Disclaimer: The world and characters of Tortall belong to Tamora Pierce, not to me.

Friendship only satisfies for so long.


Kaddar caught her on her way out to market. His mother had directed him there with a haughty sniff. She disapproved of Kally's mingling with the common folk. She disapproved of Kally in general, really.

"Hello," she said cheerfully. She swung the basket in her hand back and forth in time with her brisk walking pace.

"Good morning," he greeted, moving to walk in step with her. "Going to town?"

She raised her eyebrows. "No, dear. I'm heading toward the bay for a swim." Kally looked pointedly back the way they had come.

He laughed and grinned at Kally. Kaddar was irrationally proud of his wife's sharp intellect and sense of humor. "Yes, yes. Would you care for some company?"

"Sure," she said easily. "Always good to have a friend around, right?"

He nodded and ignored the pit-like feeling in his stomach. It had no place being there. Being friends with his wife was exactly what he wanted, more than he ever expected from an arranged marriage allying two rival countries. What more could he ask for?

"Of course," he replied. Kaddar eyed her out of the corner of his lined eye, debating whether or not to grab her hand. But he didn't; somehow it seemed a little too invasive.

Which is silly, he scolded himself, since we're married. But he still didn't reach for her hand.

"Problem?" Kally asked.

He shook his head, then nodded, then shook it again. "Kalasin - I - I've had a dream, a wish, for a while now. It's kind of silly, kind of ridiculous, but still I've been hoping it comes true."

They turned the corner onto Market Square, ignoring the eyes on them.

"What is it?" she said with interest.

He took a deep breath. "I love being friends with you," he said. "But... and I don't know how to say this... could we someday try for more?"

"More?" she echoed.

And then all his subtlety dripped away. "Kalasin, I love you!"

"I love you too," she said easy as you please. "What do you think about these papayas?"

He gaped at her. "What?"

"This fruit," she said, waving it at him. "Can I make dessert with it?"

"Uh, probably." He scratched his head. "Um-"

Kally smiled into his eyes. "We're married," she said in a too patient tone. "Of course we're going to end up in love, if I have anything to do with it. Now come on, I have lots to buy!"

As was becoming his usual, he followed her in a grinning daze.