the legendary smack.

"I've already cancelled your enrollment to Princeton University." Butter scotch proclaimed smiling at her son. "Hwhat?" Marshal questioned his brow raising. "I know right un believable." Gum ball replied at Marshal. 'After perfecting the exams and being almost a scholar wasted to sticking with you, he thought thinking him and Marshal were on the same track.' "Your school's initials are P.U?" Marshal cracked laughing knowing that this will taunt Gum Ball's choice of school but forgetting the fact that Butter Scotch is still there patting the weapon at her left hand repeatedly. "Aha ahaha hah... *clicking his tongue two times slowly*… She's behind me isn't she?-"Marshal predicted preparing himself from another bump on his poor head before receiving the blow but was too late.

"Ow!" He yelled glaring at the newspaper not daring to look that way to the one wielding it. "For your information child I picked that institute for my son. Don't mock me "Aaa," hmph!" Butter Scotch said mocking Marhsal's school name too, quits. "Alright." Marshal surrendered. 'But mom picked that school.' :( he thought but kept his mouth shut anyways seeing as objecting won't be helpful nor will his head benefit from it and instead he continued eating his apple and threw it at Gum ball who was laughing at Marshal being smacked. "Hey!" Gum ball yelled, tackling the boy in a red checkered polo shirt off his chair for he had it up to here. "Oof- You asked for it!" Marshal got up and tackled Bubba too and strangled him.

"Oh yeah! Take this you childish teen you!" Bubba pulled Marshal's perfectly gelled hair, like two hours perfected in the bathroom hairstyle. "Ohoho! Nice pun." Marshal mocked trying to kick his cotton candy outfit of a sweater. Totally forgetting the fact that Miss Bavari- Barbari- I mean Butter Scotch was there grabbing now an Italian Vogue magazine and smacked it to them like a Whack- A- Mole Game. "Enough!" She yelled at the two boys before they pushed away from themselves. "He started it!" They both accused pointing at each other then proceeding to slap each other's hands repeatedly and rapdily.

Provoking the queen of all things bitter and sweet and both united, she took a nice and thick encyclopedia and held it above her head. The boys in the middle of their fight, seeing a shadow of Miss B's body and a rectangular yet heavy looking material on top of her they immediately broke away from each other before the book was smashed to their flawless faces. "You two are acting like bunch of preschoolers who're fighting over a toy!" Miss B yelled with her face looking sour as if she was ready to get another book from her library. "No, no mother, I'm sorry we're sorry aren't we Marshal?" Gumball tried to calm his mother down, looking back at Marshal mouthing a 'Say yes.' Marshal hesitating looked at him oddly and then at Miss Butter and nodded vigorously "Yeah."

Miss Butter Scotch having a change of heart turned back to a sweet and loving mother patted their heads softly. "Good. School starts next month so you better get ready to have fun!... Or else." She sweetly said before eyeing at the thickest dictionary she has at the library and then looking back at them. "Mirriam…" The two boys gulped and nodded obediently. "Okay! Now let's bake some apple pie! Wait… Where are my apples?"

Somewhere inside a Sky scraper a blonde teenager was playing video games with her older brother.

"Fiiinnn!" Fionna yelled holding the controller up in the air. "Yes baby sis?"Finn said while working on another video game in his computer. "The game characters sucks." Her sister complained putting her arms out to the flat screen TV were the game is shown. "Huh? Why?" Finn said, taking his eyes off from the computer to a protesting sister. "The character doesn't have a karate voice heroes do and he needs something on his head like a white bear hat!" Fionna pointed out, smiling at his brother.

"Action voice?" Finn asked titling his head. "You know like, 'Hiiiiyah!' and 'Take this!'" She demonstrated. "Yeah, you're right! I'll work on that and the hat?" The brother trailed off a bit looking at her sister weirdly. "Yeah, so you know, he'll be unique, cute, and at the same time making him less scary yet fun looking kind of a hero." Fionna said casually, while getting a pencil and piece of paper from the older brother's desk. "You see where I'm getting?" Fionna proceeded, drawing out what seems to be a little boy wearing a bear hat, green back pack, blue t- shirt and shorts then showed it to Finn for his approval.

