Chapter Nine

When Viktor woke from a fitful sleep the following morning, it took him a few moments to remember why he was so agitated. And then the memories of the Yule Ball came flooding back to him.

Dancing with Hermione as though they were the only two people in the room; chatting to Cedric and Cho during a delicious meal; Hermione agreeing to be his girlfriend.

It had been a wonderful night, yet it had somehow ended with Hermione having a blazing row with one of her friends and then vanishing. It had been as though the evening she'd had with Viktor hadn't mattered at all.

Viktor sighed deeply and stared at the wooden celling above his head, as if it somehow held the answers to his problems.

He'd been convinced that what he had with Hermione was the real thing. Granted, Viktor's previous romantic experience was limited to one girl, but he was certain that he and Hermione were perfect together.

But now it was clear that she was preoccupied with her male friends, whether it be Harry Potter or the one she'd had an argument with at the Ball.

But as well as being upset that he may have lost a supposed girlfriend, Viktor also had a slightly more selfish reason to not want his relationship with Hermione to end; what if his new found confidence crumbled along with their romance?

Since he had gotten to know Hermione, Viktor had been surer of himself than he'd ever been. He'd stood up to Karkaroff, managed to build a friendship with Cedric, and ignored his father's letters without fear of a reprisal.

Whenever Viktor had been worried about his future, about whether he'd be forced into a Vultures contract, he'd consoled himself with the thought that Hermione would help him stand up for himself.

Now what?

Suddenly Viktor couldn't sit in his cabin any longer. He needed to get outside and let the fresh Boxing Day air clear his head.

He jumped out of bed, quickly dressed and picked up his broomstick.

The Durmstrang ship was as quiet as it usually was in the morning, as Viktor walked along the corridor. There had been trouble last night when Karkaroff had discovered a group of his students attempting to smuggle vodka into the Ball. He'd been furious and had banned the offending pupils from the dance, which of course meant they had just sat in their cabins getting drunk instead. No doubt most of them were still passed out on the floor.

The cold morning air hit Viktor as soon as he set foot on the snow covered ground beside the lake. It was quite simply freezing, but Viktor had flown in much worse conditions than this, and the sky was fairly clear anyway.

He really was a walking contradiction, mused Viktor, as he walked over to the Quidditch pitch with his Firebolt resting on his shoulder. He hated playing professional Quidditch, and yet flying was the only thing which helped him temporarily forget his worries.

As the pitch came into view, Viktor realised with mild surprise that he was not the only person who'd had the idea of going flying before breakfast. Cedric was already on the pitch, weaving in and out of the goal posts.

Cedric landed when Viktor approached, and waved his hand by way of greeting.

'What are you doing here?' asked Viktor, wondering why someone who'd clearly had an amazing time last night would be up so early.

Cedric shrugged, 'I've not been sleeping well, I just can't get my head around that golden egg.'

Upon closer inspection, Cedric did look rather strained. There were grey bags under his eyes that looked in danger of becoming a permanent addition to his features.

'Me neither,' said Viktor truthfully; he'd opened the egg a couple of weeks ago but had promptly shut it when all it did was make a horrible screeching noise.

'How was last night?' smirked Cedric, his expression brightening suddenly, 'You and Hermione looked pretty friendly.'

This time it was Viktor's turn to shrug. He couldn't quite articulate what had happened last night. After all, he didn't even know what Hermione and Ron's argument had been about. All Viktor knew was that whatever was said had caused her to storm off to bed before the Ball had finished.

'Cho said she'd seen Hermione arguing with that Weasley guy,' confessed Cedric, looking somewhat apologetic.

'Yeah,' said Viktor as way of confirmation, 'And then she ran off and I've not seen her since.'

'Wow,' whistled Cedric, 'Why haven't you gone to find her this morning?'

Viktor shrugged again; he wasn't sure if it was pride or nerves that was stopping him going and demanding an explanation from Hermione.

'For God's sake, Viktor!' exclaimed Cedric, 'Just go and talk to her! What's the worst that could happen?'

In Viktor's mind, however, there were numerous horrible scenarios- she could reject him, she could confess that she was dating Ron, she could laugh in his face.

Cedric gave him an impatient look that reminded Viktor briefly of his father during Quidditch season.

'You like her, yes?' asked Cedric, as if talking to a young child.

