Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, it would be a crime to do so!

A young boy peeked through the small opening between the door and the wall. His parents were fighting for the fifth time this morning, not that it was unusual, but their shouts were becoming loud enough to break one's eardrums.

He whispered, "Okaa-san?"

The woman and man whipped their head around and glared at the boy. The mother screeched, "What do you want brat?"

The boy shrank back. He hated it when his mother went into her "banshee" modes. Father probably cheated on her again. He didn't want to interrupt, but…

His stomach gave a big rumble.

"I'm hungry."

The mother marched over to the counter, picked up a slice of bread and threw it at the boy. The bread fell short and landed in front of the door. The woman venomously hissed, "Don't bother us until tomorrow! A brat like you can take care of yourself. Right?"

The boy hurriedly nodded, opened the door, picked up the slice of bread, and left quickly. Behind him he could hear his parents arguing.

"Why did you get me pregnant?"

"You're blaming it on me? You're the one who didn't take the birth control pills!"

"You're the one who forgot to wear a condom! I never wanted him!"

"I never wanted him either!"

"I never wanted this marriage!"


The boy clapped his hands around his ears; he didn't want to hear any more. He knew nobody wanted him. Why would anyone want him? According to his father, he was a weak pathetic kid who couldn't take care of himself. Tears leaked out, he wanted to be like the other kids, kids who were wanted.

He didn't feel hungry anymore. He stuffed his slice of bread into his pocket for later and ran out of his house. Anywhere was better than here.

Jiraiya was three.

The boy woke up from the heavy breathing and loud moans next to his room. He was disgusted; it wasn't even afternoon yet, it was nine in the morning.

Ever since his mother left five months ago, his father became more involved in wanton activities and drunken stupors. No, that was understating what that man did. His father, from day to night, except when he had patrol duty, was attached to some cheap whore or completely inebriated.

Then, by some miracle, when he wasn't doing either of his "favorite" activities or work, he would start ranting about how useless his son was to the neighborhood.

The boy snorted. If he was so useless, who washed the laundry, cleaned the house, cooked food, and make sure his "father" came home from drinking? Who?

He couldn't wait until he had his own home, own job, and own everything. As soon as he was old enough not to depend on that man, he was leaving. The first step to achieving his goal was to become a ninja. He couldn't wait until he started the academy tomorrow!

Jiraiya was five.

His dad, a chunin ninja, died from a stray kunai buried into his heart because he was too drunk to notice he was on a training ground with ninja practicing their moves. He was spiteful, selfish, and DISGUSTING.

The boy stared at the portrait of his dad on top of his dad's tomb. Nobody came to his dad's funeral. He couldn't blame them; he was a despicable man. The more he thought about his dad, the more he hated him.

But for some reason, a torrent of tears kept flowing down his face.

He hated that man.

He tried to breathe deeply like the academy taught you to calm yourself down, but it wasn't working. He couldn't stop crying. What was wrong with him?

He started to laugh hysterically.

Tears streaming down his face and clutching his stomach because he couldn't stop laughing, his only thought was, he was alone.

That day, he drank himself to sleep.

Jiraiya was six.

Jiraiya, tied up to a wooden post in training ground three, tried squirming to loosen the bonds, but only succeeded in making it tighter. Why, oh why, did he feel the need to steal those delicious, nourishing bento boxes?! Somehow sensei noticed that he was creeping towards the prizes (bento) for stealing the bells while fighting Oorochimaru.

He'd tried obtaining the bells using a few C ranked fuunjutsu traps, but sensei defeated him without even trying. It's not like he had a chance anyway, he hadn't eaten for almost three days! He was weak… and hungry.

Even in death, his father made his life miserable by leaving huge debts. He had to work where he could day and night to pay for the debts, feed himself, and attend the academy. Nobody helped him because his parents never signed the divorce papers, therefore, the Hokage believed his mother was taking care of him. He supposed that he could've gone to the Hokage and asked for help, but it was wartime. The Hokage probably didn't have the funds or the time to help the likes of him. Besides, he liked living alone; he never wanted to trust another adult ever again.

So there he was, tied up to the pole while his possible teammates sat on either side of him eating a bento. Their sensei told them that they all failed because they didn't get the most important point of this exercise, teamwork. Apparently without it, there was no point in becoming a ninja, but he was willing to give them another chance to fight for the bells after they had lunch. However, if Jiraiya ate any food, they would fail.

Jiraya's stomach growled furiously from the smell of delicious food, but he pasted on a goofy smile and said, "I ate a huge breakfast, I'm not hungry!"

Tsunade grew a tick mark on her forehead. "Nobody can believe your pathetic excuse baka!"

"What ever, flat chest."

"What'd you call me?"

Oorochimaru sighed, "Just give some food to the dead last, we need to pass this test and if he's weak, he's just dead weight. The teacher isn't here anyway."

Jiraiya scowled at Oorochimaru. He wasn't a dead last, he would be one of the top ten if he could study instead of working.

Tsunade grudgingly picked up an egg roll and shoved it in Jiraya's mouth.

Jiraiya mumbled through the food he was chewing, "But he said we'll fail if you feed me."

Tsunade and Oorochimaru snorted.

"Whmat? (What) Jiraiya said from a mouthful of food.

Oorochimaru smirked. "You speak very differently from what your body is doing."

Tsunade and Oorochimaru were putting food one after the other in front of Jiraiya's mouth and Jiraiya was sucking up the food like a black hole.

Tsunade said, "Besides, we're a team! We need to support each other."

Jiraiya stared at Tsunade and Oorochimaru. Maybe depending on others was okay sometimes, as long as it wasn't an adult… aka his dad.

Suddenly, their sensei appeared before them with a furious face. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO FEED HIM! YOU…" Killer intent focused on the three students. Jiraiya's knees buckled from terror.

"PASS!" Tsunade, Jiraiya and Oorochimaru gaped at their sensei. Actually, Oorochimaru only opened his eyes a little more, but his surprise was evident.

They had passed.

Jiraiya was eight.

Leave reviews to tell me if you liked it :D

If you like Jiraiya's pervy side better, read my Jiraiya's new addiction :D