"Hmm…" He pondered his thumb and pointer sliding from his chin downward. "Wouldn't that be odd to have an innocent looking kid conquering monsters of doom and saving princesses?" Finn asked looking at his sister questionably with a do you think this will work out face? "Yes. Yes it would." Fionna blinked and stared at his brother. After a moment of silence Finn smiled. "Okay then! Let's do it." He agreed, putting down his closed fist at his other hand to show that he's in.

"See, told you so." Fionna giggled. "Hah… What would I and your bro do without you Fionna?" Jake their eldest sibling said, stretching his body from the uncomfortable work chair he's been sitting on. "You probably wouldn't continue dad's legacy as one of the awesome video game producer." She blinked cutely looking innocent in front of her brothers. " And the fact that his company wouldn't rise up to here-" Fionna continued, she loved showing that she's not just a girl in a rich family but she's a girl who does something even her older siblings could do, while being rich. In short she likes rubbing it in that girl's rock. "Okay okay –" Finn tried to stop her but was cut off.

"And maybe no one would help you reserve a comic book in the mall when you ran into the rest room while falling in line?" She recalled. "Fio-" Jake attempted to heel her but refused she still continued. "Or help you two get the girl of your dreams and finally tell them your feelings." Fionna smiled, eyes closed knowing that she was right and what would they do without her? "Okay, Finn and Jake. I think our baby girl wants something." Cake laughed, their second eldest sibling, who was watching the three while lying on her very soft and plush sofa in their office with a laptop on her stomach. "Huh? What is it Fionna?" Fin smiled considerately, right she's only this energetic and demonstrative when she is trying to prove or need something she deserves, he thought.

"Well, since you guys need me that much maybe I should…" Fionna trailed off trying to choose the right words to say. "Should what?" Jake asked to, paying close attention to his precious little sister, his elbows placed at the table near her and chin resting on his hands. "Oh, I shouldn't…" Fionna hesitated then look down. "Aw come on baby sis, were your bro's and older sis. We could give anything for you." Finn nodded trying to spill what is on her mind. "Really?" Fionna smiled innocently, everything was coming out the way she wanted it to.

"Yes really, honey." Cake urged, patting the youngest sibling on her shoulders. " Really?" Fionna questioned. " Really." Jake confirmed. "Like really,… really,… really?" She asked "Uhuh, really realy really really." Finn nodded some more.

"Really really really like yeah?" She insisted some more. "Really really really like yup." Finn followed. "No matter how impossible it seems?" Fionna tested. "Go on we would say yes to anything!" Jake said confidently. "Okay then! How about I shouldn't go to high school and stay here in the company instead?" Fionna beamed, trying to put her best convincing smile she could muster.

"On the second thought, no." Jake said taking back what he said earlier. Then Finn looked at him, dead panned ._., putting his fingers together and motioning it near his mouth saying 'You EAT your words' before looking at Fionna's hurt expression. "Aww yellow bear." "I hate you guys!" Fionna yelled turning her back on the three. "We couldn't do that sweetie, mom and dad wanted you to finish your studies first." Cake said.

"But when you graduate you can finally join us, Finn, and Jake in the company's advance development. " She continued trying to make school worth finishing. "It would be fun in high school." Jake comforted Fionna, sitting next to the bean couch she was sitting on. "Easy for you to say…You guys didn't have huge circled glasses and braces when you studied in Arthur Ashton Academy." Fionna shrugged still not facing them. "Pfft. 'Aaa'" Finn giggled then choked when Cake elbowed his spleen area. "Finn was the comedian, Jake was the famous athlete, Cake was the school's vice president and… Fionna as the geek who flunked gym and aced in Science mathematically… Ya… Hoo…" Fionna sarcastically self- praised, I'm a loser at its best, Fionna said to herself sighing from her past memories in preschool and elementary years in Japan.