'Yes,' admitted Viktor reluctantly; he wasn't at all used to discussing his feelings, let alone with another man.

'Well then there's no point waiting around. Go and see her and find out what's going on!'

Cedric said this all very quickly, and with the air of an impatient teacher explaining something very simple to someone very stupid.

'Fine!' exclaimed Viktor, 'Fine, I'll go and talk to her.'

'Good,' said Cedric smugly, 'You don't know what's going to happen next in this Tournament. Imagine if you were killed in the second task and hadn't sorted things out with Hermione.'

Viktor hadn't thought about it that way. He'd never really been a seize-the-moment kind of person, but Cedric's words made sense. The First Task had involved dragons, so who knew what danger lay ahead.

'Right, I'm going in for breakfast,' said Cedric, 'Go and talk to Hermione!'

Viktor watched him walk away and felt some of his resolve disappear with Cedric.

Maybe he'd just have a fly first, like he'd originally planned. Hermione probably wouldn't even be up yet anyway, and even if she was she might be with Potter or Ron.

Making up his mind, Viktor swung his right leg over his broom and kicked off from the hard ground. It was freezing up in the air, but Viktor never seemed to notice the cold when he was flying.

He darted in between the goal posts at top speed, sped around the pitch doing endless laps, and climbed so high above the ground that he was almost level with the clouds.

After an hour or so, however, Viktor could no longer feel his fingers. Accepting defeat, he descended to the ground and reluctantly left the pitch.

He trudged back to the Durmstrang ship for a shower, thinking that after he'd washed there wasn't any other excuse not to follow Cedric's advice.

The ship was still fairly quiet when Viktor climbed back onto it; evidently the effects of last night's vodka were still being felt. Karkaroff was nowhere to be seen either, which was also no surprise since he too had drank copious amounts of liquor at the Ball.

Viktor reached the end of the corridor and pushed open his cabin door, fully expecting the room to be as empty as when he'd left it.

He was wrong, however- Hermione was sitting on the edge of his bed.

Viktor took in the sight of her, feeling rather shocked. Firstly, he'd expected her to still be annoyed by whatever happened last night, and secondly Karkaroff would have a fit if he discovered her there.

'What are you doing here?' he asked incredulously.

Hermione forced a weak smile, which was a rather poor imitation of how happy she'd looked last night. She looked even more put-upon than Cedric, which was definitely saying something.

'I need to apologise for last night,' she sighed.

'Oh,' replied Viktor inarticulately.

Feeling incredibly awkward, he sat down next to Hermione on the bed. A blush crept across Viktor's face as he realised that they were both sitting on his bed, in a deserted room, while everyone else on the ship was asleep.

Viktor shook his head, trying to push certain thoughts from his mind. He cleared his throat, 'So what did you want to talk about?'

'I'm so sorry for what happened last night!' said Hermione instantly; her eyes looked desperately into Viktor's.

'Why did you run away?' he asked quietly, 'I thought you had a good time.'

'I did!' she insisted.

She grabbed Viktor's hand as she said this, as if to prove her point.


Hermione sighed and looked down at the floor, 'But, it was just Ron. He said some stuff…'

She trailed off, leaving them both sitting in silence.

'I do really like you, Viktor,' Hermione continued after a while, 'And I meant what I said last night about wanting to be your girlfriend.'


Viktor couldn't keep the hopeful note from his voice. He realised just how pathetic he was, willing to accept an apology so readily, but he didn't care.

Hermione nodded and smiled at him again; this time her expression was closer to how she'd looked while they were dancing at the Ball.

'But,' she said, taking a deep breath, 'You have to understand that Harry and Ron have been my best friends for almost four years.'

She didn't need to say anything else, because Viktor understood perfectly- Harry and Ron would always come first for her.

Now he just had to decide whether he could deal with this, whether he could accept that Hermione may be his girlfriend but he would not be the most important man in her life.

Viktor looked at Hermione, and took in her smile, her eyes, her beauty. There was only one answer really, and he supposed he had known it ever since he'd first met her in the library.

Without saying a word, Viktor leant forward and closed the space between them. One of his arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her impossibly close against him, while the other tangled in her hair. Their lips met with more passion and enthusiasm than ever before. It was complete bliss, and Viktor knew in that moment that he could cope with Potter and Weasley, he could control his jealousy, as long as he had Hermione.

