/authors note/


But guys, guess what this is.

Final chapter.

I finished it. This is the end.

I hope you guys enjoyed the lovely sequel, don't worry, you'll be happy at the end of this, I fucking promise.


When Sollux awoke once again, he saw that Karkat had moved slightly away from him, but was still asleep. A sigh escapes him as he lifts up on his forearms, gently easing away from Karkats still form. Slowly standing up, he looks down at Karkat and frowns. Picking him up, he quietly walked him to his room, putting him in his recuperacoon, the yellow-blood sighs and retreats back to the kitchen, stomach growling hungrily.

When he gets there, Jade was already at the stove, preparing some sort of soup. A few of the trolls were there as well, either making their own food or waiting for Jade. Eridan was by the fridge grabbing a drink while Feferi was preparing sandwiches. Aradia looked up from an old archeology book when he walked in, she smiled slightly before returning tp reading.

"Nice to see you awake," Feferi greets warmly, handing him a sandwich, which he accepts gladly and takes a bite out of. Eridan just gives him a glare before moving to wrap an arm around Feferi's waist. Sollux nods in response and silence falls once again. It was so strange for it to be silent, even after all this time, they were still unused to the absence of rants about something completely irrelevant and stupid.

Jade is the one to break the silence, telling them that lunch is ready. They nod and Aradia and Sollux exit to go inform the others of this. John and Dave were already making their way down the hall, with Rose and Kanaya close behind, so they just nodded at each other and continued to tell the others. Sollux alerted Equius and Nepeta, who were of course hanging out together.

Vriska and Terezi were avidly discussing something in their shared room, so Aradia got them, next were Gamzee and Tavros who were also making their way down the hall. That was everyone except...

He was probably still asleep anyway, no use waking him up just for lunch.

The whole kitchen was filled with awkward as they all sat down to eat, there was no getting used to the absence. Silence was reigning supreme again, until a short figure appeared in the doorway and glared at them.

"Well, ooh la la guess who you forgot to invite to the party," He snarls, leaning his weight against the doorframe. After a few seconds of shocked silence, they turned to see a familiar look of hate in his red-tinged eyes.

"Karkat? Weren't you asleep?" John asks hesitantly, always the one to break the moment.

"Considering I found myself climbing out of the green slime of a recuperacoon you shitstain, yes I was fucking asleep, but did any of you think to wake me so I could join you guys on this wonderful mealtime, apparently the answer is a fuck no," He growls.

"Uh, Bro? Do you motherfucking know who we are?" The juggalo asks nervously, staring wide-eyed at him.

"How in the hell could I forget such useless tools such as yourselves, honestly, I would probably be better off forgetting you stupid assholes-" He begins to yell, but is quickly cut off by a tackle hug from Nepeta, and the others quickly followed her example. Soon enough they were all in a large dog-pile, laughter and tears spilling out of them all.

"What the fuck?! Why are you guys doing this?!" Karkat's angered shout was muffled by everyone's laughter and overall happiness.

"You remembered KK! Thatth why," Sollux yells happily in response, and agreements were mumbled. Slowly, they all got off the ground, pulling a flustered Karkat off the ground.

"What do you mean I fucking remembered? Did I forget something?" He asks in confusion. It took a few moments before anyone answered, and when they did, it ended up that everyone explained a different part of the story.

Karkat had remembered, no one knew what had triggered the memories, but they were back. And yet, he couldn't recall the year he spent without his memory, although that wasn't as important, it was a whole year of depression and lost hope, no one really wanted to remember it now.

And here they all were, sitting in front of a movie screen, arguing about what sort of movie they should watch. It was split between horror, action, or a comedy, and their shouts of protest could probably could be heard across the planet.

It's been two years since Karkat forgot, one year since he's remembered, and now here they were.

One happy group of trolls and humans without a single care in the universe.

/Authors Note/

So I honestly wasn't expecting to end it in this chapter, but inspiration came to mind and I decided not to torture you guys anymore, so this is what I did.
I hope the ending wasn't to cheesy or anything, but I hope you seriosuly enjoyed the story!

Thanks to all of the favorites, follows and reviews. 333stepha, AmalyaSoramuni, creativeCaryographer, Cryptvokeeper, D3N1Z3N, ElizabethHoWey, FlaminSpain, KageKitsune96, kuroiyou63, mmkbtk, Obsessivefangirl03, Raiji Magiwind, YuukiSynical

And, I won't see you guys for the next chapter. :')

Disclaimer~ I don't own Homestuck or anything in this story besides the plot~