" Hey look it's four eyes Fionna!"

"Haha. What a dork."

"Can you believe she's Finn's sister? Heck no! That's like impossible."

"She looks stupid in that sweater, wait- Is that what you call sweater or a towel she used this morning."

"Duh. She's Finn's sister, in her dreams!"

"Hahaha. See ya Fattie Fionna The Four Eyes Loseer!"

" Wa ha ha you should make a movie about it! Upload it on you tube and then will dislike it immediately. Hahahaha."

"If you guys really care for me you wouldn't enroll me to A.A.A again." Fionna grumbled. "It wasn't our choice Baby Sis, dad had it planned before we could even have a say in it." Jake explained, while picking up a hair brush from his pocket and groomed her soft and gold locks. "You have a hair brush in your pocket?" Cake averted her attention to Jake's Paganini designer brush. "What? Cant a guy place a girl's hair brush somewhere in his pants?" Jake defended, still focusing on combing Fionna's curly hair. "He can if he's not 100% guy." Cake said shrugging at Jake.

"You're just jealous sister because all of my stuff is more fabulous." Jake said sticking his tongue out and swiftly shook his head like a prima donna who refuses to sign a contract. "Tsk. Tsk. Cake." He teased. "For the record that is my hair brush!" Cake replied taking the brush out of his hands and whacked it on the brother's head. "Give me that!" She said. "You already took it!" Jake reminded, rubbing the bump on his head while complaining at her sister's lousy timing. "Oh is the hair brush the only thing you harbored?!" Cake snapped her cheeks red knowing she got embarrassed a bit.

"Guys were getting a bit off topic here!" Fionna exclaimed. "I'm still here and still a rebel and still needs to be scolded!" Fionna reminded, pointing at herself. "You're missing the point!" "She's right!" Finn nodded. "Yeah, I'm right." Fionna nodded as well. "Jake, don't brush her hair rapidly, brush it like your marinating barbeque, delicately." Finn complained. "Uff." Fionna face palmed.

"You know what, never mind I'll go to school." Fionna grumbled in defeat, thinking that pouting and acting like a baby won't get her anywhere when a parent decides for her child or when your siblings are arguing over things that are pretty ridiculous. "Are you okay Fionna?" The three asked in chorus, now focusing on Fionna's surrendering face. ( =_= ) "I give up and yeah I'm okay- I mean… I will be." Fionna said, trying to smile in front of her worried siblings but frowned a bit afterwards, another year in misery, she sighed. "I'll just go get some drinks at the vending machine somewhere in the 11th floor, break room you guys need anything?" Fionna offered, opening the office door forward. "Um no thanks." The older siblings said in synch which irked the girl. "Okay." She said eyeing at them confusingly before going off.

After 5 seconds

"Phew. I told you the talk- like- an- annoying- neighbor would work! "Jake proudly remarked, putting his hand out for a high five. "Yeah it did!" Finn agreed high five- ing his bro, followed by a bro- fist, then their secret handshake and their handshake of victory, proceeding to random synchronized dances and more handshakes. "I thought that was the nagging- mom- act?" Cake said smiling at their success. " No, then we could've declared grounded and I don't like getting grounded." Jake explained. "The only grounded I want in my life is pork." "Shouldn't we feel bad for acting just to convince her to go to a school she really loathed?" Finn asked suddenly nworried with what could happen.

"Nah. We just did our best as good older sibs so were not exactly that bad." Jake theorized. "We did it out of love." Cake added. "Yeah. Were awesome!" Finn concluded high five-ing the two then doing air guitars.

Going Back to Marshal

" With every appearance by you… Blinding my eyes…" Marshal trailed of singing a song from Second Hand Serenade, focusing on his lap top. "Hey Bubba!" He yelled at the studying pink haired teen at the other side of the table. "What is it Marshal?" Gum Ball groaned, not really wanting to respond to the big-headed teen. "Can you give me 5 reasons why I should go to school?" Marshal said, stopping himself from humming. "Why?" Gum Ball asked, a bit surprised with his question. "It gives me purpose." Marshal explained, still typing on his lap top.