'What the hell is going on here?'

A thrill of horror washed over Viktor as he straightened up and came face to face with Karkaroff, the latter of who seemed apoplectic with rage.

The headmaster threw a furious glare at Hermione and then jerked his head towards the door, indicating she should leave. Hermione jumped up, gave Viktor an apologetic look and then hurried out of the cabin.

Karkaroff was silent for a moment. Instead he surveyed Viktor with a look of disgust and paced the small room.

Viktor watched his headmaster with a mixture of amusement and nerves. Karkaroff was looking so agitated it was as if someone had been murdered, yet Viktor failed to see how his personal life was any concern of Karkaroff's.

'I have told you before, Viktor, that I don't think that girl is suitable for you,' said Karkaroff, his voice so grave that he may have been at the funeral of a close friend.

'Why not?' asked Viktor harshly, not caring that it was his headmaster he was addressing.

Karkaroff opened his mouth to say something and then clearly thought better of it. Instead he wrung his hands and twitched slightly.

'I have been advised by others that she may not been an appropriate choice,' said Karkaroff delicately, 'that you may be better suited to someone who is your equal.'

'My equal?' Viktor half yelled in outrage, 'Do you mean that because Hermione is Muggleborn she'd not worthy of going out with me?'

Karkaroff's expression showed that he clearly did think this, but he was evidently trying to get at something else as well.

'No,' he said, taking a deep breath as the lie passed over his lips, 'Someone who has as much potential as you career wise, someone…'

Karkaroff didn't get to finish his sentence, however because Viktor suddenly cut him off; a thought had struck him and now everything made sense.

'Did my father put you up to this?' asked Viktor quietly.

'I may have written to him about the girl,' conceded Karkaroff, 'and your father was most displeased.'

'Why?' demanded Viktor, completely outraged that his father's obsession for control now stretched to his romantic life.

'Viktor,' began Karkaroff in a patronising voice, 'you should be with someone who can help your career. There's no point being Bulgaria's Quidditch star if your partner is an obscure Muggleborn.'

Words completely failed Viktor. He'd always known that his father would stop at nothing to advance his son's Quidditch career. Yet now Ivan was actually using Karkaroff as a spy in order to have total control over every aspect of Viktor's life. It was practically psychotic!

Perhaps misinterpreting Viktor's silence to mean that he had taken on board the advice, Karkaroff gave him a half smile and tossed a letter onto the bed.

'That came for you an hour ago.'

Without another word, Karkaroff walked out of the cabin, leaving Viktor in a state of shock and horror.

He was never going to be free from his father. Even if Hermione helped him be brave and stand up for what he wanted, his father would always find a way to regain control. Ivan's involvement with the Vultures, his arranging of interviews, his interference in Viktor's personal life would never stop. He would continue to bully, coheres and argue until he had total control over Viktor.

Something had changed however. Viktor was no longer going to take it all lying down. He was going to go out of his way to challenge his father at every step. He would continue to date Hermione and he would make his own decisions regarding his Quidditch career.

Viktor's gaze fell on the letter Karkaroff had left. He picked it up, fully expecting it to be from his father. Once he'd flicked it over, however, he immediately recognised the extravagant writing of the Vultures manager.

Dear Viktor,

Merry Christmas! I apologise for writing at this time, but I thought it better that we do business before your lessons and the Tournament resume.

I will put it in plain terms Viktor- the Vratsa Vultures are desperate for you to sign a full time contract. I have been in communication with your father, and we have decided that a five year one is the best way to start. Of course once this time is up we are incredibly likely to want to sign you again!

All the hard work is done for you Viktor. All I ask is that you sign the contract which I will forward to you in the next couple of days.

Congratulations, one signature and you will be the Vratsa Vultures' star Seeker!

All the best,

Mr Demidov

Manager, Vratsa Vultures

A smile crept across Viktor's face as he read his manager's words.

So his father had arranged for a five year contract, had he? And all that was required was Viktor's signature.

Well he had other ideas, thought Viktor, as he picked up a quill and began to write a reply.

Hope you liked the chapter. Please leave me a review and let me know if you did (or if you didn't!)

Unfortunately I'm not going to be able to update for two weeks now because I'm about to go on holiday (without a laptop and internet access.) However, I'll try and get the next chapter posted as soon as I'm back.

Until then… write me a review! ;)