~Part of the Mother's Day Updates: 12 Updates One Day - Complete List on My Profile Page~

Different As Night & Day

Chapter One

High society one of glamour and wealth was one that sixteen year old Lorelai Gilmore lived in with her parents Richard and Emily. In this privilege world in which Lorelai was born into but hated with a passion.

Weeks before her debut as debutante during one of her last fitting of her chosen gown for the occasion.

An middle-age seamstress named Debra Green who the Gilmore family used for years asks trying to be polite "Did you gain any weight in the last month?" trying to zip the white gown.

Emily butts in to say to Debra "You must have written down Loreali measurements down in the last fitting for the alternations that was needed to be made" trying to explain away the notion that this gown no longer fits her daughter after the last fitting.

"That must have been the case" says Debra politely trying to agree with her long standing clients.

"Loreali, take that gown off" states Emily impatiently before adding "Bright and early tomorrow we have to find you another gown."

Emily escorts Debra out of the house and leaves Loreali to finish her homework before dinner.

~Different As Night & Day~

After polite dinner conversation that Lorelai had to suffer through. She decides to treat herself to watch one of the movies from her collection. Her chosen movie of the night is Fast Times at Ridgemont High (AN: real movie came out in 1982) which includes a teenage pregnancy.

Right when Lorelai was about to fall asleep for the evening she makes an connection the movie that she watch and her life. As she rushes over to the calendar and moments later she realizes that she was late.

~Different As Night & Day~

The next morning, Lorelai meets her boyfriend of two years Christopher Hayden as they had plans for breakfast that morning.

Inside of the car ride to the restaurant, Lorelai says with concern in her voice "Chris I'm late" hoping that he realizes what she is trying to tell him.

"What do you mean by late?" asks Chris hoping what he is thinking is not the case.

Lorelai says again slowly "I missed my period for the last two months, so we need to buy a couple of pregnancy tests to find out either or not that's the case" knowing there was no point of panicking based on a notion.

A second of silence have past before Chris says calmly as possible for a potential teenage father "We will go to nearby town to buy you a pregnancy test" knowing that they would not that information to get back to their parents until their was something to tell.

When they reach Portland which was about eighteen miles away from Harfford, Chris and Loreali rented a hotel room before going to local drug store to buy her a pregnancy test.

Hours later the couple found themselves in that hotel room with twenty different positive pregnancy tests and galleons of empty juice containers on the floor. Lorelai and Chris returns to the Gilmore residence for dinner with both of their parents.

~Different As Night & Day~

During cocktail drinks before dinner that evening. Lorelai blurts out to her parents and Chris's parents "I am pregnant" leaving the four adults in the room in shock.

A few minutes later and a couple of drinks later. Emily asks Lorelai and Chris "Do you know that its positively true?" hoping by some miracle that a doctor did not tell them the news.

"I took twenty different pregnancy tests which all turn out to be positive" mentions Lorelai before adding "We went to Portland to buy and take these tests, so no one would find out"

"Here is the plan before getting work up over possible anything" begins to say Francine Hayden "Lorelai would go to an OB-GYN in Portland for a blood test and a ultrasound to find out if she's carrying own grandchild. Both Emily and I will accompany her as well"

With those final remarks and plans to schedule a doctor's appointment. Dinner was a silent affair for once without any business talk or DAR talk.

~Different As Night & Day~

AN: Please review because this is my first Gilmore Girls story.