"Well for you to learn a lot of things." Gum Ball casually said. "That sounds elementary." Marshal commented, sipping from his cherry soda in a can. "You asked for my opinion and you opposed it?" Gum Ball frowned. "Yes, yes I did." Marshal laughed. "Come on, I was kidding anything else?" Marshal said, still typing on his laptop.

"Well what do you want to hear from me exactly?" The candy- scented teen said, complaining at Marshal's inaccurate request. "For you to see…- Ashley perhaps?" He said, checking the red- checkered pajama wearing teen's facial expressions. "…Pardon?" The teen silenced, finally looking up from his portable computer. "Ashley?" He said, now smiling a bit. "Indeed." Gum Ball nodded.

"Rumor has it, she's back from her country to study here in 'Aaa.' " The prince like boy giggled, saying the 'Aaa' word everyone keeps saying. "Dude, don't do that." Marshal dead panned, it's not working; he sent his message through Gum Ball's eyes. "You mean I should study high school, for the girls?" The teen smirked. "You've thought well Bubba." His eyes filled with nostalgia in reminiscence of his present and long term girlfriend, Ashley Heathercrow. The hottie of the hotties, the beauty of all beautiful girls and the red apple of his eyes, the girl of my dreams eh? He thought to himself. "Marshal.. Marshal..?" Gum Ball said, trying to catch his attention.

"Marshal quit it, you're staring at me and smiling that is freaking me out." Gum ball irked but Marshal couldn't help but sigh a deep and loving sigh. "Okay, you're not okay." The smarty pants said, confirming. Motioning for an apple he quickly threw the fruit at his love stricken friend. "Huh?" Just when Marshal snapped out from Fa la la land he felt something suddenly hit him on his forehead. "Hey!" He growled. "I had no choice!" Gum Ball defended, hiding behind his chair.

"Someone has to send you back to earth." Gum Ball joked. " Aher her her. "Marshal faked laugh using his dork voice. "So funny aher her." Then put out his tongue. "I was already okay and then you smack me with an apple. I had no choice your face!" Marshal yelled. =_= "Well sorry." Gum Ball apologized stubbornly, he didn't mind apologizing and admitting his mistakes to others but to him he really hated, Marshal.

"Change of topic." Marshal replied, his own way of saying 'I forgive you…' "Wait you have a girl don't you?" He said, laughing at Gum Ball, putting his feet up at the table like a boss. "Bubba's got a gal huh." He teased. "Your full of nonsense Marshal, you get aggressive and you chuckle it off after an apology?" The sweet teen said, tired at the guy in front of him with the nuts and crackers head of his. In short and in english, messed up. Taking a seat Gum Ball continued the conversation because somehow it seemed fascinating talking about love and a girl that he really like. Wait a go feminine side! "What makes you say?" He asked.

"I asked about reasons of going to school and you tell me about girls, you serious?" Marshal chuckled some more. Pause. "I'm shutting up, were starting to sound like girls talking about guys they like." He said restricting his feminine side to ever appear for once. No not ever, Marshal self thought. "Well actually I like this girl." Gum Ball still continued. "Stop it." Marshal warned. "Why, this girl is very out of the ordinary… She's smart and fun to be with… Her name is-" He tried to continued but was cut off.

"Lalala I'm not listening!" Marshal said looking up at the ceiling. "Real mature." Gum Ball frowned. "Her name is-" "I don't care anymore Bubba." Marshal cut him off again, with a serious tone. "Fionna." But Gum Ball proceeded anyways which made Marshal fall off from his chair.

