Hello guys here is my new FanFic that I promise ill finish unlike the last one :( but this one is full of action, Violence and a bit of blood if your up for that sort of thing! :) When there are chapters with Gore in them I will put warnings up so you know so don't worry :) Anyway here is chapter 1 Enjoy :)

Chapter 1: A Rude Awakening

The moons gaze illuminated the village of Berk in the still of night accompanied by a bitter chill and a cool breeze. It was a typical evening in Berk as the Hiccup lumbered himself upstairs into his bedroom where Toothless lay on his stone bed with one eye open, watching his rider walk over to the wooden bed.

"What are you lookin at?" inquired Hiccup gesturing to Toothless.
The night furry just shrugged its shoulders and closed his eyes as he nuzzles his face into its arm.
He pulled a smile at the dragon and climbed into bed. As he lay down he let out a large breath of warm air as he felt all the tension be released from his body.
A few minutes passed before Hiccup finally dozed off and began to dream about the wondrous dragons that Berk was finally at peace with around the island.

Outside, across the ocean, faintly in the distance a boat could be made out amongst all the thick fog. However it was no ordinary boat, it was adorned with a different flag. The flag of the outcasts flapped in the wind as the boat drew ever more close to Berks shores.

"Alvin I see the island up ahead" called Savage as he pointed forward.
"Well well the old island of Berk, this is where we get what we came for and go lads! Stick to the plan, no room for mistakes!" Alvin bellowed at his crew as he walked to the front of the ship.

As the boat caressed the sandy shore of Berk the outcasts hastily jumped off and ran silently towards the village weapons in hand. Alvin and Savage walked to the chief's house where Stoick and his son resided whilst the rest of the outcasts stood ready for their orders in front of villager's houses clasping torches in their hands.

"The little runt won't even know were coming" Alvin said with a grin letting out a low chuckle under his breath. Savage smiled too as they both climbed up the side of the house towards Hiccups bedroom window.

Toothless and Hiccup were fast asleep dreaming peacefully as Alvin and Savage clambered through the window one holding rope and the other a gag rag.
"Right; quick and simple got it savage?" Alvin whispered as he crouched by Hiccups bed.
"Got it"
Savage crept round to the other side of Hiccup, rope in hand with Alvin on the other side grasping the gag rag.
"3...2...1!" they mimed as they both dived at Hiccup binding his wrist and gagging him in the struggle. Hiccup opened his eyes wide and squirmed for his life trying to scream for Toothless but he couldn't hear him. As Alvin and Savage made their way over to the window Toothless began to stir and opened his eyes shaking his head to try and wake himself from the deep slumber. "Alvin! The beast is waking up!" Savage whispered holding Hiccups legs tightly under his arm like a plank of wood.
'Toommflmmess" Hiccup tried to shout but the gag was too tightly tied. Alvin quickly punched Hiccup in the head sending him into a cold unconscious state. "Quick chuck him!" Alvin ordered as they threw Hiccup out of the window. Toothless; now fully awake, dived for the two men who tried to scramble out the window. Savage was out first as he dropped down to Hiccup who lay still on the grassy earth.

"Comon Alvin jump!"Savage tried to hurry up his superior which only earned him an evil scowl from Alvin.

Toothless grabbed hold of Alvin's boot yanking him back in an attempt to rescue hiccup.

"Get off me you useless beast!" Alvin angrily said to the dragon hitting him with his bare hand whilst the other was still clutching onto the windowsill. The boot slowly began to lose grip on his foot and slid off sending Toothless back into the other wall behind him giving Alvin a chance to escape and jump down towards his rider. Desperately Toothless ran to the window trying to squeeze through but failed to do so. He tried scratching at the door but it was locked. However what Toothless could do was alert Stoick.

Alvin and Savage picked up Hiccup and signalled to the other outcasts that the mission was complete. The outcasts proceeded to set light to the houses in the village as screams soon erupted from inside each home.

The outcast's retreated to the boat and quickly set sail for Outcast Island leaving the blazing village in their wake.

"Toothless what's wrong?" Stoick said in a concerned tone as he unlocked the door only to gasp when he saw Hiccups empty bed and Toothless leap past him towards the main door and then outside.
There were obvious signs of a struggle as he inspected the area when he spotted a boot with the initials "A.T"
"Alvin..." Stoick muttered under his breath when he was interrupted by a shrill scream coming from outside.

He rushed to the door opening it to see destruction of the village, houses ablaze, people running around and dragons freaking out with their riders trying to keep them under control.

"Oden's beard! What happened?" He said in disbelief when his old friend Gobber came running over to him shouting random things and throwing information at Stoick extremely fast.

"Slow down Gobber tell me from the beginning"
The breathless Gobber began to steady the speed of his speech.
"Stoick, Alvin and the outcasts have been to the island and have set light to the village!" Gobber said in distress
"They have taken Hiccup" Stoick said in a gruff voice.
"We will get him back Stoick I promise it's just we have to get these fires out!"
"I understand... let's get some buckets of water"

Alvin and the outcasts looked back at their handy work and watched the village burn. They bundled Hiccup onto the middle deck and poured water over him in the hope of waking him up. The water did its job and woke hiccup with a shock to the system. He gasped for hair and locked eyes with his captor. Alvin the treacherous
"What do you want with me Alvin?!" Hiccup questioned loudly.
" We want you to train our dragons Hiccup... whether you like it or not!"
Alvin let out a loud but low laugh as his fellow crew mates joined in making a chill go down Hiccups spine. What has he gotten himself into this time...


So what do you think? please review and I hope you Guys enjoyed the read :)