"Wait- Fionna as in blonde beauty Fionna?" Marshal asked wide eyed, putting his right hand on the table to stand up and then meet the smiling Gum Ball who snapped his fingers. "You don't do this to me Ben Gum Ball Scotch." Marshal stated, now taking a seat and putting himself near the table. "I knew it, you still like her?" Gum Ball confirmed. "No I don't and what do you- I mean how did you found her?" Marshal said clenching his fist. "I didn't." Gum Ball laughed.

"I heard her name in your dreams." This caused Marhsal to fall off of his chair again then stood up eyes wide open. "What dreams?" He asked, kneeling at the table, grabbing a bit of Gum Ball's sweater. "You talk in your sleep sometimes." Gum Ball said, slapping the raven- haired teen's hands off of his white- knitted sweater Butter Scotch made during last year's Winter Season. "You said something about her being all smart and pretty, seems to me that this girl was your first love." He teased; he liked the way Marshal was at his edge like pay back was on his side. "Shut up." Marshal said, letting go of Gum Ball's sweater and proceeding to his chair before the mother of the house throws Webster from random whereabouts.

"I was joking, I know you and Ashley-" Gum Ball tried to explain. "My wifey Ashley." Marshal corrected."Right." Gum Ball nodded considerately. "But being your friend I just got curious." He said. "I've never seen you so flustered." Gum Ball added.

Then Marshal looked back at his lap top then continued typing. "She left to study in Japan and I never saw her since then…" He said, finally finishing his soda bottle and throwing at a trashcan nearby, without glancing and made a three pointer shot to the container. "Oh… That is too bad." Gum Ball nodded. "Well maybe the three reasons left is a chance to meet her again? Reunite and revive lost feelings, and be together?" He said giving him hope. "Pfft." Marshal bends his right hand, "Where have I heard that?" He said now pausing for a second in typing. 'Yeah from me.'

He frowned knowing he already gave up one the idea of seeing his first love years ago. "Aww cheer up Lee, who knows." Gum Ball tried to cheer his now distant minded friend. "Who cares?" Marshal replied. "Care Bears!" Gum Ball smiled, which made Marshal feel awkward. "What?" Marshal dead panned. "I said: Care Bears!" Gum Ball repeated smiling wider which made Marhsal a bit irked. "Again what?"


Okaay so here are the additional characters so far

Butter Scotch as Gum Ball's mother

Hana Abadeer as Marshal Lee's mom

Marc Klein Abedeer as Marhsal Lee's older brother.

I added these characters because they will play an important role in the near future.

If you're confused with what I did to the characters then let me explain.

First, Marceline, Marc, and Marshal are siblings and children of a very rich family who owns an Entertainment Company while Jake, Cake, Finn, and Fionna are siblings too and all heirs to their father's Video Game Company. Second, unlike the Abadeer family where their grandfather (someone I picture as a grumpy old man who puts honor and money first before anything) chose Marceline because she was older than the two. Third, Butter Scotch owns a Candy Factory and a mansion adorned with candy-like designs and called it Candy Mansion. Fourth, it's not like all rooms are occupied but the reason why Marshal and Gum Ball were roommates is because Butter Scotch wanted to make them get along with each other since they've been enemies ever since. Plus Butter Scotch is a loving and sweet mother but when mad she's stubborn and quite violent. Like Mirmo's mother. X) Fifth, Jake, Cake, and Finn love Fionna immensely because she is the youngest in the family and I also made Jake and Cake humans. Jake has light brown hair and wears a hat with dog ears and Cake has strawberry blonde hair and wears a hat with cat ears. Sixth, for now Fionna is a nerd with big glasses and wears loose and baggy clothing but will be prettier eventually? Lastly, I do not own Awake- Second Hand Serenade and Adventure Time if I did I could've made Marshal love Fionna cutely and draw flying pancakes with laser beams and spell laser with a z all the time! Vote me for president!... XD What am I doing with my life?

Did you like it? Yes? No? If not feel free to tell me why and I will seriously listen to it and be open to all of your comments and criticism positively. If you do like it then thanks a bunch! :*